
  • 网络securities underwriter
  1. 本文在对声誉机制理论进行综述的基础上,从博弈论视角分析了证券承销商声誉机制发挥作用的条件和我国承销商声誉机制缺失的必然。

    This paper expounds the reputation theory and analyzes the condition of underwriter playing the pair in securities market .

  2. 博弈论视角的我国证券承销商声誉机制研究

    The Security Underwriter Reputation in the Securities Market : View from Game Theory Theoretic and Positive Study on Security Underwriter 's Reputation

  3. 证券承销商声誉的理论与实证研究本文以证券发行市场为什么需要证券承销商?

    By answering the question why security issuing market need underwriter ?

  4. 同时,本文的研究结论对于企业在上市时对于证券承销商的选用上也存在着一定的借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , the conclusion of this study would have a certain meaning to companies when they select their own security underwriters .

  5. 在融资活动密集之际,瑞信凭借这一优势,成为许多欧洲机构的首选证券承销商。

    That strength is helping the bank to emerge as the equity underwriter of choice for many European institutions during a time of intensive capital raising .

  6. 发行人于预定发行期间内发行公司债,应全数委托证券承销商包销。

    Where an issuer issues corporate bonds during the expected issuance period , it shall consign an underwriter to underwrite the issuance on a firm commitment basis .

  7. 贝尔斯登股价跌幅也一度高达14%,因市场广泛传言,这家投资银行可能正面临流动性危机。贝尔斯登是抵押贷款担保证券的大型承销商。

    Bear Stearns shares also fell as much as 14 per cent on widespread rumours that the investment bank – a big underwriter of mortgage-backed securities – could be facing a liquidity crisis .

  8. 证券监管效率和承销商声誉基于南方证券麦科特事件的案例研究主承销商声誉与IPO抑价率基于中国A股市场的证据

    The Efficiency of Securities Supervision , and Underwriters ' Reputation Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underpricing as Evidenced from Chinese A Shares Stock Market

  9. 作者通过构建不对称信息结构下的两阶段博弈模型,应用Bayes法则对证券监管者声誉和承销商声誉的动态化以及二者声誉变动的关联性进行了研究。

    Through constructing a two-phase game model under asymmetric information structure , using the Bayes rule , the dynamic changes in regulator 's reputation and underwriter 's reputation and their correlation are researched .