
shì jiè hé pínɡ
  • world peace;universal peace
  1. 国际世界和平运动组织

    International Movement for Universal Peace

  2. 事实上,根据发展生理学的要求,这段时间应该花在浪漫的幻想,形而上的追问,对全世界和平与公正的辩论上。

    In fact , it is almost a requirement of developmental biology that these years be spent in romantic fancies , metaphysical inquiries , and arguments on universal peace and justice .

  3. 世界和平是最可贵的珍宝。

    World peace is the greatest prize of all .

  4. 他由于为世界和平做出贡献而获奖。

    He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace .

  5. 总统提到了共同致力于世界和平和经济发展。

    The President spoke of a shared commitment to world peace and economic development .

  6. 他们希望联合国发挥更大的世界和平维护者的作用。

    They want the United Nations to play a bigger role as the world 's peacekeeper

  7. 世界和平大会将在日内瓦举行。

    The International Peace Conference will be held in Geneva .

  8. 维护世界和平是我们义不容辞的国际主义义务。

    Maintaining world peace is our unshirkable internationalist duty .

  9. 世界和平和稳定需有中国的积极参与。

    Peace and stability in the world need the active involvement of China .

  10. 那位作家是世界和平的伟大斗士。

    That writer is a great champion of the world peace .

  11. 未来会是什么样子?世界和平会得到实现。

    What will the future be like ? There will be world peace .

  12. 如果我们充满怀疑或愤怒,我们就无法创造世界和平。

    If we are filled with doubt or anger , we cannot create world peace .

  13. 西蒙·戴尔说:"我们努力与自然世界和平共处,"为此他显然已经尽了自己的最大努力。

    Simon Dale says , " We try to live in peace with the natural world , " He has certainly done his best to achieve that .

  14. 中韩合作不仅会成为两国自身发展的加速器,而且会成为地区乃至世界和平的稳定器。

    Cooperation between China and South Korea will not only become an accelerator of their own development , but also a stabilizer to regional and world peace .

  15. 中国将增强自身核安全能力,构建国际核安全体系,支持核安全国际合作,维护地区和世界和平稳定。

    China will continue to strengthen its own nuclear security capability5 , build the international nuclear security system , support global cooperation , and uphold regional and global peace and stability .

  16. 白皮书指出,30年来,中国军队为世界和平英勇出征、砥砺前行,成为联合国维护和平的关键力量。

    Serving on the UN missions for world peace , China 's armed forces have become a key force in UN peacekeeping operations over the past three decades , says the document .

  17. 联合国维和行动为和平而生,为和平而存,成为维护世界和平与安全的重要途径。维和行动给冲突地区带去信心,让当地民众看到希望。

    UN peacekeeping missions were created for maintaining peace . And as an important means of upholding world peace and security , they now bring confidence and hope to the people in conflict zones .

  18. RYAN:“我希望费城老鹰能够进入美国橄榄球超级联赛,希望世界和平。”

    RYAN : " For the New Year , I want the Eagles to go to the Superbowl and world peace . "

  19. 同种基质、不同肥料配比对大花蕙兰品种GH611(世界和平)进行处理。

    The effect of the same matrix and different proportion of fertilizer on variety of Cymbidium hybridum GH611 ( World Peace ) was studied .

  20. 所以,反对超级大国的霸权主义也就是维护世界和平。

    It follows that opposing superpower hegemony means preserving world peace .

  21. 改变了战后世界和平与战争力量的对比;

    Changed the contrast of postwar world peace and war strength ;

  22. 我们正致力促进世界和平事业。

    We are working to advance the cause of world peace .

  23. 论新军事变革对世界和平的影响

    An Analysis of the Influence of RMA on the World Peace

  24. 这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁。

    These local conflict may constitute a menace to world peace .

  25. 米利是教育大使,致力世界和平;

    Millie acted as an educational ambassador for the world peace ;

  26. 我们这种独立自主的外交政策,最有利于世界和平。

    Our independent foreign policy helps greatly to preserve world peace .

  27. 论宗教对话、世界和平与和谐社会

    Reflections on Religion Communication , World Peace and Harmonious Society

  28. 维护世界和平,反对侵略扩张。

    To safeguard world peace and oppose aggression and expansion .

  29. 没有人让你去维护世界和平。

    No one is asking you to solve world peace .

  30. 绝对的世界和平是不可企及的目标。

    Absolute peace in our world is an unattainable goal .