
  • 网络mobile service
  1. 空间信息移动服务模式是数字地球平台服务模式的补充,弥补了数字地球平台(G端)移动性不强的弱点。

    The Spatial Information Mobile Services Mode is the supplement of the Digital Earth Platform Mode , which extends the application area of G / S Model .

  2. Uber是按需移动服务这一大类产品的代表。

    Uber is part of a broad category of on-demand mobile services .

  3. 基于MobileAgent技术的空间信息移动服务

    Mobile Spatial Information Service Based on Mobile Agent technology

  4. 基于XML的跨平台移动服务系统研究

    A study of the mobile Web service system based on XML

  5. 在公司级别,Google有几个关注域(FocusAreas)&搜索、广告、应用程序、移动服务、操作系统等等。

    On the organizational level , Google has several Focus Areas – search , ads , apps , mobile , operating systems , etc. .

  6. 采用SOAP作为移动服务的迁移协议可以使移动服务具有更强的跨平台性、移动的灵活性和广泛的适应性。

    Using SOAP as protocol for transferring will give mobile service more heterogeneity , flexible and broad adaptability .

  7. 深入剖析网格服务体系结构及实现方式之后,提出网格移动服务(GridMobileService)的思想。

    After deep research on the framework and implementation of Grid Service , this paper brings up Grid Mobile Service conception . Grid Mobile Service is an extension and supplement to Grid Service .

  8. 但是,这家芬兰集团在中国推出乐随享(ComeswithMusic)服务的行动表明,它正日益致力于移动服务仍处在早期阶段的新兴市场。

    But the launch of the Finnish group 's Comes with Music brand in China signals its increasing focus on emerging markets where mobile services are at an earlier stage of development .

  9. 史密斯说,记住,即便没有移动服务,旧iPhone仍然可以拨打911。

    Keep in mind that the phone can still dial 911 , even if it does not have cellular service , Smith said .

  10. 今年5月,作为引入3g移动服务的前奏,中国监管部门对移动业务进行了重组,形成3家同时拥有移动和固话业务的运营商。

    In May , regulators reorganised the sector into three operators with both mobile and fixed-line businesses as a prelude to the introduction of third-generation ( 3G ) mobile services .

  11. 在英国,新的4G移动服务达不到运营商所承诺的超高速度,而且速度可能还会变慢。

    The new 4G mobile phone services in the UK are not as super-fast as the industry promised - and could get worse .

  12. 沃达丰(Vodafone)今年将首次大举进入电视和宽带市场,而Sky已签署一项协议,拟在明年推出移动服务。

    Vodafone will push aggressively into TV and broadband for the first time this year , while Sky has signed a deal to launch mobile services next year .

  13. 自从中国2009年1月开始发放第三代移动服务牌照以来,三大国有电信运营商加大了资本支出力度,并从各大城市开始,大举铺设3g网络。

    After China handed out licences for third-generation mobile services in January 2009 , its three state-owned telecoms operators cranked up capital expenditure and rolled out 3G networks , starting in major cities .

  14. 高通公司开发的无线二进制运行环境(BinaryRuntimeEnvironmentforWireless,简称BREW)技术,是一套完整的移动服务业务解决方案,可以让手机用户从无线网络上下载并运行新的软件。

    The BREW ( Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless ) technology developed by the Qualcomm is an integrated solution of mobile service operation . The technology made it possible for mobile phone to download and run new software from the wireless network .

  15. adhoc网络移动服务是针对adhoc网络自身特点所提出的一种服务模型,它扩展和丰富了adhoc网络服务的实用性和灵活性,具有重要理论意义和实用价值。

    Mobile Service is a new service model in response to the features of ad hoc networks . It expands and enriches the utility and flexibility of services in ad hoc networks , and has profound theoretical meaning and practical value .

  16. 全球风投公司古德沃特资本(GoodwaterCapital)在韩国进行了大量投资,其创始人埃里克·金(EricKim)表示,韩国人口密度高且相对同质,因此韩国是检验新移动服务的理想之地。

    Eric Kim , a founder of Goodwater Capital , a global venture firm that invests heavily in South Korea , said that the country 's high population density and relative homogeneity makes it ideal for testing out new mobile services .

  17. LBS的移动性、实用性、捆绑性、即时性和个性化的特点,吸引了众多厂商的参与,成为最受欢迎的移动服务之一。

    LBS have many features , such as mobility , practicality , binding nature , immediacy and personalization . All of these features have attracted a lot of companies to develop LBS , and LBS have become one of the most popular mobile services .

  18. 有些将自己重新定位为“移动服务提供者”。

    Some are recasting themselves as " mobility service providers " .

  19. 农业科技信息移动服务系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Mobile Agricultural Science and Technology Information Service System

  20. 我国电子政务网站移动服务可用性研究

    Research on the Mobile Service Usability of the E-government Website in China

  21. 阿里巴巴进军移动服务领域的过程并非一帆风顺。

    Alibaba 's push into mobile-based services hasn 't always been smooth .

  22. 云和移动服务可能会是破解这个难题的良药。

    Cloud and mobile services may provide an antidote .

  23. 基于网格技术的空间信息移动服务架构研究

    Study on the architecture of mobile service of spatial information based on grid

  24. 移动服务供应链的收益分配机制研究

    The Profit Distribution Mechanism for Mobile Service Supply Chain

  25. 移动服务质量的多维多层尺度测量模型构建

    Multi-dimensional and Multi-level Model for Mobile Service Quality Measurement

  26. 支持下一代自适应移动服务中间件的研究

    The Research of a Middleware supporting Adaptive Mobile Applications

  27. 基于任务模型的移动服务可视化设计

    Visual Design of Mobile Service Based on Task Model

  28. 多维多层尺度下移动服务质量测度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Mobile Service Quality based on Multidimensional and Hierarchical Scale

  29. 中间件及其在移动服务网中的应用

    Middleware and Its Applicaton in Mobile Server Network

  30. 移动服务的商品化是否能解决问题?

    Is commoditisation of mobile services the answer ?