
  • 网络New Seven Wonders of the World;New Seven Wonders;New 7 wonders
  1. 奇妙的历史、令人产生无限遐想的各种谜团和引人入胜的自然奇观,使马丘比丘古城成为世界新七大奇迹之一。

    The combination of the history , mystery and natural wonder of Machu Picchu make it one of the new Seven Wonders of the World .

  2. 世界新七大奇迹之一是俯瞰巴西里约热内卢城,高105英寸尺的救世主耶酥雕像。

    One of the New Seven Wonders of the World is the 105-foot tall statue Christ the Redeemer overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil .

  3. 该声明是“世界新七大奇迹”在总部瑞士苏黎世公布的。

    The announcement was made at New7Wonders headquarters in Zurich , Switzerland .

  4. 长城跻身世界新七大奇迹之首!

    The Great Wall become the head of the word new seven miracle .

  5. 在网上的民意调查完成后,世界新七大奇迹于葡萄牙宣布花落谁家。

    The seven winners were announced in Portugal after an online poll by New7 Wonders of the World .

  6. 然而,“世界新七大奇迹”称由于初选名单内成员之间可能出现变动,最终结果将于明年年初公布。

    However , New7Wonders said the final results would be announced early next year because there could be changes between the provisional winners .

  7. 北京是世界上最美丽的首都之一。长城跻身世界新七大奇迹之首!

    Beijing is one of the world 's most beautiful capitals . The Great Wall become the head of the word new seven miracle .