
  • 网络pleistocene
  1. 中更新统(层(8-7));

    Middle Pleistocene ( strata 8 & 7 );

  2. 上部不整合造成中更新统顶部至上更新统上部间的缺失。

    The upper unconformity engenders the sediment absence of top middle Pleistocene to top upper Pleistocene .

  3. 中更新统上部的冲洪积沉积(190~220KaBP),气候较暖湿等阶段。

    Alluvial facies of Middle Pleistocene dated at 190 ~ 220 ka BP , with warm-humid climate .

  4. 中更新统上部的河流相与风成相互层(140~190KaBP),气候冷干与温凉半干旱波动;

    Interbed of fluvial and aeolian facies of Middle Pleistocene dated at 140 ~ 190 ka BP , with climate fluctuating between arid-cold and semiarid-warm cool ;

  5. 将费希尔(Fisher)最优分割法引入到临夏盆地早更新统东山组地层孢粉带的划分中,结合地层特征,共划分出了3个孢粉带。

    Based on the characteristic of strata , Fisher best division of ordinal samples was used to divide 3 spore-pollen zones of a early Pleistocene strata in Linxia Basin .

  6. 更新统中部底界对应古地磁布容正向期与松山反向期界线(B/M界线),年龄为0.78Ma;

    The Bottom of the Mid-Pleistocene corresponding to B / M Boundary , age is 0.78Ma ;

  7. 由昆仑山流向塔里木盆地的河流将中&上更新统及更老沉积切割50~100m以上,表明全新世以来的隆升速率是相当高的。

    That rivers flowing from the West Kunlun to the Tarim basin cut the middle to late Pleistocene gravel beds and older sediments to a depth of 50 to more than 100 m indicates a high uplifting rate since the Holocene .

  8. 江汉平原北缘的下更新统

    The lower Pleistocene series on the northern edge of Jianghan Plain

  9. 上海地区更新统承压含水层沉积机制(模式)探讨

    Sedimentary mechanism of the Pleistocene confined aquifers in Shanghai area

  10. 南京仙林地区中更新统红色粘土的磁性地层学特征

    Magnetism stratigraphy of middle Pleistocene red clay in Xianlin area , Nanjing City

  11. 高雄上更新统造礁珊瑚及其地质学上之意义

    Upper Pleistocene reef corals from Kaohsiung ( takao ) and their geological significance

  12. 中更新统黄土一般不具有湿陷性。

    The middle Pleistocene loess has no collapsibility .

  13. 全球上新统-更新统界线层型剖面和点位介绍

    An brief introduction to the global pliocene - pleistocene boundary stratotype section and point

  14. 南海西北陆架的海相更新统下界

    Lower boundary of the marine Pleistocene in northern shelf of the South China Sea

  15. 年代地层单位属中更新统。

    It is middle Pleistocene in age .

  16. 陕西洛川中更新统下部黄土入渗规律研究

    Law of water infiltration of lower part of Middle Pleistocene loess in Luochuan of Shaanxi

  17. 中更新统黄土为不等粒基底胶结结构,存在骨架接触式孔隙,一般不具有湿陷性;

    The middle Pleistocene loess is granule-floor cemented with skeleton touch space and no collapsibility .

  18. 经研究,它产于第四系早更新统砾石层中;

    It deposited in the gravel layer inthe lower Pleistocene , Quaternary ( Q1 ) .

  19. 利用费希尔最优分割法划分临夏盆地早更新统地层孢粉带的初步研究

    A study on distinguishing early Pleistocene spore-pollen zones of Linxia Basin by Fisher best division

  20. 名山&丹棱地区更新统砾石层沉积环境多元信息分析地层砂与砾石粒度比

    The Synthesis Study of the Sedimentation Environment about the Pleistocene Gravel Stratum in Mingshan-Danleng ; formation-to-gravel size ratio

  21. 第四系更新统含水层次级亚系统又细分为下、中、上更新统含水层。

    The Quaternary pore water subsystem can be further divided into upper , middle and lower Pleistocene aquifers .

  22. 地下水主要存在于第四系中,分下、中更新统承压水和中、上更新统微承压水。

    Groundwater mainly was in Quaternary , lower-mid Pleistocene porous tiny pressure aquifer and mid-upper Pleistocene porous pressure aquifer .

  23. 黄海晚更新统表层与全新统底层的沉积相及其界面特征

    Characteristics of stratigraphic boundary between late Pleistocene and early Holocene serieses and their sedimentary facies in the Yellow Sea

  24. 扬州市城区第四纪地层覆盖差异很大,明显分成两个不同的区域:扬州城区西南部仅为全新统和上更新统沉积,厚度较薄;

    There are big differences in the overlay of the Quaternary sediments in different areas in Yangzhou urban area .

  25. 应用洞穴考古成果建立辽东地区中、上更新统标准剖面

    The establishment of standard section of mid and UPPER-PLEISTOCENE Series in Eastern Liaoning using the results of cave Archaeological Studies

  26. 徐州地区上更新统含钙结核粉质粘土胀缩性研究

    Study on the swelling - shrinkage characteristics of the silty clay with calcium - module in Upper Pleistocene in Xuzhou

  27. 结合区内工程对上更新统含钙结核粉质粘土的强度、变形及胀缩性进行测试分析,及时为设计、施工提供地质服务,在此基础上对其工程地质特征做探索性的总结。

    With projects in this district , the strength , deformation and the swelling-shrinkage characteristic of the silty clay with calcium-mod -

  28. 北京市房山区大石河下游上更新统洞穴堆积与地表沉积对比

    Correlation between upper Pleistocene cave deposits and superficial deposits in the lower reaches of the Dashi River in Fangshan area , beijing Municipality

  29. 上海及邻区上更新统上段暗绿色硬土层的沉积特征和年代

    Sedimentary Characteristics and Age on the Dark Green Hard Soil Layer of the Upper Member of Upper Pleistocene in Shanghai and Adjacent Regions

  30. 朝鲜下更新统和上更新统中的沉积矿产(特别是砂金矿床)普查、开发远景很大。

    There is a great commercial potential for prospecting and exploitation of lower Pleistocene sedimentary mineral resources ( particularly placer gold deposit ) .