
  1. 激光扫描仪被用于这张位表明日期的蒙娜丽莎照片。

    A laser scanner takes measurements of the Mona Lisa in this undated handout photo .

  2. 术后用石膏托将腕关节和掌指关节固定于减张位约3周。

    The wrist joint and metacarpophalangeal joint ( MP joint ) were fixed without exerting tension for 3 weeks with plaster slab after operation .

  3. 制定计划定期随访,随访内容包括患者主诉、临床体格检查和3张Judet位X线平片检查。

    A follow-up plan was formulated , which include outpatients chief complaint , clinical physical examination and three standard Judet X-ray radiography .

  4. 在第一种方案中,180名观察者的面前放了一张一位女士穿着白色POLO衫的照片,根据图片,他们要评价其财富程度、社会地位、吸引力、可信度和其他品质。

    In the study 's first scenario , 180 observers were shown a picture of a woman wearing a white polo shirt and asked to rate her wealth , status , attractiveness , trustworthiness , and other characteristics .

  5. 我想订张桌位,就我一个人。

    I wish to make a reservation for only one person .

  6. 领座员把他们带到一张桌位旁,一位女服务员走过来。

    The hostess shows them to a table . a waitress comes over .

  7. 请给我们一张桌位,好吗?

    May we have a table , please ?

  8. 我要占那张桌位。

    I 'll grab that table .

  9. 我们要一张桌位。

    We want a table .

  10. 的确,在阿布衣餐厅搞到一张桌位很难,如果坚持利用常规方法则更是如此。

    Yes , it is hard to get a table at El Bulli , particularly if you stick to the conventional approach .

  11. 但当马德里的一位密友想方设法搞到一张桌位时,我感觉仿佛中了彩票一般。

    Yet when a close friend in Madrid managed to land a table , I felt as if I had won the lottery .

  12. 对上述手术病例进行术后随访,随访内容包括门诊患者主诉,临床查体和3张标准位X线平片检查。

    After the surgery carried out on patients followed up including clinical examination , three standard digital X-ray examination , fracture healing and fixation conditions .

  13. 周二,乔什盖德分享了第一张几位演员一起的合照,他们看上去不能更开心等开拍了。

    On Tuesday Josh Gad shared the first picture of some of the cast together and they couldn 't have looked happier to get things up and running .

  14. 我们认为张先生是位优秀的老师。

    We consider Mr Zhang an excellent teacher .

  15. 我们希望上面这张今早一位粉丝用微博发的图片会是个好的预示,据悉《绯闻女孩》将会在4月2日回归。

    We 're hoping this photo above that a fan tweeted earlier today is a good indication of whats to come when Gossip Girl returns from hiatus on April 2 .

  16. 尽管张只是一位群众演员,但是啸宇很看好她。此外,她被这个故事深深的感动了并坚持义务出演。

    Liu had a good feeling about Zhang even though she was an amateur actress ; in addition , she was quite moved by the story and insisted on taking the part for free .

  17. 一张罚单南京一位24岁的女士因为在地铁上吃东西被开了一张罚单。

    A Warning Ticket A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway .

  18. 你们能帮我在ABC大厦餐厅预订一张今晚4人位的桌吗?

    Could you help reserve a table for 4 , for tonight at ABC restaurant ?

  19. 第三张椅子被一位女演员占了。

    The third chair was occupied by an actress .

  20. 我想要张无烟区桌位。

    I want a table at the nonsmoking section .

  21. 我能在餐馆预订一张明晚的餐位吗?

    Can I book a table in the restaurant for tomorrow evening , please ?

  22. 我要订一张桌子,五位的。

    We want a table for five .

  23. 我想预订一张两人桌位。

    To reserve a table for two .

  24. 例:张先生是一位可尊敬的长者。

    Mr.Zhang is a valued elder .

  25. 好极了一张泰晤士河的图片位处南岸在南华桥与滑铁卢之间

    Excellent . A view of the Thames.South Bank , somewhere between Southwark Bridge and Waterloo .

  26. 请注意这张截图出自一位部落玩家之手,这也确定了不会只是一个联盟专有的喊叫剧情。

    Please note that the screenshot was taken on a Horde character , this is definitely not an alliance-only yell .

  27. 一张纸由一位研究员在一个地方智囊团上个月搞到百分之45数值根据实际股票价格。

    Last month a paper by a researcher at a local think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock prices .

  28. 每次修改堆中对象中的指针字段时,就在卡片映射中设置对应那张卡片的相应位。

    Each time a pointer field in an object in the heap is modified , the corresponding bit in the card map for that card is set .

  29. 本课题在选题及研究过程中得到张成等三位老师的亲切关怀和悉心指导,在此谨向张老师等三位老师致以诚挚的谢意和崇高的敬意。

    Thanks for Mr Zhang Cheng and other three teachers'care and guidance in the process of choosing topic and research * Give my sincerity appreciation and great respect to them .

  30. 电视名厨西蒙•里默在曼彻斯特和柴郡开了两家分别名为“绿色”和“厄尔”的餐厅。他说:“每家餐厅都有一张'尊享位',留给那些最养眼的顾客。”

    TV chef Simon Rimmer , who owns Greens in Manchester and Earle in Cheshire , said : ' Every restaurant has a golden table where they sit the best looking customers .