
gēng zhāng
  • change over to new ways;make a fresh start;mend one's ways and change over to new ones
更张 [gēng zhāng]
  • [mend one's ways and change over to new ones] 改施弓弦,重新张设,比喻变更或改革

  • 窍譬之琴瑟不调,甚者必解而更张之,乃可鼓也。--董仲舒《举贤良对策》

更张[gēng zhāng]
  1. 这些人事上的大规模更张,多明显为各不同民族或派别天文学在监中势力消长的具体结果。

    These changes of staff , undoubtedly , revealed the power struggles between different peoples and factions in the Bureau .