
xiǎo é jiāo yì
  • Small transaction;penny ante
小额交易[xiǎo é jiāo yì]
  1. 一种安全的Internet小额交易协议分析

    Analysis of a Secure Internet Micro-payment Transaction Protocol

  2. 但Web与移动设备(可能是电子书阅读器、电话、网络或笔记本电脑)的结合就足以实施所有类型的交易,无论是大额还是小额交易。

    But the combination of the Web and mobile devices be it an eBook reader , phone , netbook , or laptop is sufficient infrastructure to effectuate all kinds of transactions , small and large .

  3. 一些小额交易已经达成。

    Some smaller deals are already being done .

  4. 诸如收取订阅费或者办理“小额交易”等的尝试也均以失败而告终。

    Attempts to charge subscription fees or set up " micropayment " schemes have failed .

  5. 几个月来,投资者一直在迪拜物色价格下跌的地产目前已完成了一些小额交易。

    Investors have been circling Dubai for months seeking distressed property sales with some small deals completed .

  6. 腾讯,目前中国最成功的公司之一,其帝国就是建立在这些无数的小额交易之上。

    Tencent , now one of China 's most successful companies , built its empire on countless of these mini transactions .

  7. 但目前移动商务仍以小额交易为主,交易额也仅占总电子交易额很小部分。

    However , micro-payment transaction is the major transaction in mobile commerce , and the turnover of the mobile commerce also forms a little share in that of the electronic commerce .

  8. 该支付系统的最大优点是快。这样一来,报摊、快餐店、咖啡店、停车场之类经常进行小额交易的地方就可以实现简便快捷的支付了。

    The main value of the system is that it 's fast , so small transactions at newsagents , fast-food outlets , coffee shops , car parks and the like can be carried out .

  9. 多哥与中国之间贸易开始于两国建交以前,当时以民间小额交易为主。

    Trade between Togo and china begin very early before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries . At that time most of the trade transactions relies on small amounts business between individuals .

  10. 随着维亚康姆(Viacom)等公司全力巩固其互联网平台、谷歌及雅虎(Yahoo)继续扩大市场,这些小额的交易可能会不断出现。

    Those smallish deals are likely to continue as the likes of Viacom try to strengthen their internet platforms and Google and Yahoo continue broadening their positions .

  11. 因此,以小额开始交易,然后累积你的经验。

    So start small size and accumulate your experience .

  12. 第一章为跨国小额离线交易与进口关税概述。

    Chapter one is the brief introduction of transnational small off-line transaction and import tariff .

  13. 手机支付是以手机作为支付工具和渠道,同时手机可以实现小额支付交易。

    As a tool and channel of payment , Mobile phones can realize small payment transactions .

  14. 第三章为我国跨国小额离线交易进口关税制度存在的问题及完善建议。

    Chapter three is the problems in the customs law of China and proposition to modificafion .

  15. 跨国小额离线交易进口关税问题正是产生于电子商务交易迅猛发展的大背景下。

    The issue of transnational small off-line transaction is resulting from the context of rapid development of Electronic Commerce .

  16. 电脑彩票电话交易系统是一个典型的基于移动通信技术的小额电子交易系统。

    The telephone trade system of computer lottery is a typical small amount electronic trade system based on mobile communication technology .

  17. 基于此,本文欲通过跨国小额离线交易进口关税问题的探讨,提出我国进口关税制度的完善建议。

    Thereafter , this paper discusses the issue of transnational small off-line transaction in order to propose modificafion to current import tariff system .

  18. 随着跨国小额离线交易的增多,现行进口关税制度已经不能适应新形势的发展,亟需针对电子商务的特点做出完善。

    As the current import tariff system can not adapt to the rapid development of transnational small off-line transaction , modificafion must be made .

  19. 该中心设立旨在纠正建设领域不正之风,填补了我市政府投资小额工程交易在监管上的空档。

    The center aims to rectify the unhealthy tendency in the sector of construction and has strengthened the supervision on transactions of small-sum projects invested by the government .

  20. 本章首先分析了我国跨国小额离线交易进口关税制度存在的问题,即免税额度及物品限值偏低;

    First , this chapter discusses the problems in the Customs law of China , i.e.low tax deduction and value lever may hinder the development of transnational small off-line transaction ;

  21. 在电子商务方向本设计在传统网站购物模式的基础上融合和小额商品短信交易功能,实现了全天候、自动化的短信营销。

    In this design direction of e-commerce shopping website in the traditional mode of integration and based on small commodities trading , realizing the function of SMS messages , automation of all marketing .

  22. 文章论述跨境网上解决相关法律机制的具体构建,这将弥补网上解决跨境小额量大交易争议的法律空白,是对电子商务立法的尝试和发展。

    Building a global legal mechanisms of online dispute resolution for cross-border electronic commerce transactions will make up the blank of online solving small amount of cross-border trade , and is try and development of e-commerce legislation .

  23. 尽管如此,小额支付和电子交易仍将在2010年广泛流行。

    Nonetheless , micropayments and electronic transactions are coming in2010 .

  24. 分析了一种基于短消息的移动小额支付平台的解决方案,用于移动电子商务中B2C的小额交易支付。

    A solution to mobile micro-payment platform based on Short Service Message ( SMS ) was described .