
piān ān yì yú
  • be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country
偏安一隅[piān ān yì yú]
  1. 相对而言,吴、蜀两地偏安一隅,学风趋于保守,文学发展也较为滞后。

    Relatively speaking , Wu Shu , two remote , style tends to be conservative , literary development is lagging behind .

  2. 中国历史并没有因为南宋偏安一隅阻碍文化艺术的发展,特定历史际遇反而推动了文化艺术向着更加繁荣蓬勃的方向前进。

    Faced with the particular historical opportunity , cultural and artistic development was not hindered by the partial control of Southern Song Dynasty but advanced toward a even more prosperous and vigorous direction .

  3. 民国时期,在日本侵扰山西之前,运城在晋系军阀阎锡山的统治下,偏安一隅,政治、经济、教育、社会等各方面都有所发展。

    In the Republic of China , especially in Japan before the intrusion of Shanxi , Yuncheng is ruled by Shanxi warlord Yan Dishpan , the sacrifice the long corner , politics , economic , education , society and other aspects have been improved .

  4. 经常听到东京的哥堂而皇之地发表类似言论:英国和日本一样,都是偏安广袤大陆一隅的岛国。

    One commonly hears Tokyo cab drivers pontificate on the parallels : both Britain and Japan are islands stuck off the edge of a great continental landmass .