
  • 网络mobile intelligent terminal
  1. 基于Android平台的移动智能终端迅速发展,以及云计算的越来越普及,云服务正在得到更大的应用。

    The rapid development of mobile intelligent terminal based on the Android platform , and cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular cloud services being larger applications .

  2. 无线订货基于WIFI无线通讯技术,使用移动智能终端扫描商品条形码,并远程连接总部服务器进行订货操作的系统。

    System based on the WIFI wireless communications technology , wireless ordering the use of mobile intelligent terminal scan product bar codes , and remote connection the headquarters server ordering operation .

  3. 移动智能终端所具有的移动性为移动GIS的发展提供了良好的支持。

    The mobile characteristic of mobile intelligent terminal provides well support for the developing of mobile GIS .

  4. 基于RFID的广义物流中的移动智能终端设计

    Design for the Smart Portable Terminal in Broad-sense Supply Chain Based on RFID

  5. 本论文以TETRA数字集群移动智能终端的语音功能的开发为中心展开研究。

    The thesis is focused on development of voice function for TETRA trunking smart mobile terminal .

  6. 随着智能终端和无线网络技术的迅速发展,面向移动智能终端的数字多媒体业务如视频点播(VoD,Videoondemand)等成为了用户和运营商关注的热点。

    With the rapidly development of intelligent terminals and wireless network , multimedia services for mobile device such as Video on Demand ( VoD , Video on Demand ) have become a focus .

  7. 该系统可以通过网线接入无线WIFI路由器,实现了使用手机等移动智能终端或普通PC通过浏览器在线监测和控制温室环境的功能。

    After plugs into wireless WIFI router , the system can be accessed by using mobile phone and other mobile terminal or ordinary PC browsers , which can monitor and control greenhouse environment function online . 4 .

  8. 在具体的工作中,主要针对一些关键技术,如:系统整体集成技术、PLC与无线移动智能终端的接口技术、无线移动智能终端的收发技术等进行了较为深入的研究。

    In the specific field , this article mainly makes a further research on the whole system integrated technology , the combine technology of PLC and the wireless mobile intellect receiving terminal , and the receiving and sending technology of the wireless mobile intellect receiving terminal .

  9. 该文结合移动智能终端WAP增值应用子系统,介绍了如何采用J2EE技术及其经典设计范式(Model-View-ControllerArchitecture)实现WAP增值应用及一些有关WAP增值应用用户界面设计方面的知识。

    This paper discusses how to use the J2EE technology and its classic design pattern ( Model-View-Controller Architecture ) to implement a WAP-value-added application software , combining the subsystem for the WAP-value-added application with mobile intelligent terminal , and some knowledge about the user interface of WAP-based application .

  10. 随着高清视频、云计算等OTT业务的蓬勃发展,互联网进入大带宽业务时代,移动智能终端的普及又从一定程度上提供了网民随时随地网上冲浪的机会。

    With the rapid development of high-definition video , cloud computing and such OTT business , the Internet has entered the era of high bandwidth services , the popularity of intelligent mobile terminal also enhance the convenience of web-surfing .

  11. 无线移动智能终端在操作考核中的应用

    The Application of Wireless Network and Mobile Intelligent Terminal in Operation Examination

  12. 在这其中移动智能终端扮演了举足轻重的角色。

    In the mobile terminal which plays a pivotal role .

  13. 移动智能终端的蔓延,侧面推动了移动电子政务的建设。

    With the spread of the mobile intelligent terminals , the mobile e-government has been promoted .

  14. 此外,移动智能终端技术的应用解决了物流信息采集的问题。

    In addition , the application of mobile intelligent terminal technology to solve the problems of logistics information collection .

  15. 这个系统由移动智能终端、无线订货程序、无线路由器和订货会管理软件等组件构成。

    This system consists of mobile intelligent terminals , wireless ordering procedures , a wireless router and ordering management software components .

  16. 各种类型的移动智能终端作为未来市场的主流,将成为无线环境中互联网模式下的新的运算平台,来承载对信息的获取,请求及处理等全面的功能需求。

    Mobile devices will be the leading computing platform in wireless internet pattern to access and manage related information or data .

