
  • 网络plot
  1. 这本小说情节复杂。

    This is a novel with a complicated plot .

  2. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心。

    Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel 's plot .

  3. 他对该城历史的再现是可信的,虚构的小说情节隐念着一些事实作为支撑。

    His recreation of the city is credible , with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction .

  4. 10年前的科幻小说情节如今已经成为现实。

    What was science fiction ten years ago is reality today .

  5. 小说情节从巴黎移到了伦敦。

    The action of the novel shifts from Paris to london .

  6. 比如电影、小说情节、戏剧、新闻等媒体上。

    Are movies and dramas and news and all the media .

  7. 萧红小说情节结构模式新论

    On the Recognition of Xiao Hong 's Novels ' Plot 's Structure

  8. 古代白话短篇小说情节的传奇性

    On the Legend Plot of Chinese Ancient Vernacular Short Stories

  9. 康拉德小说情节研究

    A Study on the Plot of Joseph Conrad 's Fiction

  10. 随着科技曰新月异,许多科幻小说情节无可避免地成为科学事实。

    As technology advances , much of science fiction inevitably becomes science fact .

  11. 小说情节让我留下深刻印象。

    The story made a deep impression on me .

  12. 这听起来倒像科幻小说情节。

    It sounds like a science fiction plot .

  13. 我觉得这部小说情节支离破碎。

    I found the novel too bitty .

  14. 受到主题的局限,小说情节发展主要依靠对话来展开。

    Restricted by such a topic , the development of plots mainly depends on dialogues .

  15. 这部小说情节发展太慢。

    The book lacks pace .

  16. 随着小说情节的发展,我们清楚地看到哈丽特把泰萨和伊莫金的生活当作自己的生活。

    As the novel progresses , it becomes clear that Harriet lives vicariously through Tessa and imogen .

  17. 小说情节曲折,结构谨严,人物形象鲜明,艺术上有了长足进步。

    Thus novels were greatly developed in zigzag plots , reasonable structures , clear characters and artistic features .

  18. 一方面,作者摒弃传统的小说情节,运用碎片化的方式叙述缺失。

    On the one hand , the author abandons conventional plot and offers a fragmentary narration of loss .

  19. 《围城》中的方鸿渐是贯穿小说情节始终的人物,是作品的男一号。

    The fortress is throughout the square hong gradually fiction always characters , is the hero of the works .

  20. 疯癫,作为极端的表现形式,在一定程度上推动了小说情节的发展。

    Madness , as an extreme expression form , pushes forward the development of the plot to some extent .

  21. 它提前给读者以暗示,使小说情节的发展既出乎意料又真实可信。

    It gives hints to the reader in advance and makes the plot develop in a surprising but believable way .

  22. 第三章要分析了其小说情节、物描写、语言等特征。

    The third chapter basically analysis the plots , characters and language art feature of language to final the main text .

  23. 还有一种可能性,则令许多人觉得宛如科幻小说情节:活细胞或其前驱物是来自外层空间。

    The alternative possibility - that living cells or their precursors arrived from space - strikes many people as science fiction .

  24. 传统小说情节结构、悬念、巧合在他作品中连一丝影儿都找不到。

    There is no way to find the plot and structure of traditional novels as well as suspense and coincidence in his works .

  25. 菲茨杰拉德既将音乐与叙事有机地结合起来,使音乐内容成为构成小说情节的有机组成部分;

    He not only combined the music with the narration , making the music content as an organic part of the novel plot ;

  26. 通过对小说情节模式的分类,笔者发现有两个情节结构反复出现&苦难、复仇。

    Plot of the novel mode of classification , I found that there are two recurring plot structure - the suffering and the revenge .

  27. 论文的第三章通过对小说情节模式和作家观照角度的研究,意在揭示小说创作背后的一些深层次问题。

    Chapter ⅲ of the thesis describe the novel scenario models and the study authors point of view , intended to reveal deep-rooted problems behind the creation .

  28. 有不少哈利波特同人小说情节奇异,比如身怀六甲的伏地魔等,水平还都颇高。

    There are plenty of Harry Potter fanfics that explore outlandish scenarios - those featuring a pregnant Voldemort , for instance - and ones of impressive quality .

  29. 这些反独白的表现手法对人物个性,人物意识及小说情节做出了独特阐释,增强了小说的魅力。

    These anti-monologue techniques offer a particular interpretation to the personalities , the consciousness of the characters and the plot , thus enhancing the charm of the novel .

  30. 小说情节往往在对环境和人物心理进行悲剧性刻画中展开,极尽渲染了故事的悲剧审美意蕴。

    The novel plot often carries on in the tragic portray to the environment and the character psychology launches , to the utmost exaggerated the story tragedy is esthetic implication .