
  • 网络The Library Journal
  1. 十年后,《图书馆杂志》(LibraryJournal)宣布,它是20世纪最好的小说。

    A decade later Library Journal declared it the best novel of the 20th century .

  2. 本章通过参考作者MLIS发表在加拿大图书馆杂志的论文,引用其研究成果,详细介绍研究过程,来证明公共图书馆成功推广阅读疗法的真实案例。

    This chapter through reference author MLIS was published in the Canadian Library Journal Papers , a reference to the research results , detailed study process , to demonstrate the successful promotion of public library reading therapy case .

  3. 2008年《图书馆杂志》文献计量学若干指标分析

    Analysis on Some Bibliometric Indicators of Library Journal in 2008

  4. 这项研究成果刊登在公共科学图书馆杂志上。

    The work is in Public Library of Science ONE .

  5. 1997-2001年《中华医学图书馆杂志》载文著者分析

    An analysis of the authors in Chinese Journal of Medical Library from 1997-2001

  6. 2000&2004年《图书馆杂志》载文及作者的定量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis on the Papers and Authors of in Period of 2000-2004

  7. 《图书馆杂志》2004年载文统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Papers Published in in 2004

  8. 《图书馆杂志》2003年度载文与作者及引文统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Papers , Authors and Quotations of in the Year of 2003

  9. 美国《图书馆杂志》从1992年起每年评选年度图书馆奖。

    From 1992 , Library Journal announces its The Library of the Year award every year .

  10. 在下月即将出版的《普林斯顿大学图书馆杂志》中,有一篇文章的主题就是这篇手稿。

    The manuscript is the subject of an article to be published next month in The Princeton University Library Journal .

  11. 利用文献计量的方法,对2004年《图书馆杂志》所刊载的论文及引文进行了统计分析。

    By using the biblio-metric method , this paper makes statistical analysis on the published papers and citations in in 2004 .

  12. 1982~2002年《图书馆杂志》国外图书情报领域研究论文的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Research Papers in Foreign Library and Information Domain Published in Journal of Library During the Period from 1982 to 2002

  13. 调查和分析了《图书馆杂志》2000&2004年的载文情况、作者的发文次数、所在地区、单位类型等信息。

    This paper investigates and analyzes the information of < Journal of Library > such as the paper publishing situations , the paper publishing times of the authors , the regions the authors belong to , and the types of the units of the authors , etc.

  14. 这项研究发表在《公共科学图书馆》杂志上。

    The research was published in journal Public Library of Science One .

  15. 这项研究成果发表在《科学公共图书馆》杂志上。

    The study appears in the journal Public Library of Science ONE .

  16. 办好《图书馆》杂志繁荣图书馆学术推进图书馆事业发展

    Running the Magazine Library for Flourishing the Academic Research and Developing Librarianship

  17. 这项研究刊登在《科学公共图书馆》杂志上。

    The work is in the journal Public Library of Science ONE .

  18. 他喜欢在图书馆浏览杂志。

    He likes to browse through magazines in the library .

  19. 这一发现已经刊登在《公共科学图书馆》杂志上。

    The finding is the journal PLOS One .

  20. 美国《大学与研究图书馆》杂志及2003年论文简介

    Journal of College and Research Libraries and the Papers Published in This Journal in 2003

  21. 他在《科学公共图书馆》杂志上发表的研究成果表明,事实上这种情况非常普遍,虽然科学家们并不想让世人相信这一点。

    His results , published in the Public Library of Science , suggest it is commoner than scientists would like the rest of the world to believe .

  22. 这项研究成果被发表在科学公共图书馆医学杂志上,研究者认为该发现可能为建立特定肿瘤早期筛查的新方法提供基础。

    The findings , which researchers say could form the basis for a new early detection screen for certain cancers , are published today in the online journal Public Library of Science Medicine .

  23. 图书馆现有这种杂志的最近几期的收藏品。

    The collections of the most recent issues of the magazine are now available in the library .

  24. 这个国际搜寻小游戏的结果不久前发表在《公共科学图书馆生物学》杂志上。

    The results of this international small-game Hunt have just been published in Public Library of science biology .

  25. 在《公共科学图书馆综合》杂志发表的这项研究称比起真正的糖,果蝇实际上更喜欢Truvia甜味剂。

    Most actually seemed to prefer Truvia to real sugar when offered a choice , findings published in the journal PLOS One .

  26. 结果显示这些反射出的图像也许确实对现实中的打击犯罪活动有所帮助,这项研究已经在《公共科学图书馆之一》杂志上发表。

    Turns out those reflected images might indeed be useful for real-life crime fighting , according to the research , published in the journal PLOS One .

  27. 这个图书馆订购四十种杂志

    The library subscribes to 40 magazines .

  28. 这些研究结果发表在12月的《公共科学图书馆:综合》杂志(PLOSOne)上。

    The study results were published in December in the journal PLOS One .

  29. 评论家赞扬了Moran的报告。昨天(2月4日)出版的《公共科学图书馆•医学》杂志的一篇文章讨论了该报告的结果。

    Commentators praised Moran 's report , the results of which were discussed in a PLoS Medicine article published yesterday ( 4 February ) .

  30. 12月1日出版的《公共科学图书馆·医学》杂志的一篇文章说,诊断和治疗巨细胞病毒(CMV)视网膜炎必须成为发展中国家艾滋病病毒基本治疗的一部分。

    Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) retinitis must become part of HIV primary care in developing countries , says an article published in PLoS Medicine this week ( 1 December ) .