
zhēn zhū yǎnɡ zhí
  • Pearl farming;pearl culture
  1. AGOBAY亲历了100年的珍珠养殖史,现在传统的日本养珠人正被珠蚌的高死亡率困扰。

    After 100 years of continuos pearl culture in Ago Bay , traditional Japanese pearl farmers are now battling with rising mortality rates .

  2. 近几年,或者说,近20年来,由于发现了石油,整个珍珠养殖也就崩溃了。”

    And within a few years , let 's say that two decades , because of the discovery of oil and the invention of pearl culture , the whole industry collapsed . "

  3. 合浦珠母贝(Pinctadamartensii)是我国广西、海南、广东沿海主要的海水珍珠养殖贝类,采珠后产生大量的珍珠贝肉,珍珠贝肉含有丰富的活性物质。

    Pinctada martensii is the pearl shell of main coastal water of shellfish aquaculture in Guangxi , Hainan and Guangdong province of China . There is a large number of Pinctada martensii meat which is rich in active substances after pearl harvest .

  4. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱

    The culture of pearl is the mainstay of this county

  5. 然后划艇来到珍珠养殖场。

    Then they rowa sampan to this pearl farm .

  6. 万年县珍珠养殖与环境代价经济分析

    Pearl Bearing in Wannian Country and Analysis on External

  7. 海洋像形珍珠养殖研究

    A study on the cultivation of marine image pearls

  8. 调查珍珠养殖场合浦珠母贝人工培育幼苗的管养和生长情况。

    The growth and management of the pearl oyster spats in the farm were investigated .

  9. 经济外部性的负效应与环境保护&绍兴市区珍珠养殖的环境代价分析

    Negative effects of economic externalities and relations with environment problems & Analysis of environment consuming in pearl bearing in Shaoxing urban area

  10. 采用酶技术,利用珍珠养殖场开珠后的废弃物马氏珍珠贝肉,研制珍珠贝肉营养液。

    Nutrient liquid was prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of shellfish meat ( Pinctada martensii ) which was usually disposed as wastes in pearl farm .

  11. 我们在太湖地区拥有千亩水塘的珍珠养殖基地,为开拓市场,已在北京、上海等地设立批发与零售点。

    We have one thousand mu for cultivation of pearls , in lake Taihu , and we have marketing office in Beijing , ShangHai , etc.

  12. 湖南淡水珍珠养殖在经过此起彼伏的艰难曲折发展之后,已在发展中得到逐步前进,在改进中得到逐步提高,养殖产业如火如荼。

    The culture industry of freshwater pearl in Hunan province has made its way in the gradually developmental processes , and now it appears very prospective .

  13. 珍珠养殖主要集中在广东、广西、海南的海水珍珠养殖基地以及浙江、江苏的淡水珍珠养殖基地。

    Pearl cultivation in China mainly concentrates at seawater cultured pearl bases including Guangdong , Guangxi , Hainan and fresh-water cultured pearl bases including Zhejiang and Jiangsu .

  14. 岭上有高达15米再现鹿回头神话的塑像,岭下建有度假宾馆多处和珍珠养殖场。

    In the range has reaches as high as15 meter reappearance deer to turn head the myth statue , under the range constructs takes vacation the guesthouse many place and the pearl breeding farm .

  15. 马氏珠母贝是我国南方海水珍珠养殖的主要贝类,在广东、广西、海南、和台湾沿海等地均有分布。

    Pinctada martensii is one of the primary seashells of marine pearl cultivation in the southern china . It is fruitful and widely distributed in Guangdong , Guangxi , Hainan , Taiwan and so on .

  16. 天然的珍珠比养殖的要昂贵的多。

    The natural pearl is much more expensive than a cultured one .

  17. 开展大型正圆优质淡水珍珠的养殖加工

    Farming and Processing of Good Large-Circular Freshwater Pearl

  18. 在珍珠原料养殖的基础上,进行珍珠产品深加工,产品远销香港,美国,欧洲等国家。

    On the basis of pearl breeding materials , products processing , the product sells pearl in Hong Kong , the United States , Europe and other countries .

  19. 您想看天然珍珠还是人工养殖的珍珠?

    Would you like to see natural pearls or cultured pearls ?

  20. 珍珠是怎样养殖的?

    How is a cultured pearl produced ?

  21. 本文用显微拉曼对三种珍珠(天然海水珍珠、人工养殖海水珍珠、人工养殖淡水珍珠)做了测试与分析。

    Three kinds of pearl natural seawater pearl , farmed seawater pearl , and farmed fresh water pearl have been tested by the confocal micro Raman spectrometer .

  22. 天然珍珠非常稀少,目前大多数的珍珠都是养殖珍珠。

    As the natural pearls are extremely scarce , farmed pearls are prevalent .

  23. 珍珠首饰有限公司是一家集淡水珍珠养殖、加工、销售为一体的综合性专业珍珠公司。

    K.K pearl jewellery company in Peking is a company that contains the fresh water pearl to purchase , process , sell for the integral whole professional pearl .

  24. 将珍珠文化与妈祖文化结合,应用现代珍珠养殖理论和技术,开展了优质妈祖像形珍珠培育技术研究,旨在为我国发展淡水珍珠养殖业和弘扬中华妈祖文化提供一种新途径。

    Combining the pearl culture with Mazu culture , applying modern pearl culture theory and technique , researching high-quality Mazu image pearl culture technique . This study aims at new way for our developing freshwater pearl culture cause and developing Chinese Mazu culture .

  25. 长江流域的诸暨珍珠城计划今年晚些时候开张,目的是成为世界上最主要的珍珠养殖与交易中心。

    Pearl City , in Zhuji , on the Yangtze River is set to open later this year . It aims at becoming the world 's leading center for the cultivation and trade of pearls .