
zhēn qín
  • rare bird
珍禽 [zhēn qín]
  • [rare bird] 珍贵罕见的鸟类

  • 珍禽异兽

珍禽[zhēn qín]
  1. 这天鹅虽然也是珍禽。

    Sure , the swan is a rare bird .

  2. 本文认为:盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区游资源丰富,组合良好、功能齐全;旅游资源品位高,独具特色;具有重要的科研价值。

    This article holding : Yancheng Nature Reserve of rare bird , which is a state-level , boasts rich tourism resources , a good combination and multiple functions . It is also well-known for its unique and high-grade tourism resources , which has an important scientific research value .

  3. 孔雀作为吉祥之鸟深受人们喜爱,是举世驰名的珍禽

    Peafowl are precious birds that people love as a symbol of auspiciousness .

  4. 江苏海岸湿地特征及珍禽保护

    Characteristics of coastal wetland and protection approaches for rare waterfowls in Jiangsu Province

  5. 珍禽源奇异变形杆菌分离株微生物学特征研究

    Microbiologic Characteristics of Proteus mirabilis Isolated from Precious Fowl

  6. 盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区旅游资源开发研究

    The Development of Tourism Resources of the Red-crowned Crane in Yancheng Nature Reserve

  7. 这也就是说,沃伦巴菲特和安东尼博尔顿都是珍禽。

    It follows that the Warren Buffetts and Anthony Boltons are very rare birds .

  8. 臭氧杀菌真空包装保鲜珍禽蛋研究

    Research on the Fresh Preservation of Rare Birds Eggs Using Ozone Sterilization and Vacuum Packing

  9. 是“世界珍禽”黑嘴鸥的主要栖息繁殖地之一。

    Is " the world rare " Gull breeding habitat for one of the main .

  10. 羽毛五颜六色的异域珍禽。

    Fantastically coloured and exotic birds .

  11. 电厂对珍禽保护区的环境影响评价实例探讨

    Research on ecological environment impact of thermal power plant to rare birds reserve district through an EIA example

  12. 其他署名的作品有《腊枝珍禽图》、《芙蓉锦鸡图》、《瑞鹤图》、《文会图》等多幅。

    Representative works with his signature include Wild Birds on Wild Prunus , Hibiscus and Golden Pheasant and Cranes .

  13. 射阳珍禽自然保护区生态环境优越,是世界上最大的丹顶鹤越冬地之一。

    The beautiful Sheyang Rare Birds Nature Reserve is one of the world 's largest winter habitats of red-crowned cranes .

  14. 素有鹤之王国、珍禽乐园之称,在区域生态中有着重要作用。

    Poyang Lake plays important roles in regional ecology with the name of kingdom of cranes and paradise of rare birds .

  15. 计算机识别潮间带土壤类型的研究&以盐城沿海滩涂珍禽自然保护区为例

    Recognition of soils in intertidal zone by computer : an example based on natural reserve for rare birds in beach region of Yancheng

  16. 因市区东南部栖息繁衍着世界珍禽丹顶鹤,故又有“鹤城”的美誉。

    Because urban area of it is a place that red-crowned cranes perch , so it has the good reputation of " crane 's city " .

  17. 本实验以珍禽贵妃鸡为实验动物,在饲料中添加适量的山楂、决明子,来研究山楂、决明子对十二指肠的组织学影响。

    In this experiment , the royal-chicken as the experimental animals were used to study the effect of hawthorn and cassia seed on duodenum of royal-chicken in histology .

  18. 对于游客来说,万万不能错过的是一定要品尝冰岛的各种特色菜,有当日早上捕捞、绝对新鲜甘美的海鲜;高地羊羔肉和各种珍禽野味。

    One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties , including delicious seafood , ocean-fresh from the morning 's catch , highland lamb and unusual varieties of game .

  19. 2006年到2010年江苏盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区土地利用变化幅度不大,除了潮间湿地减少了14%,高滩地增加了3%,建设用地增加了10%,其他的变化不大。

    In 2010 , the land use change is not big . Tide beaches wetlands decreased 14 % , high beach increased 3 % , construction land increase 10 % , the others had a little change .

  20. 凤凰,又名长生鸟,据史书记载,凤凰只与珍禽共舞,声音美丽而嘹亮,凤凰栖息之处,必为宝地。

    Phoenix , another name is long life bird , according to history record , phoenix only fly with jane , sound beautiful and loud and clear , the place where Phoenix live must be the preciousness place .

  21. 在江苏盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区的核心区、缓冲区和实验区中,核心区保存最为完好,自然湿地面积减少的最小。核心区湿地景观的自然演替占主导的决定性地位。

    In the core , buffer and experimental zones of Yancheng Nature Reserve , the natural wetlands in core zones are still well preserved with the area of them reduced least , and the nature succession occupy the dominant position in the twenty years .