
  1. 小说评点关注人物的心理描写、人物命名及其寓意,进一步丰富了中国古代小说的评点理论。

    Commentary concerns the psychological description of characters , character names of homophonic and moral , and further enriched the theory of ancient Chinese novel criticism .

  2. 现代派小说对人物的心理描写,深入到了潜意识的层次,这就大大地增强了小说的表现力,从而更真实地再现了人物的心灵。

    The subconscious description is used in modernism novels which not only greatly heighten the expression power of novels but also reflects the characters ' mind more authentically .

  3. 虽然池莉小说创作受到了纳博科夫的影响,但她的作品与纳博科夫相比,在语言的运用、人物的心理描写、环境的刻画以及对小说情节的构思上都显得较为薄弱。

    Although the creation of Chi Li had affected by Nabokov , but compared with Nabokov , in the use of language , the psychological description of characters , the environment portrayed and the arrangement in the plot of the novel , Chi Li have more shortcomings .

  4. 施蛰存是通过显尼志勒才了解弗洛伊德及其理论的,并用弗洛伊德的理论和显尼志勒所擅长的内心独白,将人物的性心理描写到极至。

    Shi Zhechun came to know Freud s theories through the works of Arthur Schitzler With Freud s theories and the inner monologue which .

  5. 茨威格的小说以人物的心理为主要描写对象,通过对各年龄阶段主人公种种际遇的描写,表现了20世纪初欧洲中产阶级的精神状态。

    Stephan Zweig 's novels focus on the description of the character 's psychology , reveals the psychological status of the European middle class in the early 20th century by describing the hero 's experience at his different age .