
  1. 总部位于香港的汇丰银行(HSBC)也任命了新的并购业务主管。

    Hong Kong-based HSBC also has a new head of its mergers practice .

  2. 瑞银集团(ubs)欧洲并购业务主管汤姆库珀(tomcooper)表示,目前企业应处于从此次市场调整中获益的最有利地位。

    Tom Cooper , European head of M & A at UBS said corporate buyers should be best placed to benefit from this correction .

  3. 你在购买和出售公司的时候,需要市场保持稳定,高盛(GoldmanSachs)美洲并购业务主管迈克尔·卡尔(MichaelCarr)说。

    When you 're buying and selling companies , you need stability in the markets , said Michael Carr , head of Americas M.A. for Goldman Sachs .

  4. 德勤合伙人、中国并购业务负责人LawrenceChia表示,中国企业正在寻找中端市场并购机会。

    Lawrence Chia , Deloitte partner and head of China M A , said that Chinese companies were looking for mid-market M A opportunities .

  5. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲并购业务主管理查德坎贝尔-布里登(RichardCampbell-Breeden)表示,可能会有更多在美上市中资公司进行私有化。

    Richard Campbell-Breeden , head of M & A in Asia at Goldman Sachs , said there was potential for more US-listed Chinese companies to go private .

  6. 花旗集团(Citigroup)全球并购业务联席主管马克·G·沙菲尔(MarkG.Shafir)说,如果出现了幅度大得多的波动,之后又有显著的调整,那么的确会有交易受到抑制的切实风险。

    If we get a lot more volatility and there 's a significant correction , there 's a real risk that deals could get pulled , said Mark G. Shafir , co-head of global mergers and acquisitions at Citigroup .

  7. 一些人在巴克莱开始合并进程之前就离开了,例如颇受敬重的雷曼全球并购业务联席主管马克沙弗(markshafir)跳到了花旗。

    Some left before Barclays began the merger process , such as the respected co-head of mergers and acquisitions mark Shafir , who went to Citigroup .

  8. 美国银行-美林公司(bankofamerica-merrilllynch)亚太区并购业务负责人已宣布计划离职,成为最新一名退出该问题银行的高管。

    The head of Asia-Pacific mergers and acquisitions for Bank of America-Merrill Lynch has announced plans to leave , becoming the latest senior executive to quit the troubled bank .

  9. 与以往相比,基础设施领域的投资者们目前关注的投资规模要大得多,种类也更为广泛,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示。

    Infrastructure players are now looking at a much larger and broader set of investments than in the past , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley .

  10. 摩根士丹利也将把传媒并购业务全球主管斯科特•麦特洛克(ScottMatlock)从伦敦调往香港,担任亚洲并购业务主席的新职位。

    Morgan Stanley is shifting Scott Matlock , global head of media M A , from London to Hong Kong to fill the new post of chairman of Asian M A.

  11. 德意志银行(deutschebank)全球并购业务联席主管汉里克阿斯拉克森(henrikaslaksen)表示,等待进行的交易数量并未缩减,但目前的市场波动加大了实施交易的难度。

    Henrik Aslaksen , co-head of global M & A at Deutsche Bank , said the pipeline of deals has not shrunk but the current market volatility made it harder to execute deals .

  12. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲并购业务负责人雷俊(JohanLeven)表示:这些交易是建筑设备和个人电脑等行业正在发生的全球化进程的例证。

    These deals are examples of the globalisation occurring in industries such as construction equipment and PCs , says Johan Leven , head of M & A in Asia for Goldman Sachs .

  13. 敌意收购活动将继续保持活跃态势,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业希望采取战略行动,它们不会因为收购目标不情愿而止步。

    Hostile activity will remain high , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley . Corporates want to make strategic moves and will not be deterred by reluctant targets .

