
  • 网络San Joaquin River;Rio San Joaqu-in
  1. 但河流可能不会入你的法眼,下面即将为你带来的就是加利福尼亚圣华金河。这是美国最迫切需要保护的河流。

    You probably don 't think of rivers , or specifically California San Joaquin River.The most endangered one in America .

  2. 这些管道将把水从旧金山以东的萨克拉门托-圣华金河三角洲输送到加州的中部和南部&这属于他父亲开启的州级水利项目。

    The pipelines would help convey water through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta , east of San Francisco , to central and Southern California & the state water project his father began .

  3. 这些管道将把水从旧金山以东的萨克拉门托-圣华金河三角洲输送到加州的中部和南部——这属于他父亲开启的州级水利项目。

    The pipelines would help convey water through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta , east of San Francisco , to central and Southern California - the state water project his father began .