
  1. 申请事项是否属于行政许可事项;

    Whether the application item falls into the administrative license items ;

  2. 督办行政许可事项的处理;

    It shall superintend the handling of administrative licensing items ;

  3. 申请从事的行政许可事项名称;

    The name of the administrative license item the application is made for ;

  4. 不得列举与申请行政许可事项无直接关系的条件和材料。

    Conditions and materials not directly related to administrative licensing items shall not be enumerated .

  5. 因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的;

    The matters under an administrative license are unable to be implemented due to force majeure ;

  6. 实施行政许可事项的条件、程序和期限等规定;

    Stipulations of the conditions , procedures , and time limit of the implementation of administrative licensing ;

  7. 对反映被许可人从事行政许可事项活动情况的有关材料进行书面检查;

    Making written inspections of relevant material reflecting the matters of the licensee participating in the administrative license matters activities ;

  8. 被许可人需要继续从事该行政许可事项活动的,应当重新提出行政许可申请。

    The licensee , who has need of going on with the activity of the administrative license item , shall make a fresh application for the administrative license .

  9. 中国保监会应当在机关网站上,公布行政许可事项以及行政许可申请书的格式文本,方便申请人查询下载。

    The CIRC shall publish the administrative licensing items and the format of administrative licensing application on its official website so as for the applicants to browse and download conveniently .

  10. 文章对我国行政许可的设定事项问题进行深入研究,认为我国行政许可法在行政许可设定事项上态度不坚决,导致行政机关易对行政许可法第12条、13条理解有偏差。

    This thesis makes a further study on the enactment items in our administration permit . It puts forward the idea that we don 't have a determined attitude to the result that the administration organs easily misunderstand item 12 and item 13 in Administration Permit Law .

  11. 中国保监会及其派出机构对行政许可申请进行审查时,发现行政许可事项直接关系他人重大利益的,应当告知该利害关系人。

    If the CIRC or its local offices find that the administrative licensing item is directly related to others'material interests , the interested parties shall be informed .

  12. 行政许可设定是国家机关依照法定权限和法定程序,制定法律、行政法规、地方性法规、行政规章等规范性文件,创设行政许可事项的活动。

    Enactment system of the administrative licensing is a government activity about activating administrative licensing proceedings according to the legal authority and legal proceedings to enact regulatory files such as law , administrative statute , local regulation , administrative rule .