
  • 网络Clients of the Financial Market
  1. 随着我国加入WTO后外资银行的大量涌入,我国的金融市场主体呈现多元化态势。

    After our country acceding to the WTO , a large number of foreign capitals banks pour in . The pluralistic situation appears in the financial market subject in our country .

  2. 货币市场与资本市场是金融市场的主体,要求一体化发展,而我国货币市场和资本市场的分割,使得两个市场相互牵制,难以同步发展,因此,应衔接货币市场和资本市场。

    Money market and capital market are the most important part of financial markets . The division of money market and capital market cannot give impetus to their development .

  3. 在我国,资本市场发展较慢,金融市场的主体仍然是金融机构,因而,金融机构贷款为房地产企业提供了大量的资金来源。

    In China , the marketization degree of capital is lower , financial institutions are still the main body of financial market , therefore , the real estate market capital mainly comes from financial institutions .

  4. 股票市场作为未来金融市场的主体,其对经济增长的影响如何是一个需要讨论的很现实的也是很迫切的问题。

    The stock market as the main body of the financial markets in the future , how it affects the economic growth is still an urgent need in-depth analysis and discussion . Firstly , the introduction raised the issues .

  5. 金融市场中的主体选择行为

    Participants ' Selection Behaviors in Financial Markets

  6. 我国农村金融市场的供给主体主要有正规金融和非正规金融。

    The main bodies of the Chinese rural financial market can be divided into regular finance and irregular finance .

  7. 随着金融市场上投资主体的机构化,金融中介已经成为资产定价中不可忽略的影响因素。

    With the institutionalizing of investment body in financial market , the role of financial institutions in asset pricing becomes more and more evident .

  8. 建立铁路投融资机构,解决铁路进入国内、国际金融市场的合法主体,乃当务之急。

    It is urgent to establish the railroad organization of investment and financing and solve the legal body entering the domestic , international financial market .

  9. 微观上要求衍生金融工具的市场主体规范自身行为和交易策略,建立内部风险管理机制,增强交易透明度,强化安全的结算制度以控制衍生金融风险。

    And marketing bodies should standardize activities and operating strategies from the view of the enterprises in order to control the risk of derivative financial instruments .

  10. 文章在梗概分析理性选择和非理性选择的基础上,指出金融市场中的主体选择行为是理性选择与非理性选择的杂然并存;

    Based on the analysis about the skeleton of rational choice and irrational choice , author point out that the rational choice and irrational choice were coexisting in principal choice behavior in money market .

  11. 作为金融市场的微观主体,中国农业银行不可避免地面临利率市场化的挑战,由于利率水平表现出的不确定性和多变性,利率风险将成为中国农业银行的主要风险。

    As the main micro financial markets , the Agricultural Bank of China will inevitably face the challenges of the interest rate market , due to the level of interest rates showed uncertainty and variability , interest rate risk will be the main risks of Agricultural Bank of China .

  12. 信用评级机构是金融市场的重要参与主体。

    Credit rating agencies are important participators in financial markets .

  13. 短期融资券市场的启动,为金融市场上各个参与主体带来了新的机遇与挑战。

    Short term bond brings opportunities and challengers for each body which participated in it .

  14. 而在金融市场的各个参与主体中,银行无疑是最基础也是最重要的金融机构。

    Undoubtedly , banks are the most basic and important financial institutions in financial markets .

  15. 中国碳金融市场缺少自己的主体性,碳金融市场是一场由西方国家制定规则的游戏,其本质是利用虚拟金融衍生品攫取剩余价值。

    China should be aware of its position in carbon finance market . As a game developed by Western countries , the essence of carbon finance market is to grab wealth by use of Virtual financial derivatives .

  16. 另一方面,作为农村金融市场上的需求主体&农户自身存在的缺陷,导致农户信贷需求的多样化,这与金融机构资金供给的垄断性和业务单一性形成鲜明对比。

    On the other hand , as the demand subject of rural financial market , rural household have their own defects which lead to the diversification of rural household demand , compared with the monopolistic and unitarily of financial institutions fund supply .

  17. 近些年来,我国不断实施多元化的金融发展战略,金融市场主体日益增多,竞争日趋激烈,产品同质化严重,商业银行真正意义上的差异化服务能力渐显不足。

    In recent years , with the diversified financial development strategy adopted by China , there are more players on the financial market , leading to more fierce competition . Severe product homogeneity makes that commercial banks actually cannot distinguish themselves with each other with differentiated services .

  18. 本文通过分析我国金融监管能力的现状以及金融市场主体的成熟程度,认为纯粹型金融控股公司中的银行控股公司更适于成为未来的发展模式。

    Through analysis of Chinese financial supervision capacity , as well as the status of the financial market maturity , the banking-controlled company that is more suitable for future development model .

  19. 通过金融制度创新、培养农村金融市场竞争主体、转换农村金融部门功能、推进利率市场化改革等手段,建立与新农村建设相适应的长效农村金融服务体系。

    Build up a long-term effective rural financial service system suitable for the new-country construction by innovating the financial system , fostering competitive entities in the rural financial market , redefining the function of the rural financial sector , and floating interest rates . 3 .

  20. 我国房地产开发中梗阻环节是房地产金融发展滞后,主要表现在房地产金融市场主体不足,中介机构匮乏,金融支持力度不大等。

    The blocking link of Chinese real estate development is that the real estate financing development is backward it mainly indicates that the main body of the real estate financial market is not sufficient and the intermediaries are deficient and the financial support force is not enough ;

  21. 随着越来越多的个人投资者通过共同基金、养老基金和保险基金等机构投资者的代理投资间接参与金融市场,机构投资者已取代个人投资者成为金融市场的投资主体。

    As there are more and more investors in financial markets investing indirectly through mutual fund , pension fund and insurance fund , institutional investors have replaced the role of individual investors to become the dominant investors in financial markets .

  22. 第二章,回顾近10年金融危机发展历程,介绍与金融传染相关的金融变量、市场主体及其行为。

    The second chapter briefly reviews the course of the financial crisis development during the last decade and introduces the financial variables , the principal market participants and their behaviors which are related to the financial contagion .