
  1. 医生告诫张湘祥他的身体再也不适合参加举重项目。

    Doctors warned Zhang that he would never be fit enough to compete in weightlifting again .

  2. 很少有人知道大力士张湘祥在最终获得他的第一枚奥运金牌前要克服的障碍。

    Few people know the obstacles strongman Zhang Xiangxiang had to overcome before finally winning his first Olympic gold .

  3. 张湘祥终于赢得了奥运会举重的金牌,他说也许今后不会再参加奥运会了。

    Having finally won his Olympic weightlifting gold , Zhang Xiangxiang said he might never appear again as an Olympian .

  4. 张湘祥刚刚获得他的体育教育学硕士学位,打算进修博士学位。

    Zhang has just received his master 's degree in sports education , and plans to go on to a PhD .

  5. 1999年张湘祥首次获得全国冠军,对此后的训练与成绩取得具有重大的意义。

    Xiang-xiang Zhang won the national championship for the first time in 1999 , this has a great significance to his post-training and achievements .