
  • 网络Group Stage;group match;group competition
  1. 有十支队伍已经肯定参加小组赛。

    Ten clubs are already certain of Group stage games .

  2. 例如比利时,它的人口不到小组赛对手俄罗斯的1/10,但被认为是一个巨大的威胁。

    Belgium , for example , has less than a tenth of the population of Russia , its rival in the group stage , but is regarded as a far greater threat .

  3. 打赢3个小组赛的冠军最多可以从欧足联拿到3400万欧元奖金。

    The champions can get a maximum of 34 million euros from UEFA by also winning all three of their group games .

  4. 小组赛阿根廷被分在B组,将在6月12日迎战尼日利亚队。

    Argentina plays in Group B , opening against Nigeria on June 12 .

  5. 随着C组另一场小组赛的结束,哥斯达黎加1比1战平土耳其,中国队已经无望进入第二轮比赛。

    Rica 's 1-1 draw with Turkey in group C had ruled China out of reaching the second round .

  6. 本周三,世界杯小组赛C组最后一轮在伊丽莎白港展开角逐。夺冠热门英格兰队以1-0战胜斯罗文尼亚,晋级16强。

    World Cup favorites England advanced to Round of 16 by edging Slovenia 1-0 in their last Group C match in Port Elizabeth of South Africa on Wednesday .

  7. 从去年6月的世界杯小组赛B组英格兰和瑞典的比赛开场十字韧带断裂以来,欧文从来没有为不能踢球而愤怒过。

    Owen has not kicked a ball in anger since he ruptured his cruciate ligament in the opening minutes of England 's group B clash with Sweden in Cologne last June .

  8. 希腊大选前夜,希腊国家队在欧洲杯(EuropeanChampionships)小组赛中意外战胜俄罗斯队,首都雅典陷入狂欢。

    The night before the Greek elections , Athens exploded in joy . The Greek national team had won an unexpected victory at the European football championships .

  9. 尽管如此,哥伦比亚的中场队员胡安·库亚德拉多也在6月14日对阵希腊的C组小组赛中踏上了一双黑色战靴(即使带有一道黄色闪电标志)登场。

    An honourable mention , though , goes to Colombian playmaker Juan Cuadrado , who stepped out in a pair of black boots ( albeit with a yellow flash ) for the Group C clash with Greece on 14 June .

  10. 市场研究机构尼尔森(Nielsen)公布的数据显示,7月22日巴西世界杯美国对战葡萄牙的小组赛家庭收视率为7.3。

    The July 22 World Cup game between the U.S.A. and Portugal earned a Nielsen household rating of 7.3 .

  11. 对参加第17届世界杯足球决赛阶段C组的中国,巴西、土耳其、哥斯达黎加4队6场小组赛主要攻防技术指标进行对比分析。

    Comparison and analysis on main offensive and defensive skills index to six matches in group of four teams , which join the 17th Football World Cup Finals phrase in group C , including China , Brazil , Turkey and Cosa Rica .

  12. 在早期的比赛中,Paul成功的预测了小组赛当中德国取胜加纳和澳大利亚,以及对阵塞尔维亚的失利。

    Earlier in the tournament , the mollusc medium correctly predicted Germany would beat Ghana and Australia in their group D matches and was also right to predict they would lose to Serbia .

  13. 在小组赛期间,当沙特队获罚点球时,中国队门将王大雷问球门后的澳大利亚球童斯蒂芬·怀特(StephenWhite),自己应该往哪一边扑。

    When Saudi Arabia was awarded a penalty kick during their group match , goalkeeper Wang Dalei asked Stephen White , an Australian ballboy who was behind the goal , which way he should dive .

  14. 国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)于9月16日展开小组赛。欧洲的顶级俱乐部将利用这次机会,展示他们夏季斥资引援的成果。

    When soccer 's top international tournament , theChampions League , begins its group stage on September 16 , it will offer a chance for Europe 's top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending .

  15. 国家队需要有力的国际竞争,中国队在小组赛中获胜就已经超出预期了,就如何让足球走进校园,为中国教育部提供咨询的足球顾问汤姆·拜尔(TomByer)在电子邮件中说。

    The national team was in need of a good international competition , and China winning their group has already shattered expectations , Tom Byer , a soccer consultant who is advising the Education Ministry in China on how to introduce soccer into schools , said by email .

  16. 巴西赢得小组赛并挺进16强,本周六即将对战精力充沛的智利。但是,巴西是否能一路到底,最后赢得他们所谓的Hexa,也就是六次世界杯冠军的头衔呢?

    They won their group and they are into the last 16 where they face the exuberant Chile on Saturday , but can they go all the way and win what they call the Hexa - the 6th World Cup title .

  17. 在小组赛阶段,发国内曾一度陷入混乱之中。

    In the group stages , France were in disarray .

  18. 法国队今晚将迎战小组赛的最后一个对手&东道主南非队。

    The French team plays South Africa in its final group game tonight .

  19. 艾琳:为什么主办方会取消循环小组赛?

    Irene : Why did the organizers get rid of the round-robin rounds ?

  20. 我们的下一场欧冠小组赛将在伯纳乌迎战里昂。

    Our next Champions League match will be against Olympique Lyonnais at the Bernabeu .

  21. 要知道,小组赛里我们有六场呢,这才是第二场。

    We play six games in the group and this is only the second .

  22. 阿根廷队在小组赛阶段将迎战希腊、尼日利亚、和韩国队。

    Argentina will face Greece , Nigeria and South Korea in the group phase .

  23. 小组赛所有队员都要填写表格,以呈报必要的个人资料。

    All team members are required to fill in the form with the necessary details .

  24. 2010年,小组赛的24名裁判中只有九名是欧洲人。

    In 2010 , only nine of 24 referees in the group stage were European .

  25. 另外,一些传统强队在小组赛的时候就出局了。

    What 's more , some traditional strong teams were even out in squad match .

  26. 显然我们了解我们即将要迎来的对手,因为在去年的欧冠小组赛上两队就曾经相遇。

    We know about them because we played them last year in the Champions League .

  27. 我和所有这些人的交手记录都很糟糕,但我在小组赛把他们统统打败了。

    I had bad records against all of them and I beat all of them .

  28. 中国队以6胜、1平、1负的战绩在亚洲区小组赛中拔得头筹。

    China topped their Asian group with six wins , one draw and a solitary defeat .

  29. 这意味着他将缺席6月25日巴西对阵葡萄牙的最后一场小组赛。

    That means he will miss Brazil 's last group match against Portugal on June 25 .

  30. 在小组赛之后,我们已经得了9分,不过现在,我们要向前看。

    We have nine points after the group stage , but now we are looking forward .