
tú piàn liàn jiē
  • pictures linking;drawings linking
  1. 用户以后只能在Twitter上发图片链接,这些链接会重新导向Instagram的主页。

    Users will only be able to post photo links to the social network that reroute to instagram .

  2. 在小部件头部加入一个图片链接,单击此链接可刷新内容区。

    Put an image link into the widget header that refreshes the content area when clicked .

  3. 也有一小博物馆,在看图片链接,这样访问者才会内部的房子了。

    There is also a small museum , where visitors can look at pictures of the inside of the house .

  4. 取回的图片链接回它们的来源论文,允许用户以感兴趣的一张图片开始找到相关的论文。

    Retrieved images link back to their source papers , allowing users to find related papers starting with an image of interest .

  5. 当然有很多显著的不同之处:最明显的一点就是用户可以通过点击图片链接到亚马逊网站上的在售商品。

    There are also some significant differences : Most notably , users can link the products in the photos to the actual items for sale on Amazon .

  6. 要将该图片链接到计算机硬盘上的图片文件,请单击“插入”旁边的箭头,然后单击“链接到文件”。

    To link the picture to the picture file on your computer 's hard disk , click the arrow next to insert , and then click link to file .

  7. 可以将文本,图片,链接保存到免费Evernote帐号中,以便在任何能上网的地点轻松访问。

    You can store text , images , and links into your free Evernote account so that you have ready access to them anytime and anywhere ( with an Internet connection ) .

  8. 他们还能附加视频或图片的链接。

    They can also attach links to videos or photos .

  9. 确保网站不会出现拼写错误,图片与链接都能有效运行。

    ALWAYS check and double-check your site for spelling errors and make sure your images and links are all working properly .

  10. 如果图片是链接图片,则专业印刷服务机构可以在需要时编辑其中的任何图片。

    If the picture is a link , your commercial print service can edit any of the pictures if they need to .

  11. 所有的视图都是不完整的,因为它们包含一些指向图片的链接,而图片没有保存在归档中。

    All the views are somewhat incomplete , as they contain links to graphics which were not saved as part of the archive .

  12. 今早的其他新闻(原文有训练图片的链接):老板回到科尔尼了,刚换了个新秒表。

    In other news this morning Arsene Wenger is back in training , he 's got a brand new stopwatch and he 's going to use it .

  13. 只要有可能,请将图片作为链接插入到出版物中,并确保在将出版物送交给专业印刷机构时包含链接图形。

    Insert pictures into your publication as links whenever possible and make sure to include the linked graphics when you hand off your publication to your commercial printer .

  14. 在某种程度上,家人、同事、职场伙伴以及很多其他人都可以看到我的个人信息和消息更新,因此我只发布相当友善的信息、图片以及链接,因为它们才适宜面向最广大的受众。

    To some extent , my profile and updates are visible to extended family , colleagues , professional connections , and a large number of others , so I post rather benign messages , images and links aimed at the largest common denominator .

  15. 当一组HTML文件包含有一个图片的动态链接时,在文档内的图片可能会不显示。

    When a set of source HTML files contains a hyperlink to an image , one or more other images in the document may disappear .

  16. 另一个常见的特性是rolloverlink,就是当用户将鼠标移到图片或文本链接上时,图片或文本链接的颜色会改变。

    Another common feature was the " rollover link ," where an image or text color of a link would be changed when the user rolled their mouse over it .

  17. spock用户可以添加标签、图片、网页链接,或对已有信息进行投票,以增加其相关度。

    Spock users can add tags , pictures , and Web links or simply vote on existing information to increase its relevance .

  18. 按镜头的图片(或链接),以获得他们的个别审查。

    Click the lens pictures ( or links ) to get to their individual reviews .

  19. 这是一个完整的vb6用户控件,为文本和图片提供了超链接功能。

    A full-blown , vb6-authored , usercontrol-a full-blown , vb6-authored , UserControl that provides hyperlink capabilities to text and images .

  20. 教学大纲,图片库以及其他链接将在网上公布。

    The syllabus , a gallery , and other links will be posted on the World-Wide Web .

  21. 如果你必须使用Javascript的下拉菜单、图片地图、或者图片链接,那么你一定要放置它们的文本链接在页面的某些地方,以便于搜索引擎的蜘蛛抓取;

    If you absolutely MUST use Java script drop down menus , image maps or image links , be sure to put text links somewhere on the page for the spiders to follow .

  22. 将项目的图片插入到您的文档中。图片将链接到

    Inserts a picture of the item into your document . The picture will be linked to