  17. 在这样的潮流当中,学习者作为学习主体,利用各种移动智能终端获得、分享并应用学习资源。

    In this current trend , the learner , as a subject of learning , gains , shares and applies knowledge through smart devices .

  18. 然而,在移动智能终端的应用领域,由于多平台间的流媒体标准差异,该技术的发展面临着瓶颈,国内的相关研究比较缺乏。

    However , for the mobile smart terminals , the technology confronts a bottleneck because of the diversity of streaming protocols between different platforms .

  19. 课题中设计的系统在学校小范围内得以试验,取得了较为理想的效果,对增强现实在移动智能终端上的研究作出了贡献,具有一定的理论与现实意义。

    The system in the paper is tested within the range of school and get ideal results , which makes a theoretical and practical significance .

  20. 移动智能终端将深入社会生活的方方面面,信息从桌面到掌上的过渡是全球发展的一个大趋势。

    Mobile Intelligent Terminal in-depth all aspects of social life , Information from the desktop to the palm of the transition is a major trend in global development .

  21. 移动智能终端的普及和网络技术的成熟,促使了移动互联网智能终端应用的发展,也为移动应用能够有效地利用上下文感知技术,提供更受用户青睐的个性化服务创造了条件。

    The popularization of mobile terminals and the maturity of internet technology facilitate the development of mobile internet smart terminal applications , and create an environment for designers to provide users with more personalized services by utilizing context-aware techniques effectively .

  22. 基于上述分析结果,提出了我国移动智能终端企业在专利战中专利诉讼战略的选择及实施,以期为各企业应对专利诉讼及专利纠纷制定策略提供参考和依据。

    Based on the above analysis , put forward the selection and implementation of patent litigation strategy patent war for intelligent mobile terminal enterprises , in order to provide reference and basis to formulate strategies to deal with patent litigation and dispute for the enterprises .

  23. 随着移动智能终端的普及,移动增强现实也逐渐成为虚拟现实技术领域的一个研究分支,它在工业、产品展示、医疗研究、教育等领域具有广泛的应用前景及发展潜力。

    With the popularity of mobile intelligent terminal , mobile Augmented Reality has gradually become a research branch of virtual reality technology field , and have great development potential in the industry , products , medical research , education , so it has a broad application prospects .

  24. 运用电子信息技术,开发移动手持智能终端临床护理操作考核系统。

    The paperless clinical nursing operation exam system has been developed by the electronic information technologies .

  25. 随着移动互联网和智能终端的兴起,手机阅读软件也蓬勃发展起来。

    With the rise of the mobile Internet and increasing usage of intelligent mobile terminals , the mobile reading software is also developed with diversity .

  26. 随着电子商务的不断扩展,自助终端不仅成为移动业务的智能终端,而且会作为其他各类业务的终端平台。

    With the constant expansion of e-commerce , the Self-assist Terminal not only becomes the intelligent terminal in mobile business but also will be regarded as terminal in other business .

  27. 而无线移动网络与智能移动终端设备的融合,正逐渐颠覆着传统的网络接入模式,可以说计算机网络已进入移动互联时代。

    Smart mobile devices used in wireless mobile networks ( WMNs ) are gradually subverting the traditional mode of network access .

  28. 同时,随着移动通信技术与智能终端的快速发展,移动互联网展现了自身巨大的市场价值与应用前景。

    Meanwhile , with the rapid development of mobile communication and intelligent terminals , mobile internet has demonstrated its great value and application prospects .

  29. 随着移动互联网和移动智能终端的快速发展,移动平台的流媒体业务如手机视频点播等正逐步成为热门应用。

    With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile intelligent terminal , streaming media services on mobile platforms such as video-on-demand are becoming more and more popular .

  30. 随着移动计算和移动智能终端的迅速发展,移动网络数据库作为一种新型数据库系统得到广泛应用。

    Together with the rapid developing of Mobile Computing and the widely use of Smart Device , Mobile Network Database System ( MNDB ), which is known as a new form of the Database System , is being used in more and more applications .