
  1. 他的作品在世界文学史上有很大的影响。

    His works have a great influence on the world literature .

  2. 普希金在世界文学史上一直引人注目。

    Pushkin is a dramatical character in the world literature history .

  3. 《哈姆雷特》在世界文学史上是颗永不衰落的恒星。

    Hamlet was and eternal star in the world literature .

  4. 名著《呼啸山庄》在世界文学史上有独特的魅力。

    The famous novel Wuthering Heights has its special enchantment in world literature .

  5. 论中国文学在世界文学史上的地位

    On the Status of Ch in ese Literature in the History of World Literature

  6. 在世界文学史中,戏仿文学早有记载。

    The parody literature has been in existence in the history of world literature .

  7. 伊迪丝·华顿是一位美国文学史乃至世界文学史上非常具有影响力的美国女作家。

    Edith Wharton is a most influential woman writer in the history of American literature .

  8. 中国的世界文学史写作与世界文学观

    Relation of Chinese Literature with World Literature : Principles in Compiling History of World Literature

  9. 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德是一位在世界文学史上不容忽略的天才女作家。

    Katherine Mansfield is a genius woman writer on the literary history of world not allowing neglect .

  10. 在世界文学史上,莎士比亚的《十四行诗》是经得起历史考验的。

    In the history of world literature , Shakespeare 's sonnets can stand the test of time .

  11. 中国古典诗歌是世界文学史上的一朵奇葩。

    Classical Chinese poetry is one of the most splendid flowers blooming in the history of world literature .

  12. 在世界文学史上,《飘》的文学地位并不高。

    In the history of world literature , Gone with the Wind does not gain very high literary reputation .

  13. 海明威,诺贝尔文学奖获得者,是美国及世界文学史上杰出的作家之一。

    Hemingway is a Nobel Prize laureate , one of the greatest writers in American literature with worldwide fame .

  14. 这不仅在中国文学史上是罕见的,在世界文学史上也是少有的。

    It is unique in the history of Chinese literature and rare in that of the world 's literature .

  15. 只有这样在比较文学视野下编写的世界文学史才能真正适应时代和社会的需要。

    Only by this will the history of world literary meet the demand of our era and our society .

  16. 《哈姆雷特》是一部经典的作品,在世界文学史上占有重要地位。

    Hamlet is a classical work , which plays a great role in the literature history of the entire world .

  17. 在世界文学史上,法国的卢梭是乡土文学创作的先驱。

    In the history of the world literature , Rousseau , a French writer is the pioneer of local literature .

  18. 文学史研究按其研究的对象和范围,可分为国别文学史、区域文学史和世界文学史三种类型。

    There are three types of studies concerning the history of literature : national literature , geographical literature and global literature .

  19. 易卜生和萧伯纳两位著名的剧作家,在欧洲文学史乃至世界文学史上都占据着举足轻重的地位。

    Ibsen and Shaw are two well-known playwrights , and they play decisive roles in the history of European and world literature .

  20. 作为中国文学乃至世界文学史上的一颗明珠,唐诗吸引了无数学者对其进行翻译研究。

    Crowned as the splendid gem in Chinese and world literature , Tang poetry has invited numerous scholars to translate it into English .

  21. 即便是在世界文学史上,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,这位二十世纪英国文学最杰出的女作家也无疑是个掷地有声的名字。

    Even if in world literature history , Virginia Woolf , the most brilliant woman writer in the20th century English literature is undoubtedly renowned .

  22. 变异既是人类富于创造性的审美体验,又是艺术表达,在世界文学史上有着众多经典作品。

    The " heteromorphosis " is both human creative aesthetic experience and artistic expression which had many classics in the history of world literature .

  23. 维克多·雨果是法国浪漫主义文学杰出的领袖和导师,是世界文学史上的巨匠。

    Victor Hugo was the outstanding leader and tutor in Romanticism Literature in France , and was also remarkable in the history of world literature .

  24. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特、艾米莉·勃朗特和安妮·勃朗特是英国乃至世界文学史上焕发异彩的三位女作家。

    Charlotte Bronte , Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte are the three most outstanding and fascinating female writers in United Kingdom and around the world .

  25. 《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉·勃朗特唯一的一部小说,但是仅凭这一部小说便足以奠定她在世界文学史上不可动摇的地位。

    Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte which is alone sufficient to establish the unshakable status in the history of world literature .

  26. 中国的世界文学史类著述强调东西方文学的二元对立,以及东方文学对世界文学的贡献;

    In other words , Chinese scholars emphasize the dualistic opposition of eastern and western literature and the contributions Chinese literature has made to world literature .

  27. 《红楼梦》是中国文学史乃至世界文学史上一朵艳丽的奇葩。

    Compared to rare flower with brilliant hues , A Dream of Red Mansions remains unsurpassed in the history of Chinese literature and even world literature .

  28. 日本平安时代女性文学的繁荣创造了日本文学史乃至世界文学史的奇迹。

    The prosperousness of feminine literature in the Hei An Age of Japan is a miracle in the literary history of not only Japanese but the world .

  29. 奥斯卡.王尔德(1854&1900),这位出生于爱尔兰的英国唯美主义大师,他的作品在世界文学史上占有重要的地位。

    Oscar Wilde ( 1854 & 1900 ), is a great Irish-born English aesthete . His works had an important position in the world 's literary history .

  30. 《简·爱》是英国文学史上一部具有独特意义的长篇小说,在世界文学史上也占有重要的地位。

    The novel Jane Eyre is one of the masterpieces of English literature , which also has an important position in the history of the world literature .