
  • 网络financial consumer
  1. 这些案件都涉及了金融消费者权益保护的问题。

    These cases involve the issue of the financial consumer protection .

  2. 而我国金融消费者权益保护还处于空白阶段。

    And our financial consumer protection is still in the blank stage .

  3. 这给很多金融消费者带来了一个问题。

    This presents a problem for many financial consumers

  4. 针对CIB村镇银行存在的实际情况,与大银行开展同业合作,可以充分发挥资源共享的协同效应,满足业务发展以及金融消费者多种消费需求。

    According to the actual situation which the CIB village bank is in , cooperating with large financial organization could give full play to the synergistic effect of the sharing of resources to meet the business development and financial consumers a wide range of consumer needs .

  5. 本文首先论述了金融消费者教育的重要性和必要性。

    This article discusses the importance of consumer education and financial need .

  6. 论美国金融消费者保护的联邦化及其改革

    The Federalism of U.S.Financial Consumer Protection and Its Reform

  7. 相应地,金融消费者的消费行为也不同于一般的实物消费者。

    Accordingly , the consumption of the financial consumers is different with ordinary material consumers ' .

  8. 金融消费者是消费者概念在金融领域的延伸。

    Financial consumer is the extension of the concept of the consumer in the financial sector .

  9. 第二部分是对金融消费者概念的适当界定,这部分分为两节。

    The second part is the definition of the concept of financial consumer . This part is divided into two .

  10. 金融消费者不同于普通的消费者,金融交易双方存在严重的信息不对称。

    Financial consumers are different from the ordinary consumers , as there is a serious information asymmetry in financial transactions .

  11. 在我国,金融消费者也是近几年被提出来并被越来越多的人接受。

    In China , financial consumers is also in recent years been proposed to and was more and more accepted .

  12. 相对于金融消费者而言,金融机构在信息拥有和传播方面占有主动地位。

    Compared with the financial consumers , they occupy a position of initiative in the possession and dissemination of information .

  13. 一些资本市场发达国家金融消费者知情权保护制度为我国金融消费者保护制度提供了有益借鉴。

    Capital markets in developed countries financial consumers ' right protection system provides a useful reference for our financial consumer protection system .

  14. 文章对金融消费者概念的探讨对研究金融消费者保护的问题有重要的理论和实践意义。

    The discussion about the concept of financial consumer has an important theoretical and practical significance to the issue of financial consumer protection .

  15. 首先要弄清楚金融消费者的含义是什么,具备什么样的特征和金融消费者的范围,只有弄清金融消费者的概念问题,才能更好的解决金融消费者保护问题。

    Figuring out what the meaning of the financial consumer is , what its features and scopes are is a most important question .

  16. 它需要建立健全相关法律法规,并且给予这些金融消费者全方位、多层次的保护。

    It needs to establish and perfect the relevant laws and regulations , and give all-round , multi-level protection to these financial consumers .

  17. 第四,从金融消费者的角度出发,完善保护金融消费者的合法权益。

    Fourth , From the perspective of financial consumer , we should to perfect the protection the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers .

  18. 金融消费者就是在复杂投资产品金融领域外的金融领域中购买商品、接受服务的自然人统称。

    Financial consumer is a natural person who referred to going for goods and services in financial field except complex investment products financial sector .

  19. 然而,在诸多侵犯金融消费者权利的事件与问题面前,我国相关法律制度并不健全。

    However , in many violations of financial consumers ' rights events and before the problem , our country law system is not perfect .

  20. 金融消费者覆盖范围的广泛性,以及外延的不周延问题共同导致分类保护理念在该领域的确立。

    Both extensiveness of financial consumer coverage and the problem of undistributed extension result to the idea of typification protection establish in this field .

  21. 金融消费者以金融商品、服务为对象,在严重信息不对称之下进行的金融消费行为,因其弱势地位,需要在制度上给予倾斜性保护以达到追求实质公平的结果。

    Financial consumers need more inclination support in protection system for their disadvantageous position because of the information asymmetry phenomenon in pursuing the substantial justice .

  22. 2008年美国次贷危机爆发,金融消费者保护制度的缺位成为了危机爆发的诱因之一。

    The subprime mortgage crisis erupted in U.S. in 2008 , the absence of financial consumer protection system has become one of the crisis incentives .

  23. 金融消费者权益保护制度中最重要的部分,莫过于关于消费者权利部分的规定。

    Legal protection of financial consumer rights and interests of the most important part of the system is part of the provisions on consumer rights .

  24. 改革计划在国会正面临危机,监管机构正展开游说,以保护自己的地盘,而业界则抨击成立“金融消费者保护局”的计划。

    Reform is at risk in Congress , with regulators lobbying to protect their turf and the industry attacking plans for a consumer financial protection agency .

  25. 第一部分是消费者保护理论和金融消费者问题概述,这部分分为三节。

    The first part is the overview of the problem of consumer protection theory and of financial consumer . This part is divided into three sections .

  26. 金融消费者作为金融产业链条的末端,为获取相对较少的收益,以微小的力量承担着整个市场的未知风险。

    Obtaining a relatively less benefits , the financial consumer with small forces , asthe end of finance industry chain , bear the entire market unknown risks .

  27. 金融消费者知情权是金融消费者最为重要的一个权利,是金融消费者行使其他权利的基础。

    Financial consumer right to know is one of the most important rights of financial consumers , is the basis of financial consumers to exercise other rights .

  28. 依次介绍美国、英国、日本、加拿大、国际组织等金融消费者权益保护的主要立法内容,并分别作出评述。

    The chapter introduces the mainly legislative content of financial consumer rights and interests protection in the United States , Britain , Japan , Canada , international organizations .

  29. 通过分析,我们发现这些交易规则和制度体系的相当一部分是通过规制交易双方当事人&金融消费者与金融经营者的权利义务来实现交易公平这一终极目标。

    Analysis of the trade rules and system reveal that the rights and obligations of both sides involved could realize fair deal , which is the ultimate object .

  30. 因此,金融消费者的范围在排除了机构投资者以及复杂投资产品领域的参与者后,横跨了整个金融领域。

    Therefore , the scope of the financial consumer across the entire financial sector , aside from institutional investor and participants in the financial sector of complex investment products .