
xiǎo hào
  • trumpet;small size;fine;my shop;small jail
小号 [xiǎo hào]
  • (1) [trumpet]∶一种管乐器,由一根通常带一个或两个弯的长圆筒形金属管构成,管的终端呈喇叭形,演奏者用嘴唇抵住杯形号嘴通过气流振动而发音

  • (2) [small jail]∶关押要犯的小牢房

  • (3) [small size]∶同类商品、物品中较小的型号

  • 小号中山装

  • (4) [my shop]∶旧时商人谦称自己的店铺

小号[xiǎo hào]
  1. 琼斯有10年没吹小号了。

    Jones hasn 't touched a trumpet in 10 years .

  2. 他的小号演奏独创一格。

    His playing as a trumpet player was quite revolutionary .

  3. 有三种尺寸——小号、中号和大号。

    There are three sizes ─ small , medium and large .

  4. 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract .

  5. 鸡蛋从小号到特大号分成不同等级。

    Eggs are graded from small to extra large .

  6. 把小号字印刷的附加条款全部看过以后再签字。

    Read all the small print before signing .

  7. 小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐研习班。

    Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists

  8. 仪式以一曲嘹亮的小号短曲开场。

    The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets .

  9. 出售的女装有小号、中号和大号。

    Women 's apparel is offered in petite , regular , and tall models .

  10. 那时,他高超的小号吹奏技巧在爵士乐界无人能比。

    At that time , his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz .

  11. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。

    Maurice Murphy , one of the country 's leading classical trumpeters , learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band .

  12. 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的,应有尽有。

    The store sells big ones , small ones , medium ones , or what have you .

  13. 嘹亮的小号声宣告了国王驾到

    A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King .

  14. 这小号音调不正。

    This horn is out of tune .

  15. 为什么有的衣服有超小号和超大号,却从来没有过超中号?

    Why do some clothes come in extra-small , and extra-large sizes , but never extra-medium ?

  16. 重要的问题包括:瓶罐押金的具体金额以及该制度是包括超市中常见的大号饮料瓶,还是仅限于随身携带的小号饮料瓶。

    Key questions are how much deposit should be charged and whether it should apply to large supermarket bottles or just to smaller bottles on the go .

  17. 由于普遍接受的理想身材是苗条而又玲珑有致的“沙漏”型身材,因此很多女性都为了能够穿进最小号的衣服而承受了不少压力。

    Women might feel pressured into being able to fit the smallest clothing size available , due to the prevalence of the ideal of a very slim , hourglass shape .

  18. 如果你在某个地方,没有合适尺寸的电池,可以使用更小号的电池,用铝箔填充空余的空间,这样也行得通。

    If you 're somewhere and you don 't have the right size battery , you can use a smaller battery and put aluminum foil in that extra space and it will still work .

  19. c小调为钢琴,小号与管弦乐队而作的第1协奏曲。

    Piano Concerto No.1 , for piano , trumpet & strings , inc minor .

  20. 小号。我播了一张爵士乐唱片,是他在20世纪50年代录的,叫《KindofBlue》。

    Trumpet . I played a CD of a Jazz classic he recorded in the 1950s called Kind of Blue .

  21. 在MRI机器的大型磁场中无法吹奏小号或萨克斯管。

    You can 't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine .

  22. 新英格兰青年乐团-教堂奏鸣曲第12章,小号E大调末乐章协奏曲,四提琴弦乐协奏曲。

    New England Youth Ensemble – Church Sonata No.12 , Finale from Trumpet Concerto in E Flat , Concerto for Four Violins and Strings .

  23. 他不仅拥有惊人的音乐天赋:写作,打鼓,跳舞,弹吉他,钢琴,小号一切OK,是非常得有才华。

    He not only has amazing musical talent : writing , drumming , dancing , playing guitar , piano , trumpet everything OK , but looks are sprouting very handsome .

  24. 在他的督促下,玛莎百货新的中国零售主管马克·波顿(MarkBurton)已将小号女装摆放在醒目的展示位置。

    M & S 's new head of China retail , Mark Burton was seen moving smaller-sized women 's clothes to prominent display positions .

  25. JimmyAu's男装店备有小号的袜子和小至5码的鞋子,以及样式齐全的服装,从牛仔服到礼服应有尽有。

    Mr. Au carries smaller sock sizes , shoes down to a men 's size five and styles that run the gamut from jeans to tuxedos .

  26. 店主区应钟(JimmyAu)说,关键在于比例&他店里的服装口袋都是小号的,领口和袖筒也都略小一些,裤裆则往上提。

    The key , he says , is in the proportions & his clothes are designed with smaller pockets , slightly narrower collars and sleeves , and higher crotches .

  27. 许多女人都自由自在地接受了性别混淆的时装概念,在奥丁(Odin)、卡德特(Cadet)和多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)购买小号的男装。

    Many women freely embrace the notion of gender fluidity , buying men 's wear in small sizes at stores like Odin , Cadet and Dover Street Market .

  28. 我们想用小号再来击杀一次巫妖王(普通难度),不过这个看起来对我们的DPS是相当巨大的挑战!

    Hopefully we will manage to kill the Lich King with our alt raid in Normal but the DPS requirements seem quite high !

  29. 毋庸置疑,有一天,她在《单身女士》录影带中穿的紧身连衣裤将和米老鼠、福特T型汽车以及路易·阿姆斯特朗(LouisArmstrong)的小号一起出现在史密森尼博物馆的展柜里。

    Someday , surely , her Single Ladies leotard will take its place alongside Mickey Mouse and the Model T Ford and Louis Armstrong 's trumpet in a Smithsonian display case .

  30. 柏林爱乐小号手萨拉·威利斯(SarahWillis)称,2006年,佩钦科凭借指挥巴托克和拉克玛尼诺夫的作品首次登台后,乐手们就开始留意他。

    Sarah Willis , a horn player in the Philharmonic , said that the musicians were quickly drawn to Mr. Petrenko after he made his debut in 2006 conducting works by Bartok and Rachmaninoff .