
  • 网络precious tree
  1. 红松不仅是我国的珍贵树种之一,更是林区经济的重要支撑。

    The Korean pine is a kind of precious tree species and important support for the economy of the forest .

  2. 通过年轮测量树龄在古树保护及珍贵树种开采利用等领域有着十分重要的意义。

    So it is quite useful of measuring tree-age in the fields of old-tree protecting and making use of some precious tree species .

  3. 广西优良珍贵树种发展的现状、问题与对策

    Current Situation , Problem and Counter-measures of Guangxi Superior Rare Species Development

  4. 珍贵树种针叶分解对外源物质的响应及其机制的研究

    Study on Responses and Mechanism of Precious Conifer Leaves Decomposition to Exogenous Substance

  5. 它是第四纪冰川运动幸存下来的珍贵树种。

    It 's a rare tree species left from the Fourth Glacier Age .

  6. 银杏和水杉是我国特有的珍贵树种。

    Ginkgo biloba and Metasequoia glyptostroboides are two endemic tree species of China .

  7. 55个珍贵树种稳定凋萎含水量与耐旱力评价分析

    Evaluation of Stabilized Languish Containing Water Volume and Drought Tolerance Ability of 55 Rare Species

  8. 对降低珍贵树种的消耗,提高产品的质量和附加值具有重要的意义。

    It is important to lower the timber consumption of valuable tree species and improving the quality of products .

  9. 国内外珍贵树种用材林发展动态及其在四川省的发展现状

    On Developments of the Timber Plantation of Valuable Tree Species at Home and Abroad as well as in Sichuan Province

  10. 目的:评价云南引进的珍贵树种&塔拉豆粉的食用安全性,为新资源食品开发提供基础数据。

    Objective : To evaluate the safety of edible Tara powder and provide basic data for the development of this food .

  11. 而且,多稀有珍贵树种,如珙桐、鹅掌楸、杜仲、银杏等。

    Moreover , many rare and precious species , such as Davidia , Liriodendron , Eucommia , such as Ginkgo biloba .

  12. 提高次生林的经济价值及生态价值,在林分中导入一些珍贵树种是一种最直接的经营方式。

    Some precious and rare tree species introducing into the forest stand is the most direct way in improving the stand economic value .

  13. 木材单板染色有利于改善木材视觉特性,可以实现模仿珍贵树种木材的色泽,提高装饰效果。

    Veneer dyeing can improve wood visual characteristics and imitate the color and luster of precious wood species , to increase the decorative effect .

  14. 7种珍贵树种林分中,格氏栲天然林土壤结构的稳定性、水源涵养、自肥能力均比其它珍贵树林优越。

    Castanopsis kawakamii stand has the greatest advantages in the soil structure stability , soil and water conservation , soil self-fertilization capability in comparison among all the 7 hardwood stands .

  15. 整个景区都铺设了栈道,栈道两旁的珍贵树种均附有详细介绍,游客可以在愉悦身心的同时学到不少知识。

    The whole scenic area is connected with a wooden track , and illustrated by detailed descriptions of precious tree species , which enables tourists to learn while enlightening their spirits .

  16. 香港警方及环保活动人士称,有内地团伙砍伐使香港得名的沉香树。这种珍贵树种价值非凡,可谓一寸沉香一寸金。

    Police and environmental campaigners say Chinese gangs are hacking away at the precious incense trees that gave Hong Kong its name and can be worth nearly their weight in gold .

  17. 由于珍贵树种木材的匮乏,每年以纸基为主的合成树脂浸渍纸及其装饰板贴面装饰材料增加约6%,使其市场所占份额大大增加。

    Because of the shortage of the precious trees , the surface decorative material of resin-impregnated paper and decorative laminates were increased about 6 percent annually . They occupy a large increasing market .

  18. 将改性处理后的杨木板材制成强度高,稳定性好、具珍贵树种材色的优质速生杨木装饰结构集成材,可降低集成材生产成本和提高速生杨木的附加值。

    If high grade decorated structural GLULAM with high strength , good dimensional stability and precious wooden color could be made from fast-growing Poplar , the cost could be less and the value of Poplar could be higher .

  19. 青钱柳是我国特有单种属植物,集药用、保健、用材和观赏等多种价值于一身的珍贵树种。

    Cyclocarya paliurus is native to China and the sole species in its genus . Because of the multi-value including fine timber , ornamental and medical use , it is regarded as a quite useful and valuable tree species .

  20. 在国内家具工业迅速发展前景下,许多古典家具厂家始终把家具用材局限在传统硬木这一狭小的范围内,既不利于对珍贵树种的保护,也不利于家具自身价格的市场定位。

    In situation of quick development of furniture industry , many domestic factories manufacturing classical furniture limit its materials within traditional hardwood , which goes against the protection of rare tree species , and which can be a handicap for the market pinpoint of its price .

  21. 为了合理利用土壤资源,必须保护现有的原始次生林,制止乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒和毁林种药,大力植树造林,积极发展珍贵树种,以使这块绿色宝库能够永续利用。

    For rational utilization of soil resourses , we must conserve the secondary forests now still existing , prevent deforestation for arable cultivation and medicinal herbs planting , take active steps in afforestation and develop valuable tree species , so that this " green treasure-house " will maintain sustained yield .

  22. 柚木(TectonagrandisLinnf.)为世界著名的珍贵用材树种。

    Teak ( Tectona grandis Linn f. ) is one of the most well known timber species in the world .

  23. 台湾珍贵针叶树种引种造林试验结果

    Plantation test of rare coniferous trees introduced into Zhejiang from Taiwan

  24. 珍贵用材树种资源是我国重要的战略资源。

    The precious timber trees resources are our country important strategic resources .

  25. 海南热带珍贵乡土树种保护及其可持续利用对策

    Hainan tropics precious local tree seed protection and its sustainable use countermeasure

  26. 格氏栲等3种珍贵用材树种栽培模式研究

    Study of Silviculture Models on Three Species of Timber Trees with Valuable Quality

  27. 东北主要珍贵阔叶树种物候观测初报

    Preliminary Study on Phenological Observation of Main Valuable Broad-leaved Tree Species in Northeastern China

  28. 辽宁东部山区珍贵阔叶树种生态组的聚类分析

    Fuzzy cluster analysis of ecological groups of precious deciduous trees in mountains of East Liaoning

  29. 该文对长白山林区珍贵用材树种紫椴的生态学特征进行了研究。

    This paper focuses on the ecological characteristics of Tilia amurensis in the Changbai Mountain forest region .

  30. 本文以森林类型为基础,利用数值分析法对东北地区珍贵阔叶树种适地适树进行了研究。

    According to the forest types , sites for plantation of precious deciduous trees are selected by quantitative analysis method .