
  • 网络Dark Kingdom;La Bayadere
  1. 消除黑暗王国对主权的威胁主要有两条途径。

    There are two ways to eliminate the threats to the sovereignty from the Kingdom of Darkness .

  2. 请你授予我和我的朋友安全通行证,并派一个向导领我们通过你的黑暗王国。

    Please it you to grant me and my friends safe conduct and a guide through your dark realm .

  3. 黑暗王国的魔怪&试析格拉斯《狗年月》中的神话意象

    Demon in the Dark Kingdom : A Tentative Analysis of the Use of Myths in G ü nter Grass ' Dog Years

  4. 凭着人性来判断,从人民的立场出发,他的文学批评充满阶级斗争气息,号召人民起来推翻顽固的黑暗王国。

    His literary criticism is imbued with a sense of class struggle , arousing the people to overthrow the tyrannical and obstinate Dark Kingdom .

  5. 同性恋文学也在前期铺垫的基础上悄然发展着,不知不觉中走出了自闭的黑暗王国,展现出了欲与异性恋主流派平分秋色的姿态。

    Gay literature which is also quietly developing on the basis of early bedding , imperceptibly gets out of the closed " dark kingdom ", and shows the attitude of a desire has equal shares with heterosexual mainstream .