
gēng dié
  • change;alternate;alternation;succession
更迭 [gēng dié]
  • [change;alternate] 交换,更替

  • 内阁更迭

更迭[gēng dié]
  1. 但土耳其在处理PKK的问题上已经遇到很多麻烦了,更不用说要卷入政权更迭。

    Yet Turkey has enough trouble coping with the PKK , let alone getting embroiled in regime change .

  2. 直面社会形态更迭的最高难度课题

    The Hardest Topic Facing Squarely the Change of the Social Forms

  3. 政府的更迭导致政策缺乏连续性。

    Changes in government led to discontinuities in policy .

  4. 涨潮和落潮交替更迭。

    The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other .

  5. 四季更迭,周而复始。

    The seasons of the year make a cycle that repeats itself .

  6. 印度近代的公路建设项目不断受到各种因素的干扰,例如国家公路局(NationalHighwaysAuthority)领导权的频繁更迭等。

    India 's road-building programme in recent times has been disrupted by factors such as frequent changes of leadership at the National Highways Authority .

  7. 企业兴衰,潮起潮落,不断更迭。当我们步入21世纪,当中国加入WTO,我们才真正发觉中国企业与世界知名企业的差距是何等之大!

    After entering the 21st century , and joining in the WTO , we have found magnificent gap between the Chinese enterprises and the world famous enterprises .

  8. 美国智库国际战略研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)朝鲜问题专家VictorCha表示,核试验可能反映朝鲜的领导人更迭,即强硬的忠诚派和家族成员逐步接替金正日。

    Victor Cha , a Korea expert at the Center for International and Strategic Studies , said the tests could reflect a leadership transition in North Korea involving hard-line loyalists and family members gradually succeeding Kim Jong-il .

  9. 结论:MCC在体外培养时的细胞形态大小的变化、I、II型胶原表达的更迭等特征与体内MCC从增殖层向钙化软骨层的变化特征近似。

    Conclusion : The changing characters of MCCs in vitro such as cellular shape and size and expression of type I and II collagen are similar to those of MCCs in vivo from proliferating zone to hypertrophic zone .

  10. 在一次盛大的国际会议上,以正式的仪式将美元请下储备货币的神坛,使之让位于黄金或sdr真正的储备货币更迭很可能并不这么具有戏剧性。

    The transition is likely to prove less dramatic than a grand international conference in which the dollar is ceremonially stripped of reserve currency rank and its spurs handed to gold or to the SDR .

  11. 参与该项目的大宇高级职员RichardShin表示,公司对这个印度洋岛国与日俱增的政治风险感到惊讶。但他补充说:我们希望按计划继续推进该项目,不管该国政权是否发生更迭。

    Richard Shin , an official at Daewoo involved in the project , said the company was surprised by growing political risk in the Indian Ocean 's island , but added : We want to continue to pursue the project as planned , whether the government changes or not .

  12. 然而上述结论在某些管理层更迭专家看来却并不意外。

    The conclusion didn 't surprise some succession specialists , however .

  13. 这段动荡的时期目击了多个政府更迭上台。

    This unsettled period saw a succession of governments in office .

  14. 阿富汗驻军的指挥权一再更迭,战略却没有改变。

    Command in Afghanistan is changing , but strategy is not .

  15. 它代表着一种随着岁月的更迭而更加甜美的感觉。

    A kind of sweetness that grows sweeter through the years .

  16. 道教为统治者之间的权力更迭所利用;

    Secondly , Daoism serves the power transfer between different rulers .

  17. 印度政府的更迭,反映了印度选民中人心思变的普遍情绪。

    Thechange of government in India reflects popular sentiments for change .

  18. 各种观念的更迭颠覆着人们原有的想象。

    Changes of different ideas are subverting existing imaginations of people .

  19. 高血压病用药模式的更迭与发展

    The Alternation and the Development of Drug - Therapy Pattern of Hypertension

  20. 政府的更迭导致政策的中断。

    Changes in government have led to discontinuities in policy .

  21. 菲律宾政权更迭的原因及影响

    Causes underlying the change of regime in the Philippines and its repercussions

  22. 随着格雷森国�掌门人更迭即将到来

    As the changing of the guard at Grayson Global appears imminent ,

  23. 世纪更迭与大国关系变化

    Changes in Relations Between Big Powers at the Turn of the Century

  24. 虽然国会已经更迭,但我们的责任并没有改变。

    Congress has changed , but our responsibilities have not .

  25. 竹林的风带来季节更迭的消息。

    Wind in bamboos brings the news of season change .

  26. 但昔日的狂欢如季节更迭。

    But the wine and the song like the seasons .

  27. 美国教学行为研究的发展历史与范式更迭

    The Developmental History and Paradigm Alternation of Teaching Behavior Research in USA

  28. 科索沃地位更迭的进程正在接近尾声。

    The Kosovo status process is reaching its natural conclusion .

  29. 眼下,从某种意义而言,这种租户更迭没什么新鲜的。

    Now , in one sense this rental dance is nothing new .

  30. 再论民营企业中的“管理者更迭”现象

    Deep research on " the administrator renew " phenomenon in private enterprises