
  • Character language;peculiar language of character
  1. 戏剧话语角色关系不同,人物语言的使用情况也不一样。

    The use of language is different as role relationships are diverse .

  2. 从翻译美学的角度论小说翻译中人物语言的审美再现

    Towards the Reproduction of Verbal Beauty in Fictional Translation

  3. 谈《百合花》人物语言描写

    Brief talk on the character language description of Lily

  4. 论小说人物语言个性的翻译

    On the Translation of Dialogues in Fiction for Characterization

  5. 会话含义理论指导下的《红楼梦》人物语言的语用分析及翻译

    Conversational Implicature-based Analysis and Translation of Character Utterances in a Dream of Red Mansions

  6. 叙事语言。主要从人物语言的个性化和叙述人语言的风格化两方面阐述。

    The language of narrative contains the character and the style of the language .

  7. 论文学作品中人物语言个性化

    On Speech Individuality of Characters in Literary Works

  8. 而最精彩的还是人物语言。

    But most splendid is the character language .

  9. 从审美效果看文学对话语言翻译&浅析《红楼梦》译本的人物语言

    Literature Dialogue Translation and Its Aesthetic Effect

  10. 从方言语汇的重视及人物语言、叙述语言和描写语言的角度具体分析了阎连科抗争小说的语言特色。

    They will be specifically analyzed in dialects speeches narrative language and descriptive language respectively .

  11. 其中第四个章节对人物语言的研究是本篇论文的重点内容。

    Studies on Characters ' Utterances in Teahouse in chapter four is the core of the dissertation .

  12. 自由间接引语作为小说中人物语言和思想的一种表达方式,发挥着别具一格的效果。

    Free indirect discourse plays a unique and distinctive role in expressing the characters ' speech and thought .

  13. 沙汀的小说叙述性语言明显弱化,人物语言突出,具有较强的戏剧语言特征。

    Sha Ting significantly weaken the language of the novel narrative , character language highlighted , and a strong dramatic language features .

  14. 为了传达原作者的思想以及再现人物语言的艺术性,语用学的思想是不可缺少的。

    In order to convey the author 's intention , and grasp the artistry of character utterances , the theory of pragmatics is indispensable .

  15. 翻译过程中,译者应本着审美等值的原则努力再现小说中人物语言的审美价值。

    Thus , a translator should strive to reproduce aesthetic values of the verbal beauty in fiction with aesthetic equivalence as a guiding principle .

  16. 狄更斯构建语言特色的技巧主要采用了口语化、个性化的人物语言和精确化的叙述语言。

    The techniques of his language features are mainly created by the colloquial and individual personal languages , and his accurate narrative languages as well .

  17. 《红楼梦》语言最特殊、最成功的地方首推人物语言方面。

    In the works of Dream of Red Chamber the most peculiar and successful aspect of language lies in the peculiar language of respective figures .

  18. 建筑艺术影响了人物语言,思想和生活,对于小说表达人道思想,反对宗教压迫起到重要作用。

    Architecture art influence personage language , thought and life , express humanity thought for novel , object to religion oppression and play an important role .

  19. 对出现在人物语言中的俗谚语和叙述人语言中的俗谚语的作用进行分析。

    To appear in the characters of popular proverbs and appear in the narrator in the language of the role of the popular proverb for analysis .

  20. 《史记》亦是中国文学语言的宝库,它把叙事语言和人物语言融为一体,以畅达、自然著称于世,对中国文学语言产生了极其深远的影响。

    Records of the History is the treasure-house of Chinese literary too , it is wellknown that it 's concise fluent and natural and there is important effect .

  21. 对人物语言、动作以及心理活动进行细致描绘,使人物形象更为丰满。

    To the character language , the movement as well as the psychological activity carrys on the careful description , causes the character image to be more plentiful .

  22. 研究鲁迅小说中的人物语言就是要借助语言了解人物形象,把握人物思想,并以人物语言为手段对鲁迅小说进行深刻的体味和探究。

    By exploring the usage of language , we can deeply understand the characters , grasp the character thoughts , and make a deep appreciation to the novel .

  23. 用于分析戏剧人物语言的话轮框架和这一稍做修改的框架中最大的不同就在于第二部分,即话轮长度。

    The major difference between the framework of turn-taking in a drama and the revised one in a play lies in the second aspect of the framework , turn-length .

  24. 本文试从戏剧人物语言的翻译风格的角度,试析著名艺术家、翻译家英若诚先生戏剧翻译作品《推销员之死》的艺术成就。

    From the translation style of the dramatis personae 's language , the author analyzes the artistic achievement of Ying Ruocheng 's translation of " Death of the Salesman " .

  25. 本色只指填词语言自然的艺术风格,主要表现在叙述语言、人物语言、描写语言三方面。

    Natural Color , only in accordance with the language style of composing drama , mainly shows in three gists : indicative language , character tongue , and describing language .

  26. 人物语言既是塑造人物个性化性格的主要手段,又同时担负着展开情节、塑造形象和表现主题的艺术使命。

    As one of the most common and effective methods to figure personality , fictional dialogues also contribute a lot in developing plots , creating characters and revealing the theme .

  27. 对于《茶馆》的研究大部分将重点放在了文学翻译和翻译理论方面,很少有从语用学角度对《茶馆》中的人物语言进行的研究。

    Most researches done before on Teahouse have been focusing on the literature translation and translation theories . There are few analyses of utterances in Teahouse from the perspective of pragmatics .

  28. 语言描写上,《金瓶梅》的人物语言体现出高度的个性化和俚俗化,对话较为激烈,然而内心独白发展不够。

    Third , on the linguistic description ," Golden Lotus " embodies high degree of individuality and vulgar of the character while " The Tale of Genji " is more plain .

  29. 这部小说不仅有着深刻的思想内涵,进步的政治趋势,其艺术形式尤其是人物语言的描写更是引人入胜。

    The novel not only has a profound ideological content and progressive political tendency , but an attractive art form , especially character utterances by which readers are fascinated and moved .

  30. 该片除了拥有强大的演员阵容和扣人心弦的故事情节外,生动贴切、发人深省的人物语言更是其制胜的法宝。

    Besides strong cast and gripping stories , this film also has vivid , appropriate and meaningful utterances . Since the release of this film , it has caused continuous dispute .