
  • 网络tutankhamun;TUT;King Tut;tutankhamen
  1. 2008年8月,埃及古文物界的权威们表示,他们已取得了图坦卡蒙木乃伊的DNA标本,并将根据墓中两个尚未出生便夭折的胎儿,来确定他们究竟是不是这位少年法老的孩子。

    In August 2008 , Egypt ` s antiquities authorities said they had taken DNA samples from Tutankhamun ` s mummy and from two fetuses found in his tomb to determine whether the still-born children had been fathered by the boy king .

  2. 毕竟,该博物馆最大的展览是1979年的“图坦卡蒙的宝藏”(TreasuresofTutankhamun),吸引了超过100万观众。

    The museum 's biggest show , after all , was 1979 " s " Treasures of Tutankhamun , " which attracted over a million people .

  3. 碰巧,我在图坦卡蒙博物馆举行的会议上获悉,瑞士一些ETF正打算安装网络摄像头监控金条,以缓解上述担忧。

    As it happens , I was told at the conference in the Tutankhamun museum that some Swiss ETFs are now trying to allay any such concerns by installing webcams to monitor those bars .

  4. 这位埃及法老图坦卡蒙有一副漂亮虎牙。

    King Tut has what Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass calls beautiful buck teeth .

  5. 这里曾是古埃及的权力中心,同时也是古埃及国王图坦卡蒙的墓室。

    It was once the center of Egyptian power , and it 's home to Tutankamun 's burial chamber .

  6. 图坦卡蒙是他那个朝代的最后一位统治者,暗杀死因理论也是基于这一事实。

    Theories that he was assassinated stemmed from the fact that he was the last ruler of his dynasty .

  7. 科学家在图坦卡蒙遍布财宝的墓葬中还发现了两个婴儿的木乃伊,经认定是他的子女。

    Two fetuses found in Tutankhamun 's tomb , which was full of treasure , were identified as his offspring .

  8. 研究人员于本周二称,图坦卡蒙曾患有疟疾、腭裂,以及遗传性骨病。

    On Tuesday , they revealed that he had had malaria , a cleft palate and a genetic bone disease .

  9. 科学家还在寻找纳芙蒂蒂王后的木乃伊,但他们已经认定安卡珊娜曼是图坦卡蒙的妻子。

    Scientists are also looking for the mummy of queen Nefertiti but they have identified Ankhsenamun as Tutankhamun 's wife .

  10. 法老墓内壁上的褐色污点是真菌丛,这说明当时下葬仓促。图坦卡蒙之墓——通称“法老墓”——多年来存在着各种谜团。

    The tomb of King Tutenkhamen - better known as King Tut - has raised many questions over the years .

  11. 哈瓦斯称,还需要进行数月的研究才能揭开图坦卡蒙母亲身份的更多谜团。

    Hawass said it would take several months to reveal more details about the identity of the Tutankhamun 's mother .

  12. 澳大利亚莫纳什大学的学者们对图坦卡蒙王陵的诅咒进行了研究,该陵墓于1923年被发掘。

    Researchers at Australia 's Monash University have studied the curse of Tutankhamun 's tomb , which was opened in 1923 .

  13. 科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。

    Scientists have identified Akhenaten , the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt , as Tutankhamun 's father .

  14. 阿肯纳顿去世后,著名的“少年法老”图坦卡蒙继位,不久阿玛纳城也几乎被荒废。

    The city was largely abandoned shortly after his death and the ascendance of the famous boy king Tutankhamun to the throne .

  15. 令人惊奇的是,人们对图坦卡蒙这位少年法老知之甚少,但一些史学家相信自己已掌握了他真正的死因。

    Surprisingly little is known about the life of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamen , but some historians believe they know how he died .

  16. 进入陵墓的那一刻,卡特的幸运爱鸟(就是这只鸟将卡特带到了国王图坦卡蒙的陵墓)就被一条蛇给吞吃了。

    Upon entering the tomb , Carter 's lucky pet bird , which had led him the place , was eaten by a snake .

  17. 图坦卡蒙亲生父母的身份仍是个谜团。尽管人们确定他的父亲是阿肯纳顿法老,但是对其母亲仍旧一无所知。

    Mystery has surrounded the identities of Tutankhamun ` s own parents : while his father was the Pharaoh Akhenaton , his mother remains unknown .

  18. 而在发掘图坦卡蒙王陵、以及更早以前其它的发掘时,人们还没有这种意识。

    When but in excavates Tutankhamen Wang ling , as well as early before other excavating , the people do not have this kind of consciousness .

  19. 他排除了有关图坦卡蒙和他的父亲患有“马凡氏综合症”,以及另外一种可使胸部更丰满的病症的猜想。

    He ruled out speculation that Tutankhamun and his father suffered from " Marfan syndrome " and another condition that could have led to enlarged breasts .

  20. 对图坦卡蒙法老的木乃伊进行的检测等研究表明,他的父母是同父同母的亲兄妹。1922年,人们在金斯河谷发现了图坦卡蒙的木乃伊。

    Research including tests on the pharaoh 's mummy , discovered in1922 in the Valley of Kings , showed that his parents had been siblings and he had only paternal grandparents .

  21. 关于“赛尼特”的游戏规则,各史学家众说纷纭,不过没有任何人质疑它受欢迎的程度,证据就是涅弗尔塔里王后玩“赛尼特”的场景出现在了画作中,甚至连法老图坦卡蒙的墓室里都有玩“赛尼特”的长桌。

    Historians still debate Senet 's exact rules , but there is little doubt of the game 's popularity . Paintings depict Queen Nefertari playing Senet , and pharaohs like Tutankhamen even had game boards buried with them in their tombs . 4 .

  22. 这位少年法老于9岁时登基,19岁左右神秘死亡。1922年英国考古学家在帝王谷发掘出了图坦卡蒙的陵墓,这在当时也引起了国际上的轰动。

    The tomb of the boy king , who reigned from the age of nine and died under as yet unknown circumstances at about 19 , was unearthed by British archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 , causing an international sensation .