  14. 德意志银行(deutschebank)欧洲并购业务联席主管汉里克阿斯拉克森(henrikaslaksen)表示,在某些情况下,本土银行占据竞争优势,因为它们的资产负债表尚未受到信贷紧缩的限制。

    Henrik Aslaksen , co-head of European M & A at Deutsche Bank , said in some instances , local banks were at a competitive advantage because their balance sheets had not yet been constrained by the credit squeeze .

  15. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)并购业务全球联席主管托尼•伯吉斯(TonyBurgess)称:并购步伐还将持续12至18个月,因为那些尚未参与到本轮周期中的行业将被吸引到整合游戏中来。

    Tony Burgess , global co-head of M A at Deutsche Bank , says : The pace of M A looks set to continue for the next 12-18 months as those sectors which have not yet participated in this cycle are drawn into the consolidation game .

  16. 高盛上周宣布,其欧洲最好的交易撮合者之一理查德坎贝尔-布里登(richardcampbell-breeden)将于今年调往香港,担任其亚洲(不包括日本)并购业务联席负责人。

    Goldman Sachs , last week announced that Richard campbell-breeden , one of its top European dealmakers , would relocate to Hong Kong this year to co-head its Asian mergers and acquisitions practice , excluding Japan .

  17. 软银高管表示,他们仍会坚持并购业务并努力加强服务,以便同排名前两位的无线运营商威瑞森和AT&T竞争。NPR新闻,佩吉·罗威堪萨斯城报道。

    Softbank executors say they still believe in consolidation and they will try to enhance service to compete with the top two wireless carriers , Verizon and AT & T. For NPR news , I am Peggy Lowe , in Kansas city .

  18. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)除日本以外亚洲并购业务负责人雷俊(JohanLeven)表示:中印公司都在全球并购舞台上确立了牢固的地位,现在的问题是它们下一步往哪里走。

    Johan Leven , Goldman Sachs 's head of M A for Asia excluding Japan , said : Both Chinese and Indian corporates have firmly established themselves on the global M A scene and the big question is where they go from here .

  19. 花旗集团(Citigroup)欧洲、中东和非洲并购业务主管威廉舒尔茨(WilhelmSchulz)说:今年的一个明确主题是,大型欧洲企业需要在自己的主要市场以外进行收购。

    Wilhelm Schulz , head of M & A at Citigroup for Europe , Middle East and Africa , said : A clear theme of this year has been the need for large European companies to make acquisitions outside their main markets .

  20. 投资银行并购业务的研究

    Research on the Corporate Merger & Acquisition of Investment Bank

  21. 很可能还会有破纪录的并购业务。

    There may well be a few more record-breaking takeovers .

  22. 最后提出了我国投资银行应怎样拓展上市公司并购业务的具体对策建议。

    At last , it presents the specific policy suggestion .

  23. 我国投资银行并购业务拓展研究

    A Study on M & A Business Expansion of Investment Bank in China

  24. 创新型业务&并购业务,存在诸多非市场因素及投资银行自身障碍导致了并购后企业的低效率;

    Merger & acquisition business contains many non-market factors , obstructing investment bank .

  25. 第五章提出了完善并购业务风险控制的一些建议。

    In chapter five , I give some suggestion of completing acquisition and risk control .

  26. 我们正在中国市场向债券承销和并购业务进一步扩张。

    We are expanding more into bond underwriting and also M & A in China .

  27. 我开始参与并购业务和大型战略性项目。

    I was starting to get involved in mergers and acquisitions and big strategic projects .

  28. 摩根士丹利另一块大业务&并购业务近来也出现了滑坡。

    Mergers and acquisitions , another big business for Morgan , have been down recently as well .

  29. 花旗重整拖后腿的并购业务部,为该部门新任命了一名联席主管。

    Citigroup has shaken up its lagging mergers and acquisition by naming a co-head of that division .

  30. 我国投资银行在上市公司并购业务中的作用和策略研究

    The Study on Effect and Practice of M & A in Public Corporation Based on Our Investment Bank