
  • 网络Administrative work;Administration Responsibilities;pure administration
  1. 将ISO9000质量管理体系用于国家机关行政管理工作,是与国际接轨的需要,也是推进政府机关改革的需要。

    It is the need of meeting in line with international standards by applying ISO9000 quality management system to government administration . It 's also the need of advancing the government organization reform .

  2. 中外工商行政管理工作比较研究

    Comparison and Research on Chinese and Foreign Industrial and Commercial Administration

  3. 在这个领域从事未来的行政管理工作。

    Executive jobs of the future are going to be .

  4. 国家行政管理工作人员人们称政府官员是吃皇粮的工作人员。

    Government officials are called working staff paid by the imperial court .

  5. 高等职业技术学院行政管理工作的思考

    On Administrative Management Work in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges

  6. 做好地矿行政管理工作的思考

    On working thought on the administration management in geology and mineral resources system

  7. 矿产资源管理,是各级国土资源行政管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Mineral resource management is a key part of land and resources administration .

  8. 加强基层野生动物行政管理工作的探讨

    Study on Strengthening Terrestrial Wildlife Administrative Management at the Basic Level in China

  9. 体现行政管理工作的现代化。

    Applying the modernization of administrative management work .

  10. 换句话说,他们将邮传管理看作是行政管理工作的一部分。

    In other words , they will post management as part of the administration .

  11. 具有一定的行政管理工作经验。

    I got lot of experiences of managment .

  12. 企业的行政管理工作内容包括行政事务管理、办公事务管理、人力资源管理。

    The administration of enterprises including administrative management , office services management , human resources management .

  13. 强化航道行政管理工作的对策

    Solutions to Strengthening the Channel Administration

  14. 且不说很难找到合适的办公室,而且装修也得花不少钱,同时还涉及繁琐的行政管理工作。

    Offices are hard to find , costly to fit out and involve much tedious administration .

  15. 马拉盖拉的合作伙伴更专注于行政管理工作,而她本人则擅长处理一些生活相关的工作。

    While her partner focuses more on administrative tasks , Ms Malagueira specialises in lifestyle needs .

  16. 作为庞大体系的民营高校要正常运转,行政管理工作起着关键性作用。

    As a huge system of private colleges to normal operation , administration plays a key role .

  17. 论高校行政管理工作的科学化

    On scientific administration at colleges

  18. 通过这些制度,规范了专署的行政管理工作。

    As a result , the administrative work of the administrative supervisory commissioner was standardized through these systems .

  19. 论高等学校行政管理工作信息化构建我国高校内部行政管理新模式

    On the Establishment of a New Mode of Internal Administrative Management in China 's Institutions of Higher Learning

  20. 应当说经过十八年的自我完善,当前的烟草专卖行政管理工作包括行政执法工作均逐步走向规范。

    After 18-year self-improvement , currently the tobacco monopoly administration management including administrative enforcement is approaching standardization gradually .

  21. 国家行政管理工作人员

    Member of state administration

  22. 高校行政管理工作则是高校实现其教学、科研两大社会功能的基础,起着十分重要的保障作用。

    College administration work plays a very crucial role in achieving the social function of teaching and researching .

  23. 本文介绍了如何做好平原地区地矿行政管理工作的体会。

    Some experience to do geological and mineral administration well in plain area has been introduced in this paper .

  24. 由于扶轮社员捐赠来资金的良好行政管理工作,因此我们的基金会被列为最顶尖的慈善机构。

    This places our Foundation in the top tier of charities for sound stewardship of the funds Rotarians donate .

  25. 最后得出结论,完善我国公务员绩效考核机制是一个长期的、复杂的行政管理工作。

    Finally , the paper concludes that the civil servant performance assessment is a long-run and complicated administrative issue .

  26. 行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此了。

    No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becomingly difficult .

  27. 裁判员由已批准的国家裁判员担任、工作人员由主办单位统一委派。国家行政管理工作人员

    The referees are approved by national qualification . The official staffs are accreditation by main unit . member of state administration

  28. 协助总部的行政管理工作,如:电话更新、内部刊物《小珂成长日记》投稿和内部网厦门厂网页的宣传管理工作;

    Coordinate the administrative management task , such as : update telephone , contribution for internal magazine'Care'and maintaining the intranet of CHX .

  29. 本文结合学院行政管理工作实际,从理论上探讨了协调在学院行政管理中的作用、目标、条件、意义及对策思路。

    The paper studies the coordinating function of administration in terms of theory , targets , terms and significance in practical work .

  30. 试析辅导员在民办高校学生管理工作中的作用国家行政管理工作人员

    Trial Analysis of the Part Played by the Counselors in the Student Management of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities ; member of state administration