
  • 网络settlement;Securities Settlement
  1. 论证券结算客观性风险之法律控制

    To Minimize by Law the Objective Risks in Respect of Securities Settlement

  2. 第一百五十五条证券结算风险基金应当专项管理。

    Article 155 . Securities settlement risk funds shall be under special management .

  3. 日本证券结算公司(JapanSecuritiesClearingCorporation)表示,该公司也在激烈讨论,为任何可能发生的事情做准备。

    Japans clearing house , the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation ( JSCC ), said it was in intensive discussions to prepare for anything that might happen .

  4. 证券结算业务应该像在俱乐部里度过一个有皮特唐(PeteTong)陪伴的夜晚那样。

    The business of securities settlement ought to look like a club night with Pete Tong .

  5. 基于DVP制度的证券结算体系风险控制策略研究

    Risk Control Strategies Study of DVP-based Securities Clearing System

  6. 我国证券结算风险控制与管理

    Securities Settlement Risk Controls and Management in China

  7. 论证券结算制度的设计与实施(下)

    Securities Clearing System : Design and Implementation (ⅱ);

  8. 证券结算公司交收对手众多;

    The security clearing company accepts rivals numerously ;

  9. 第二部分,介绍证券结算系统和证券结算系统存在的风险。

    Second part , introduce the risk that the security settlement system and security settlement system exist .

  10. 由此也在客观上产生了证券结算信用、流动性、操作性和系统性四个方面的风险。

    Objectively , risks arise that are related to the credit , liquidity , operativeness and systematicness of the securities settlement .

  11. 一所非牟利机构,旨在证券结算、交收及存管方面为市场减低风险和成本以及提高效率。

    A non-profit distributing company to reduce risk and cost , and improve efficiency of post-trade processing in the Hong Kong securities market .

  12. 缺乏必要的借贷机制等,是我国证券结算系统本金风险控制面临的主要问题。

    Lack the essential debt-credit mechanism , above all that is the systematic principal risk of security clearing of our country controls the subject matter faced to .

  13. 本公司确认已接纳贵公司为深圳证券结算系统参与人,并自本确认书签发日起生效。

    This is to confirm that we , CSDCC Shenzhen , has accepted yourgoodself to participate into the Shenzhen Securities Clearing & Settlement System effective from the issuing date of this confirmation .

  14. 证券结算风险基金的筹集、管理办法,由国务院证券监督管理机构会同国务院财政部门规定。

    Together with relevant finance departments under the State Council , the securities regulatory body under the State Council shall jointly formulate procedures governing the collection and administration of securities settlement risk funds .

  15. 证券结算支付系统是金融市场基础建设的主要构成之一,证券结算风险也被认为是金融市场系统风险的主要来源之一。

    Security settlement system ( SSSs ) are a critical component of the infrastructure of financial markets . Securities settlement and payment risks are viewed as a source of systemic disturbances to securities markets .

  16. 伦敦金融城面临的最大挑战来自法国和德国支持的欧洲央行(ecb),该行希望将所有负责欧元证券的结算所都驻留在欧元区以内。

    The most pointed challenge to the city comes from the European Central Bank , backed by France and Germany , which wants any clearing house responsible for Euro securities to sit within the eurozone .

  17. 甲方:中国证券登记结算有限责任公司。

    Party a : china Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation limited .

  18. 证券资金结算通信网络安全系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Security System in Securities Settlement System Communication Network

  19. 我国证券登记结算制度及其影响分析

    An Analysis of China 's Securities Registration & Settlement System , as Well as Its Impact

  20. 证券登记结算机构为本办法所指质押物的法定登记机构。

    The securities registration settlement institutions shall be the legal registration institutions for the pledged goods mentioned herein .

  21. 证券登记结算机构不得将客户的证券用于质押或者出借给他人。

    Securities registration and settlement organizations shall not mortgage their clients ' securities or lend them to others .

  22. 第一百四十九条证券登记结算采取全国集中统一的运营方式。

    Article 149 . Registration of securities and settlement of stock transactions shall be centralized and unified in China .

  23. 证券登记结算机构应根据本管理办法制定相应规定。

    The securities registration and clearing institutions shall , in accordance with the related measures , formulate the corresponding provisions .

  24. 证券登记结算机构或者证券公司应当出具书面查询结果并加盖业务专用章。

    The securities depository and clearing institution or the securities company shall give written inquiry results with its business seal .

  25. 第一部分主要是介绍证券登记结算机构的民事法律地位及其职能研究。

    The first part primarily introduces the civil legal status and auxiliary study of the securities registration and settlement agency .

  26. 此外,中国证券登记结算公司还把A股交易过户费下调了大约三分之一。

    China Securities Depository and Clearing , the state-backed clearing house , also cut its transfer fee by about a third .

  27. 第一百五十一条证券登记结算机构应当向证券发行人提供证券持有人名册及其有关资料。

    Article 151 . Securities registration and settlement organizations shall supply the list of securities owners and other relevant information to the securities issuers .

  28. 第十七条合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。

    Article 17 . QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution .

  29. 证券登记结算机构应当按照规定以投资者本人的名义为投资者开立证券账户。

    A securities registration and clearing institution shall , according to the relevant provisions , open a securities account for an investor in his own name .

  30. 证券登记结算机构以风险基金赔偿后,应当向有关责任人追偿。

    After paying compensations from its risk fund , the relevant securities registration and settlement organization shall seek compensations from those who are responsible for the losses .