
  1. 捕杀珍贵动物有严格的管理条例。

    There are strict rules governing the killing of precious animals .

  2. 野马属世界上最珍贵动物之一。

    Wild horse is one of the most valuable wild animal in the world .

  3. 海南岛南湾珍贵动物保护区植被调查初报

    A preliminary study of the vegetation of the Nanwan rare animals nature reserve of Hainan Island

  4. 警方也鼓励动物园在所有珍贵动物的皮肤下植入微型电子跟踪装置以对窃贼造成威慑。

    The police are also encouraging zoos to implant tiny electronic homing devices under the skin of all valuable animals in their collections .

  5. 在黄龙附近的林区,还栖息着大熊猫、扭角羚、虹雉等珍贵动物。

    Giant pandas , takins , and pheasants roam the forests of Huanglong , along with many other species of animals and birds .

  6. 县境北缘的青溪洞珍贵动物自然保护区,是广东省十大自然保护区之一。

    County northern edge of the hole precious animals Qingxi Nature Reserve Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province , one of the top ten .

  7. 1996年1月~12月对饲养在广西扶绥珍贵动物保护站内的白头叶猴进行了食物能量代谢的研究。

    Energy metabolism of white headed langur in cage was measured from Jan. to Dec. 1996 in Fusui Rare Animal Protection Station , Fusui county , Guangxi .

  8. 这一技术的成功与完善对于优良家禽的无性繁殖和濒临绝迹的珍贵动物的传种意义重大。

    The success of this technology and improve the quality of poultry for the vegetative propagation of rare and endangered animals , extinct species of great significance Chuan .

  9. 大熊猫是世界上的濒危物种,对它的保护受到了世人的关注.对大熊猫主食竹的研究是保护大熊猫这一珍贵动物的首要任务。

    Giant panda is one of the species that is in severe danger , whose protection gets the earthling attention , thus the researches of staple food bamboo for giant panda become the chiefly task to protect this rarity animal .

  10. 珍贵毛皮动物皮肤霉菌感染的诊断与治疗试验

    Diagnosis and Treatment Tests of Dermatophyte Infection in Valuable Fur-bearing Animals

  11. 山上也有珍贵的动物,它们受到了国家特别的保护。

    Rare animals living on the mountain are protected by the state .

  12. 我还剩下几只珍贵的动物没出卖。

    There were a few prize animals whom I hadn 't sold .

  13. 海豹是珍贵的动物。

    The seal is a rare animal .

  14. 他是个极珍贵的动物。良好的健康极为可贵。

    He is a most valuable animal .

  15. 中国珍贵的动物大使:关于大熊猫你不知道的六件事


  16. 国家保障自然资源的合理利用,保护珍贵的动物和植物。

    The state ensures the rational use of natural resources and protects rare animals and plants .

  17. 熊猫是珍贵的动物。

    Pandas are precious creatures .

  18. 濒危的和珍贵的动物、植物(均含标本)及其种子和繁殖材料。

    Endangered and rare animals and plants ( including their specimens ), their seeds and reproducing materials .

  19. 珍贵稀有动物的保护

    Conservation of rare animals

  20. 第二十七条国家规定禁止捕捞的珍贵水生动物应当予以保护;

    Article 27 Protection shall be provided to rare aquatic animals whose capture is banned by the state .

  21. 熊猫,又称大熊猫,是世界上最珍贵的动物之一。

    Panda , also known as giant panda , is one of the rarest animal species in the world .

  22. 为了拯救这些珍贵的动物,美国土地管理局已经准备好采取紧急行动。”

    the BLM is prepared to take emergency action where we can in order to save the lives of these cherished animals . "

  23. 海德拉斯先生说:因为无知我杀死了这么珍贵的动物,内心很愧疚。我现能补偿的实在是太少了。

    It is the least that I can do given my ignorance and guilt that I feel for killing such a rare animal , he said .

  24. 上面印的是珍贵鸟类和动物的图片。

    On them are printed pictures of such rare animals as birds and monkeys .

  25. 注意保护珍贵稀有野生动物的生存环境。

    Attention should be paid to the protection of the environment for the survival of precious and rare wild animals .

  26. 西方共和党人也开始降压对石油和天然气钻探的联邦土地珍贵的野生动物和娱乐的机会。

    Western Republicans are starting to buck against oil and gas drilling on federal lands prized for their wildlife and recreational opportunities .

  27. 从生态学的角度对皖南山区野生动物资源进行集约式管理是对该区内许多珍贵的野生动物资源进行有效保护的必然趋势。

    From the angle of ecology , it ′ s an urgent trend for the supervisor in this region to implement intensive management on wild animal resources so as to protect them effectively .

  28. 然而当前社会,人类对野生动物的保护力度不够、导致很多珍贵的野生动物资源面临绝种,所以野生动物保护的重要性日趋突出。

    However the current society , human being to wildlife not enough protection , lead to many precious wildlife resources face extinction , so the importance of the preservation of wild animals becomes more serious .

  29. 中国林蛙是一种集食、药、补为一身的两栖动物,是我国重要的经济蛙类,也是一种珍贵的药用动物。

    Rana chensinensis David is one of the amphibians which have been known for food , medicine and tonic . It is a kind of important frog in China and one of the rare medical animals .

  30. 《野生动物保护法》将珍贵、濒危野生动物列为国家重点保护的野生动物,并规定了管理、保护制度。

    《 Protection Law of Wild Animals 》 determined rare wild animals and near extinct wild under prior protection of the state and made management and protection regulations .