
  • 网络financial indicator
  1. 然后选择了研究的代表变量,把国内生产总值GDP作为经济增长的金融指标,把房地产开发完成投资额作为房地产市场发展的指标,把上证综合指数作为股票市场发展的指标。

    Then choose three variables , made gross domestic product as the index of economic development ; made the investment of real estate development as the index of development of the real estate market , and made the Shanghai Composite Index as development of Stock market .

  2. 对于我国银行稳定性影响因素,本文选取了宏观经济指标、金融指标、国际资本流动指标通过Granger因果检验、协整检验进行实证分析,得出国际资本流动对我国银行体系稳定性产生了影响。

    This part has been selected macroeconomic indicators , financial indicators , international capital flows indicators through empirical analysis on the Granger causality test , cointegration test , we found international capital flows on the stability of banking system had a negative affected .

  3. 这些金融指标波动,增加了投资风险。

    These fluctuations in financial index increase the risk of investment .

  4. 1990年,在此前进行的一项研究中,伯南克曾重点研究了正在逼近的经济衰退的金融指标,发现这些指标基本反映了美联储的政策。

    In an earlier study , in 1990 , Mr Bernanke had focused on financial indicators of impending recession , discovering that those measures mainly reflected Fed policy .

  5. 汇率作为用一种货币单位计量另一种货币单位价值的金融指标,随着浮动汇率制成为主流汇率体制,一跃成为日益开放的经济体系中居于核心地位的变量。

    Exchange rate , defined as the ratio of one currency to another , has become a core variance of the economics with the development of float exchange rate regime .

  6. 实证结果表明:部分宏观经济指标和金融指标与国有商业银行脆弱性存在因果关系,其中金融指标对脆弱性的影响程度高于宏观经济指标。

    Empirical results show that causal relationship exists between some macro-economic indicators , financial indicators and the vulnerability of state-owned commercial banks , while the financial indicators have higher impact than macroeconomic indicators .

  7. IMF在近期一份报告中采用了技术含量高于信贷比率的金融发展指标。

    In a recent note , the IMF uses a more sophisticated indicator of financial development than the credit ratio .

  8. 本文运用格兰杰因果检验法,对我国金融发展指标(金融相关率)与经济增长指标(名义GDP增长率)进行实证检验,探究我国的金融与经济增长之间的关系。

    The thesis check out the financial development indicators ( finance relevance rate ) and the Economic growth indicators ( name GDP growth rate ) through Granger Causality Test , probe into the relation between finance and economic growth of our country .

  9. TIGER指标中的金融市场指标受到重创,反映出自今年春季以来、在欧元区和美国债务上限问题久悬不决的情况下,没有快速解决方案出台导致的普遍市场担忧。

    The financial market component of the indicator has been hard hit , reflecting widespread anxiety in markets since the spring and the lack of rapid resolution to the uncertainties hanging over the eurozone and the US debt ceiling .

  10. 重塑金融基准指标的信誉已成为全球监管机构的当务之急,原因是此前的调查曾发现Libor受到了大面积操纵,这一发现曾导致对银行的数十亿美元罚款。

    Restoring the integrity of financial benchmarks is a priority for global regulators after investigations found widespread manipulation of Libor , which has led to billions of dollars of fines for banks .

  11. 在全球范围内,金融压力指标都达到了创纪录的峰值水平。

    Barometers of financial stress hit record peaks across the world .

  12. 建立湖南省区域金融稳定指标体系的研究

    The Research on Building up the Financial Soundness Indicators in Hunan Province

  13. 用金融存量指标对中国金融深化进程的衡量

    The Measurement of China ′ s Financial Deepening Reform by Financial Interrelation Ratio

  14. 中国金融风险指标体系构建与预警研究

    The Research on China 's Financial Risk Indicators System and Early Warning System

  15. 区域金融安全指标体系及其计量模型的构建

    The indicator system of regional financial security and the construction of econometric models

  16. 区域金融竞争力指标体系构建

    Construction for indicator system of regional finance competitiveness

  17. 金融发展指标的演进逻辑及对中国的启示

    The Evolutional Logic of the Indicators of Finance Development and Its Inspiration to China

  18. 零点调查:2005年度金融服务指标性品牌评选揭晓

    Results of 2005 Financial Service Brands Selection Announced

  19. 金融发展指标M/GDP与经济增长率呈负相关关系;

    The finance developing index M / GDP and economic growth rate presents negative relevant relations ;

  20. 在几次涉嫌操纵市场的丑闻之后,银行与交易商对参与金融基准指标的制定已开始持谨慎态度。

    Banks and traders have become wary of committing to financial benchmarks following several alleged rigging scandals .

  21. 本文指出,资本账户自由化,能提高金融深化指标的水平,改善金融体系的功能作用。

    Capital accounts liberalization can improve the level of financial development and the functioning of financial systems .

  22. 第三,农村产业结构与农村宏观金融效率指标正相关。

    Thirdly , the rural industrial structure is in positive correlation to the rural macroscopic financial efficiency index .

  23. 在这一背景下,我开始思索湖南省区域金融稳定指标体系的建立。

    Under this background , I began to think of the establishment of the financial soundness indicators in Hunan province .

  24. 特别的是将国际经济金融环境指标纳入我国金融可持续发展的指标体系当中,以适应时代发展的需要。

    Specially it integrates the international economy finance environment index into our country finance sustainable development ability index to meet the timely needs .

  25. 金融领域指标和期望指标间接地预测了市场的变化情况,而非金融领域指标给经济领域的变化趋势提供了更直接的证据。

    The financial and expectations indicators give indirect signals about upcoming changes in business activity , whereas the non-financial group provides more direct evidence about economic trends .

  26. 区域金融安全指标体系的含义包括三个关键性的内部指标系统:区域金融安全微观监测指标系统、区域安全宏观监测指标系统、区域安全金融生态环境指标系统。

    The indicator system of regional financial security includes three key internal indicator systems : micro-monitoring indicator system , macro-monitoring indicator system , and financial ecosystem indicator system .

  27. 本文通过创建代表各地区经济发展的虚拟企业,以其应缴纳的增值税作为经济增长替代变量,并以资本自由化指数作为金融发展指标变量进行研究。

    From the world experience , we can see that capital account liberalization is important in one countrys development , so both developed countries and developing countries take it as economic target .

  28. 资本市场的发育程度对经济增长的贡献作用是有限的,传统的金融发展指标份对经济增长甚至产生了负影响。

    The development of the capital market of degree of economic contribution to the growth of the effects are limited , traditional financial development index copies to economic growth even produced negative influence .

  29. 金融发展指标与产业结构调整指标以及金融相关比率和金融效率比率之间只有单向的因果关系。

    There exists an unidirectional causal relationship between the financial developing index and the index of industrial structure adjustment , which is the same as the relationship between financial interrelation ratio and financial efficiency ratio .

  30. 实际上,在中国高的金融深化指标可能说是在金融工具单一、垄断银行体制、金融市场不发达等背景下出现的。

    In fact , it can be said that the high financial deepening index in China appeared under circumstances of singularity of financial tools , the monopoly of banking system , the underdevelopment of financial markets .