
  1. 列出一张所要做的事情的单子。

    Make a list of things to do .

  2. 世卫组织已张贴了一张所需药物和医疗器具的清单,它将定期更新:http://www.emro.who.int/eha/lebanonsupplies.htm。

    The Organization has posted a list of needed medicines and medical supplies , which will be updated regularly .

  3. 张所遭遇的这种不幸并不少见,中国房产热潮造就了一个失落的单身汉阶层。

    Zhang 's misfortune is not uncommon . China 's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors .

  4. 双张所发一手牌中某一花色仅两张的牌。

    A pair of cards that are the only ones of their suit in a hand dealt to a player .

  5. 更重要的是,类似张所创办的公司也是一个吸引更多外资流入中国的重要途径。

    Even more important , outfits such as Zhang 's are a promising new way of piping foreign investment into China .

  6. 女人们出去采购前会列出一张所需购买物品的清单,然后去商店把它们买回来。

    Groceries A woman makes a list of things she needs and then goes out to the store and buys these things .

  7. 然而,正如张所指出的,一些美国专家,并不是欢迎这些付出,而是要求中国让世界组织检查其排放是真的降低。

    However , as Zhang pointed out , some US experts , instead of welcoming such offers , have called on China to let international organizations verify that emissions are indeed falling .

  8. 我们少收了史密斯先生的钱,只得给他寄去一张借条所要欠款。

    We undercharge Mr.Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount .

  9. 相反,我们将创建一张显示所需的信息子集的专用表单,称为facade表单。

    Instead , we create a specialized form that displays the subset of information we want , called a facade form .

  10. 如第一张图表所示,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)是最多消费者经常使用的支付手段——有79.5%的受访者选择了这一选项。

    Alibaba 's Alipay was the most frequently used payment platform , cited by 79.5 per cent of respondents , as the first chart shows .

  11. 很好,以下是一张我们所需东西的清单,然后我们可以谈谈那些“有则更好”(nice-to-have)的条目。

    Here 's my take on the list of things we need , and then we can talk about those nice-to-have items later .

  12. 负责组织货物检查的intertek办事处立刻开始着手估价及海关编码的确定,并且向出口商发送一张“所需信息”表。

    The Intertek office responsible for organising the inspection immediately starts its pricing and coding and sends a " request for information " letter to the exporter .

  13. 首先Challagalla和其它专家们都建议消费者在去购物之前开出一张家庭所需品购物单;然后按照清单购买。

    First , Challagalla and other experts recommend that consumers make a list of food items the family needs before they go shopping and stick to it .

  14. 在MGI分析的12个效率驱动型行业中的9个行业,比如太阳能板、仿制药和钢铁,中国占全球收入的份额都高于2013年中国占全球GDP约12%的份额(如最后一张图表所示,见下)。

    In nine of the 12 efficiency-driven industries MGI analysed , such as solar panels , generic pharmaceuticals and steel , China 's share of global revenues is greater that its share of global GDP , at some 12 per cent as of 2013 ( see the last chart ) .

  15. 张教授所做的报告是关于环境保护的。

    The lecture given by Professor Zhang is about environment protection .

  16. 我们惊叹于这张照片所引起的反响。

    We marveled at the resonance that this image has had .

  17. 信封里装着一张你所要数额的支票。

    Enclosed is a check for the amount you specified .

  18. 母亲开列了一张我们所需物品的购物单。

    Mother compiled a list of the groceries we needed .

  19. 正如通过克里斯托弗·里夫这张照片所看到的。这一问题对人的影响有多么大。

    And the problem is also personal as this photo of Christopher Reeve .

  20. 让学生制作一张他们所要预定旅馆的信息卡片。

    Make a information card of the hotel as Section B , 1b .

  21. 我可以拍一张这所学校的照片吗?

    May I take a photo of this school ?

  22. 总有许多内容是一张问卷所概括不了的。

    There 's always a lot more than can be encapsulated in a questionnaire .

  23. 这张图画所描述的内容暗示我们应该经得住失败的考验。

    What the drawing describes implies that we should withstand the test of failure .

  24. 你可以检查一下我们最后一张图片所展示的这双鞋。

    You could check out that shoe we showed you that last image there .

  25. 而此时在他前面的就是那张他所憎恨的敌人的脸孔。

    The face of the enemy whom he hated belonged to someone close to him .

  26. 正如这张幻灯片所示。

    which is what this slide shows .

  27. 他的新专辑中有一种新奇的东西,是上一张专辑所没有的。

    There is an edge to his new album that wasn 't there in the last one .

  28. 找一张你所喜欢的你与母亲的合影,给它装上镜框,送给母亲。

    Find an old photo of the two of you that you like , and get it framed for her .

  29. 另外一个缺陷是标本照片不能反应一张切片所能提供的全部细节。

    Another flaw is that the photo of a specimen does not reveal the detail that an actual slide can provide .

  30. 茶桶,将此篇以及那张他所排版的施无畏相片及印上传。

    Detong , post this one and add the photo of giving of fearlessness that he composed with seals on them .