
jù lè bù huì yuán
  • club member;clubber
  1. 南京市业余羽毛球俱乐部会员体育消费行为的研究

    The Research of Sports Consumption of Amateur Badminton Club Member in Nanjing

  2. 我是俱乐部会员,所以我不花钱就能得到票。

    I 'm Da Club member , so I can get tickets for nothing .

  3. 俱乐部会员人数已从70减少到20。

    Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20 .

  4. 会场被3000名俱乐部会员挤得满满的。

    The venue was packed with 3 000 clubbers .

  5. 俱乐部会员数量突然增加。

    There has been a sudden growth in membership of the club .

  6. 我必须延续我的航海俱乐部会员的资格。

    I must renew my membership of the sailing club .

  7. 他们吸收他为俱乐部会员。

    They enroll him as a member of the club .

  8. 它们中只有约20%的gdp来自弱政府俱乐部会员。

    In this group , only about 20 per cent of GDP comes from weak-government club members .

  9. 日本的CEO虽然不乏汽车、房产以及俱乐部会员等福利,但是他们的薪酬通常远远低于西方同行。

    Japanese CEOs are usually paid far less in salary than western counterparts , though their compensation often includes perks such as cars , houses and club memberships .

  10. Enroll登记,参加秘书登记了我们的名字.这所学校将于八月份招收新生.他们将我们吸收为该俱乐部会员.她儿子于两三年前应募入伍.

    The secretary enrolled our names . The school will enroll new students in August . They enrolled us as members of the club . Her son was enrolled for military service a couple of years ago .

  11. 特威迪表示,文化俱乐部会员将从“有钱没时间”的商业人士中选取,他们会参加斐列兹(frieze)或巴塞尔(artbasel)等艺术博览会,但并不总是知道如何捐赠。

    Mr Tweedy said that culture house members would be drawn from the same pool of " cash-rich , time-poor " business figures who attend art fairs such as frieze or Art Basel but who did not always know how to give .

  12. 俱乐部会员的Angie所说:在这个个人品牌的时代,判断一个人的品牌价值和生活方式,看看他去什么俱乐部,是个简便的办法。

    P54-P55 , The clubber 's Angie says : In the era of this personal brand , judge a person 's brand value and life style , It is a simple and convenient method to see what club he goes .

  13. 俱乐部会员费用或是捐赠可能会花很多钱,这是没必要的。

    Club memberships or donations could be expensive and prove unnecessary .

  14. 对217名健身俱乐部会员身体柔韧性的调查研究

    The Investigative Research on Pliable Quality of 217 Fitness Club Members

  15. 俱乐部会员在逃选发言人这个问题上有发言权吗?

    Will the club members have a voice in choosing the speakers ?

  16. 每年仅有一半的健身俱乐部会员续签会员资格。

    Only half of health club members renew their subscriptions each year .

  17. 给你妈妈办一个特别的俱乐部会员卡。

    Give your mother a membership to a special club .

  18. 高级俱乐部会员卡现在不会在提醒玩家打开它。

    Haute Club Membership Card no longer prompts players to open it .

  19. 俱乐部会员投票通过,会议推迟到下午2点。

    The members of the club voted to adjourn their meeting until 5 p.m.

  20. 遵照你的要求,我们取消了你的俱乐部会员资格。

    FML in conformity with your request we have cancelled your club membership .

  21. 他任命鲍勃为俱乐部会员。

    He nominate Bob for membership in the club .

  22. 他们将我们吸收为该俱乐部会员。

    They enrolled us as members of the club .

  23. 等等你也是俱乐部会员吗

    Wait . Do you belong to the club ?

  24. 续订一份刊物、办理俱乐部会员的延期手续

    Renew one 's subscription to a journal , membership of a club , etc

  25. 三个受害者都持有该俱乐部会员证。

    Our three VICS were all card-carrying members .

  26. 他忘了续交俱乐部会员费。

    He forget to renew his club subscription .

  27. 我的俱乐部会员资格已期满。

    My membership in the club has expired .

  28. 中国职业足球俱乐部会员制现状及其发展规划研究

    On the Present Condition and Development Program of the Membership of Chinese Professional Football Clubs

  29. 大连人的羽毛球运动多是以业余俱乐部会员的形式参与的。

    Dalian badminton movement and more in the form of amateur club members to participate .

  30. 糖尿病俱乐部会员休闲与饮食运动全程指导活动效果分析

    Effect analysis on the whole course of diet and exercise direction to the diabetes clubbers