
chǔ xù suǒ
  • savings bank
  1. 当我们每月开支后尚有余款,便把它存入储蓄所(银行)。

    When we have money left from monthly expenses , we 'd better put some in a savings bank .

  2. 我去的是建设银行新荣巷储蓄所,大家去的时候注意,里面大堂里的那个女性渣子。

    What I go is the construction bank new glory lane savings bank , everybody goes time pays attention , inside in great hall that feminine sediment .

  3. 冰天雪地中的银行&中国工商银行佳木斯市分行营业部中心储蓄所

    Savings office of the service center , jiamusi branch , icbc

  4. 邮局储蓄所人员不包括管理人员和储蓄代办员。

    Personnel of saving offices of postal services excludes administrators and agents .

  5. 设立一个食物储蓄所,帮助无家可归者怎么样?

    What about setting up a food bank to help the homeless ?

  6. 银行储蓄所储蓄存款余额预测分析

    Analysis of Calculating the Remaining Sum of Savings Deposit in Savings Banks

  7. 87名银行储蓄所工作人员心理状况调查

    Research on the psychological condition of 87 bank clerks

  8. 欢迎您到城南储蓄所。

    Welcome to South City Savings Office .

  9. 中国建设银行台州市分行黄岩支行天长北路储蓄所

    " CCB Taizhou ( Branch ), Huangyan Sub-Branch , North Tianchang Road Office . "

  10. 目前我们储蓄所只能兑换三种货币,美元、日元和港币。

    Nowadays , we can change three currencies , US dollars , Japanese Yen and HK dollars .

  11. 您可以在任何储蓄所存、取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账、查询。

    You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any sxdyings office or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with the card .

  12. 结论银行储蓄所工作人员心理问题不容忽视,应加强其心理卫生保健工作。

    Conclusion The psychological condition of the bank clerks should not be neglected , and it is necessary to strengthen their psychological health care .

  13. 然而,一个有趣的问题是,从全球的角度来说,减少现金囤积的有益影响是否会被欧元区的过度储蓄所抵消。

    Yet the interesting question here is whether the beneficial effect of less cash hoarding , in global terms , will be offset by excessive saving in the eurozone .

  14. 如果欧洲和中国不扩大内需,美国私营部门储蓄所带来的低迷就不可能被改变。

    Without an increase in domestic demand from Europe and China , there is nothing to take up the slack created by the saving of the US private sector .

  15. 首先,提高工资将把资金从富人手中转移到不太富有的人手中,在后者的收入中,消费所占比例更高,储蓄所占比例相应更低。

    For one thing , higher wages will transfer money from the rich to the less well-off , who spend a higher proportion of their income and save correspondingly less .

  16. 您好!我叫胡津,是工商银行城北支行文汇储蓄所储蓄员。我营销的产品是个人通知存款。

    Hello ! I am Hu Jin , a bank clerk from ICBC North City Sub-branch , Wen Hui savings office . The product of marketing is Personal Notice Deposit .

  17. 系统地介绍了适合小型银行储蓄所、现金柜台等重要金融场所防尾随抢劫双门门禁系统的原理与设计。

    This paper introduces the principle and the design of the double gate gate-ban system of defending to rob by tailing behind . This system fits small bank and the cash counter which is the important and financial place systematically .

  18. 针对以上原因,探讨了解决东风储蓄所排队问题的相关对策,指出应按客户需求对客户群进行划分,突出以满足内外部客户需求为目标导向。

    In view of the above reason , has discussed the solution question related countermeasure , That customer demand should be carried out by the customer base , highlights take " meets the internal and external customer need " as the goal guidance .

  19. 其次,财政刺激对经济的提振作用至少在一定程度上被家庭部门储蓄增长所抵消。

    Second , the fiscal stimulus was at least partially offset by a rise in household saving .

  20. 低利率水平也挤压了汇丰的利润,减少了该行从较大客户储蓄基础所能实现的利润。

    The bank was also squeezed by low interest rates , which dented the profits it can earn on its large base of customer deposits .

  21. 用于质押的存单仅限于中国银行一级分行及直属分行本辖区内各储蓄网点所开具的定期储蓄存单。

    CDs used for hypothecation are limited to certificates of time deposits issued by the savings outlets in the local administrated area of the tier-one branches of and branches under the Bank of China .

  22. 西方储蓄理论所研究的居民储蓄行为与我国的实际存在一定的差异,无法圆满解释我国农村居民的储蓄行为,因而单纯地根据西方储蓄理论,难以圆满解释我国出现高储蓄现象的原因。

    However , the residents ' savings behavior which was studied by western savings theories is different from ours ' , and the western savings theories can not explain some rural residents ' savings behavior in china .

  23. 美国在全球储蓄总额中所占的比例将从9%升至12.1%,而外国人拥有的美国资产“仅将略有”增加。

    The US share of total world savings would rise from 9 per cent to 12.1 per cent , while foreign ownership of US assets would increase " only slightly " .

  24. 在退休储蓄方面,人们所想与所做可能存在差异。

    In saving for retirement , there can be a difference between what people believe and what they actually do .

  25. 我们都知道孩子长大后可能会面临的各种财务陷阱&-那些在收入、储蓄和消费方面所面临的难题。

    We all know the financial pitfalls our children may face as they get older & challenges related to earning , saving and spending money .

  26. 取出一种相当普遍的遗产状况作为例子:一对已经成年的孩子,没有配偶,小额的储蓄账户,一所具有抵押贷款的房屋和一辆旧的、款项付清的汽车。

    Take , for example , a fairly common estate : a couple of grown children , no spouse , a small savings account , a house with a mortgage and an old , paid-off car .

  27. 失衡再次扮演了它的角色,其中,持贸易保护主义态度、高储蓄率的中国所遵循的汇率政策,今年可能产生近4000亿美元的经常账户盈余。

    Once again imbalances are part of the story , with a protectionist , high-saving China pursuing an exchange rate policy that threatens to generate a current account surplus of close to $ 400bn this year .

  28. 这种预测有它的道理,因为随着消费者逐渐消化税收变化造成的影响,政府储蓄的激增将在一定程度上被家庭储蓄的下降所抵消。

    This makes sense , because a sharp rise in government saving would be partly offset by a fall in household saving , as consumers absorb the tax hit gradually .

  29. 邮政储蓄银行宁夏分行中间业务营销战略研究冰天雪地中的银行&中国工商银行佳木斯市分行营业部中心储蓄所

    The Middle Operation Marketing Strategy of Postal Savings Bank of China in NingXia SAVINGS OFFICE OF THE SERVICE CENTER , JIAMUSI BRANCH , ICBC