
  • 网络World Bank Institute;WBI
  1. 世界银行学院表示,研究表明良政治理对于提高援助的效益具有普遍的重要意义,尤其是对于世界银行贷款项目的成功与否具有重要意义。

    WBI says research has shown the importance of good governance for aid effectiveness in general , and for the success or failure of World Bank projects in particular .

  2. 世界银行学院(WorldBankInstitute)前治理局局长、布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)高级研究员考夫曼表示,全球行贿案件数量多年来一直相对平稳。

    Globally , the number of cases of bribery has stayed relatively steady over the years , says Kaufmann , former director of the World Bank Institute who is now a senior fellow at Brookings Institution .

  3. 世界银行学院(en)创新实践部主任AleemWalji补充说,深入当地社区对发挥发展地图的效果至关重要。

    Aleem Walji , manager of innovation practice at the World Bank Institute , added that tapping into local communities is critical to making mapping for development effective .

  4. “我们急需快捷方案,”世界银行学院创新实践处主任AleemWalji表示。

    " The need for fast solutions is urgent ," said Aleem Walji , Innovation Practice Manager at the World Bank Institute ( WBI ) .

  5. 这个游戏是与世界银行学院合作完成的

    This is a game done with the World Bank Institute .

  6. 如果你能完成这个游戏,你将会获得世界银行学院的认证

    If you complete the game you will be certified by the World Bank Institute ,

  7. 此次研讨会是世界银行学院设计的“发展大辩论”的系列活动之一。

    This event is part of a series of Development Debates designed by the World Bank Institute .

  8. 由世界银行学院领导的这个小组将通过网站继续支持采用集体行动,并将报告未来的采用情况。

    Through the portal , the World Bank Institute-led group will continue to support and report upon the use of collective action going forward .

  9. 遍布六个大陆的的许多国家取得的进展是“令人振奋的消息,”世界银行学院全球治理局局长、报告作者之一丹尼尔.考夫曼说。

    The gains in countries straddling all six continents are " hopeful news ," according to study co-author Daniel Kaufmann , Director of Global Governance at the WBI .

  10. 中国水利部及世界银行经济发展学院合作举办中国江河多目标开发经济政策高级研讨班

    Economic Development Institute of the world bank and Ministry of water resources of China cosponsoring : the senior policy seminar on multipurpose river-basin development ( mrd ) in China