
  1. Malmquist指数分解结果显示技术效率指数的大幅下跌是山东城商行年经营效率普遍下滑的根源。

    Malmquist index decomposition of TFP index showed a sharp decline in technical efficiency .

  2. 城商行风险定价的模式选择

    Choice of Risk Price Mode of City Commercial Bank

  3. 从而对处于弱势的城商行形成强烈的冲击。

    Thus the formation of vulnerable firms a strong impact on the city .

  4. 城商行:2007增长极

    City Commercial Bank : 2007 Increase

  5. 但在快速发展的同时,城商行也存在诸多问题与困难。

    However , there are many problems and difficulties with the rapid development of the CCBs .

  6. 其中,跨区域经营成为城商行寻求发展突破的关键,本文将就此主题加以研究。

    Among them , the cross-regional business becomes the key to city commercial banks seeking for development breakthrough .

  7. 如何全面提升人力资源管理水平,已经成为城商行在发展中亟待解决的关键问题。

    How to enhance their human resources management is a problem which the City Commercial Banks need to settle urgently .

  8. 同时,城商行在生死存亡之际,对于做大做强、寻求规模化的诉求愈发强烈。

    At the same time , city commercial banks , at the critical moment , have strong demands becoming bigger and stronger .

  9. 因此,在城商行的发展过程中,补充资本、提高资本充足率一直备受关注。

    Therefore , supplementing capital and increasing capital adequacy ratio are more concerned all the time during development of urban commercial banks .

  10. 中型城商行应发挥自身优势,走特色化道路,努力增强自己的竞争力。

    Medium-sized city commercial banks should play their strengths , take the characteristics of the rea (?) and strive to enhance their competitiveness .

  11. 并提出在城市商业银行跨区域经营的可采取的措施,以及监管部门对城商行进行跨区域经营时所能提供的指导建议。

    And we can put forward the countermeasures of city commercial Banks cross-regional operation , as well as regulatory guidelines for the bank advice .

  12. 文章提出解决上述问题的主要方法是在内部加强服务基础建设的同时,在全国组建城商行同业协会及业务外包。

    The paper suggests , as for the above problems , to improve inside service while establishing urban commercial bank associate national wide and trying .

  13. 通过回归技术分别讨论了影响银行效率的各种因素,同样得出跨区域经营并没有提高城商行效率的结果。

    Various factors effecting bank efficiency were discussed through Regression technique , and the result was also that inter-regional operation did not improve bank efficiency .

  14. 经过近15年的发展,城商行有效地控制和化解了数千家城市信用社积累的金融风险。

    After 15 years ' innovation and development , city commercial banks have effectively managed and resolved financial risks accumulated by thousands of urban credit cooperatives .

  15. 并基于我国城商行的特殊性提出了我国城商行实施经济资本管理的方法和进一步强化经济资本管理的建议。

    Finally , based on the particularity of city commercial banks , the implementation of economic capital management methods and further strengthen the economic capital management were made .

  16. 目前,我国城市商业银行的绩效考核体系相对传统和落后,不能与城商行的战略目标相衔接,落后的绩效考核体系已经不能满足当前我国城市商业银行不断发展的需要。

    But nowadays , the Performance Appraisal System of Chinese city commercial bank is relative traditional and backward , it cannot express the develop strategy of city commercial bank .

  17. 金融票据业务就是城商行开办的新业务品种,随之而来却是票据业务的诸多风险。

    Financial ticket business is the new varieties of business which the city commercial banks started in recent years , but the risk of the city commercial paper business followed .

  18. 但由于种种原因,我国的城商行治理体系一直非常脆弱,长期来看存在着较大的经营和发展上的风险。

    However , the governance system of city commercial banks are still very fragile because of various reasons , and there is a large risk of operating in the long term .

  19. 这一部分城商行的市场定位走向另一方向,缺乏对客观经营环境和自身特殊条件的细致分析,没有进行科学严密的市场细分。

    This part of the banks ' market position develop into the other direction , lack careful analysis of objective business environment and their own special conditions and rigorous scientific market segments .

  20. 最后,论文提出了我国城商行的未来发展战略:城商行应该结合自身的特点走差异化的发展道路。

    At last , it is the conclusion of the paper . The author puts forward the future strategy of city commercial banks : they should develop differentiation strategy with its own characteristics .

  21. 各类银行都存在存款和贷款的范围经济,且国有银行最强,股份制银行次之,城商行和农商行最弱。

    They all have scope economies of the deposits and loans , and the most state-owned banks , followed by joint-stock banks and city commercial banks and rural commercial bank is the weakest .

  22. 另一方面,来自国有大型商业银行、股份制商业银行等的市场竞争压力不断增大,城商行开拓新市场的压力日益增大,面临的市场挑战与日俱增。

    On the other hand , they have been under increasing pressure in the marketing competition with large state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks , and the pressure of expanding new markets .

  23. 相比国有银行和股份制银行,城商行在公司治理、风险控制等方面起步较晚,无论从政策制定还是风险监管上都还存在一定不足。

    Compared to the state-owned banks and joint-stock banks , city commercial in corporate governance , risk control , late start , in terms of policy or regulatory risks are still some deficiencies .

  24. 2009年上半年宁波银行上海分行存款诈骗案以及2010年年底齐鲁银行巨额贷款诈骗案都说明了城商行的内控和风险管理存在一定的问题。

    The first half of 2009 Ningbo Bank , Shanghai Branch deposit fraud and the end of 2010 Qilu Bank huge loans bank fraud were indicative of city commercial banks there are certain internal control and risk management issue .

  25. 但由于本人所能搜集到的数据有限,无法深入地对整个城商行进行较为详细的分析,因此研究之中还存在很大的不足。

    However , as the data which I could collect are limited , it is unable to penetrate to conduct a more detailed analysis on the entire city commercial banks , so there is great shortage in this research .

  26. 我国商业银行尤其是城商行的大部分业务都属于银行账户,存贷款利率市场化的推进必将使其银行账户的利率风险凸显。

    To commercial banks especially city commercial banks , most of their businesses belong to the banking book , the acceleration of deposit and lending interest rate liberalization will definitely highlight the interest rate risk of the banking book .

  27. 最后,本文把城商行的操作风险实证结论与其他银行的收入模型结果进行了对比分析的,并提出了提出了对加强城商行操作风险管理的建议。

    Finally , the paper make a comparative analysis of empirical conclusions of CCBs ' operational risk and income model results of other banking , and put forward to suggestions to strengthen the operational risk management of City Commercial Banks .

  28. 然后根据巴塞尔协议的相关规定,计算出了有5家城商行操作风险值占资本净额的比例,并对实证过程和结论进行了总结。

    Then , according to the relevant provisions of the Basel Agreement , the paper calculates the proportion of the operational risk value accounted for net capital of five city commercial banks , and summarizes the empirical process and conclusions .

  29. 利率市场化的加速推进给商业银行利率风险管理带来很大挑战,而城商行作为一个较为特殊的银行群体面临的形势更为严峻。

    The acceleration of interest rate liberalization has caused a great challenge to the interest rate risk management of commercial banks in our country . As a relatively special bank group , city commercial banks will face a more severe situation .

  30. 因此,目前很多城商行都开始更名、开设异地分支机构,有的实力较强的城商行已经或者正在扩充资本、上市。

    Therefore , at present , many city commercial banks began to change its name , or to open different branches , some of the stronger city commercial banks have already , or are in the process of capital expansion , and going public .