
  1. 上周五,阿里巴巴与国家工商总局之间的口水战在马云与局长张茅会面之后,似乎冷却下来。

    The war of words last week between Alibaba and the SAIC appeared to cool after Mr Ma met with Zhang Mao , the head of the SAIC , on Friday .

  2. 国家工商行政管理总局周五表示,总局局长张茅会见了阿里巴巴董事局主席马云,讨论了合作打击假货和保护消费者的问题。

    The regulator , the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , said on Friday that its leader , Zhang Mao , had met with Alibaba 's executive chairman , Jack Ma , to discuss cooperating to fight counterfeiting and protect consumers .

  3. 今春,中国国家工商行政管理总局称,会加强对网店售假的处罚,提高罚款额度,工商总局局长张茅表示,要使售假企业“无法经营”,甚至被罚得“倾家荡产”。

    China 's State Administration for Industry and Commerce said this spring it is intensifying penalties for online shops selling fakes and increasing fines to make " traders who sell such goods unable to continue operations or go bankrupt , " SAIC 's head Zhang Mao said .