
  • 网络financial derivative;Derivative;Derivative Securities
  1. 美国信孚银行(bankerstrust)是90年代最为专业的金融衍生品公司,也犯下了类似的错误。

    Bankers Trust , the most sophisticated derivatives firm of the 1990s , made similar mistakes .

  2. 安硕a50基金是一支合成型交易所交易基金,主要投资于金融衍生品。

    The iShares A50 fund is a synthetic ETF , which invests primarily in derivatives .

  3. 我国加入WTO之后,开设金融衍生品市场已提到议事日程。

    The our country set up the finance derive the article market after join WTO to have already spoken of the argument matter agenda .

  4. 银行债券的买家往往会买入信贷违约互换(CDS),这是一种有助于保障他们的投资不受违约影响的金融衍生品。

    Buyers of bank debt often purchase credit default swaps , a type of derivative that helps insure their investments against a default .

  5. 利率衍生品市场交易量迅速增长,在OTC金融衍生品交易中所占比重在70%以上。

    The volume of trade in the interest rate derivative market increases rapidly and has accounted for more than 70 percent of the OTC financial derivative trading .

  6. 其中,远期运费协议(FFA)是近几年来发展起来的一种能够有效地管理运价风险的运费金融衍生品。

    Among them , the Forward Freight Agreement ( FFA ) is a recently developed shipping freight derivatives which can effectively manage the risk of freight fluctuation .

  7. Liffe是纽泛交易所的国际金融衍生品交易市场。

    Liffe is the international derivatives business of NYSE Euronext .

  8. 本文对波动率指数(VIX)的计算原理进行了梳理和比较,并对其表现进行了归纳总结,以供国内相关金融衍生品的设计和发展借鉴。

    This paper clarifies the calculation principle of VIX and concludes on its performance , in hope to provide positive reference for development of financial derivatives in China .

  9. 以金融衍生品为例韩国衍生品交易总量居全球第三外国投资者控制了43%的kospi期权市场。

    Take derivatives , where Korea ranks number three globally by volumes traded : foreigners command 43 per cent of the Kospi options market .

  10. 构建Logistic多元回归模型,利用stata专业统计分析软件进行了描述性统计分析及回归统计分析。第二部分是我国企业运用金融衍生品套期保值对企业价值的影响研究。

    We constructed a logistic multiple regression model , use the stata professional statistical analysis software to make descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis . ( 2 ) The impact of hedging by derivatives on corporate value .

  11. Libor是用以确定数百万亿美元贷款和金融衍生品的利率的基准利率,它由各银行递交上来的有关它们彼此间资金拆借成本的估计数据构成。

    The rate serves as a benchmark for rates on hundreds of trillions of dollars of loans and derivatives , and is comprised of submissions from banks about their estimated costs of borrowing from one another .

  12. BASH:随后,代表华尔街大型银行的一名官员向CNN承认,他们极力反对该法案的几个条款,因为这些条款将使他们在金融衍生品交易方面的数十亿美元收益更加困难。但是越来越明显,华尔街的努力非常困难。

    BASH : An official representing big Wall Street banks later admitted to CNN they 're pushing back hard on several provisions in the bill that would make it harder to reap their billions and profits on derivatives trading .

  13. 因此本有必要探讨金融衍生品风险。

    Therefore it is necessary to analyze the financial derivatives risk .

  14. 金融衍生品市场制度效率取决于其收益与成本之比。

    Efficiency is determined by the ratio of profit and cost .

  15. 当前国际金融衍生品市场结构及演进特征

    The structure and evolving characteristics of modern international financial derivative market

  16. 最后就是要加强金融衍生品监管。

    The last is to strengthen the supervision on financial derivates .

  17. 加强市场监管促进金融衍生品市场健康发展

    Enhance market supervision and promote healthy development of financial derivatives marke

  18. 针对金融衍生品交易的法律监管进行了探讨。

    Discussions focus on the law supervision of financial derivative trading .

  19. 他们说,他们的底线受到金融衍生品交易的帮助。

    They say that bottom line is helped by derivatives trading .

  20. 中国金融衍生品交易风险管理的法律规制研究

    China finance derivatives trade risk management 's law regulation research

  21. 我国场外金融衍生品市场监管问题探讨

    On the Supervision of OTC Financial Derivatives Market in China

  22. 论我国金融衍生品市场法律监管的目标及实现机制

    On the Legal Regulation of Financial Derivatives Market Objectives and Implementation Mechanism

  23. 金融衍生品与利率风险管理是本文的核心内容,金融期货、利率期权、利率互换都是利率风险管理的重要工具。

    Financial derivatives and interest rate risk management is the core content .

  24. 机构投资者对金融衍生品市场的发展和成熟起关键作用。

    Institutional investors play the key role in global financial derivatives market .

  25. 发展我国金融衍生品交易的若干法律问题

    On the Legal Problems Arising from Financial Derivatives Market Development

  26. 金融衍生品创新是上世纪九十年代以来国际金融领域最大的革命。

    Financial derivatives innovation is the greatest revolution in international finance since1990s .

  27. 信息不对称下金融衍生品市场过度投机成因分析

    To Analyse on the Causes of Derivatives Excessive Speculation under Asymmetric Information

  28. 第一章是对金融衍生品和中国衍生品市场的介绍。

    The first chapter introduces the FD and FD market in China .

  29. 研究结果可用于风险分析和金融衍生品估值。

    The results could be used for risk analysis and derivatives valuations .

  30. 股指期货是最重要也是发展最快的的金融衍生品。

    Stock index futures are the most important financial derivatives that develop fastest .