
  1. 根据《城市绿化条例》、《关于禁止大树、古树移植进城的通知》,大树进城的对象包括古树名木在内。

    According to the Urban Greening Ordinance and the Notice of Banning Transplanting Big Trees and Ancient Trees from Villages to Cities , the objects include ancient trees and famous trees .

  2. 为支持园林事业的发展,国家先后出台了《城市绿化管理条例》,《国家园林城市管理办法》等一系列法规和文件,并投入巨额资金扶持培育园林市场的扩大。

    In the 1980s , the State Council successively issued several regulations to give priority to the development of the landscape and gardening and appropriated huge funds for its development .

  3. 落实《北京市城市市容环境卫生条例》、《北京市城市绿化条例》等有关规定,进一步明确有关单位责任范围,定期开展检查和巡查。

    Beijing Municipal Provision on environmental sanitation , Beijing Municipal Provision on greening and other stipulations will be strictly enforced to further clarify the responsibility of relevant authorities and make regular check-up and inspections .