
But defectors say the suppliers have worked hard to foil inspectors , importing battery powered DVD players as well as more easily hidden flash drives .
Also , the animals avoid woody areas where predators are more likely to hide .
Men are more likely to hide surprise and fear while women control disgust , contempt and anger and many other emotions .
White-throated snapping turtles - as well as other turtle species - faced a tricky evolutionary challenge : They 're turtles . Slow of foot and short of weapons , these animals prefer to avoid confrontation by hiding underwater .
The practice proves that the result predicted by the improved Logistic model is more fit for the real production of the oil - gas reservoir , and can provide the reliable theory basis for its reserves management of the oil - gas reservoir .
Every time the wind blew , he wondered what more sinister sound it masked .
Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank .
People who own bitcoins will prefer to hold on to them rather than spend them , because deflation will mean that their stash of bitcoins will buy more real goods in the future than now .