
chénɡ jìnɡ
  • Clarification;fresh and clear
澄净 [chéng jìng]
  • [clean and clear] 澄澈明净

  • 空气澄净

  1. 内心是澄净的,却从不点明。

    Is beneath pure heart , but it never is highlighted .

  2. 我驱车沿着山路而下,肩上披着月光,心中一片澄净。

    I drove down from the mountains with the moon on my shoulder

  3. 天空澄净,微风轻拂,日光明媚。

    The sky is clear , the wind light , and the sun brilliant .

  4. 让该牛奶澄净成奶油。

    Let the milk stand till it creams .

  5. 经常使用,肤色日益澄净、透明、润滑。

    Frequent use will make your skin more clean and clear , transparent and silky .

  6. 心静如止水,喜欢这片澄净啊!

    Calm the mind , such as sealing , like this piece beneath pure ah !

  7. 他笑了,蓝色的眼睛象天空一样澄净,然后又跑走了,没再回身。

    He smiles , sky blue eyes and then he away again , no turning back .

  8. 心中一片澄净。

    and peace in my heart .

  9. 我一个人躲在蒙蒙的水汽里,一再想念你的澄净和执着的影象。

    I hide the deceit steam Mongolia , only repeatedly thinks you clear and the rigid spirit .

  10. 魔有其黑暗情绪,亦有其生命热情;禅有其澄净空灵,亦有其活泼生机。

    Magic / devil has its dark mood and the passion for life ; Zen has its peace meditation and lively vigor .

  11. 这种趣味补充了桂林山水的秀美的意味,和桂林山水画中澄净秀美的特征相辅相成。

    This interesting complement the beautiful landscape of Guilin and supplement each other with the features of clear and beauty in Guilin landscape .

  12. 然后,就好像当年在灰袍修道会时他师傅曾经教过他的那样,他努力让精神澄净开始进入冥想。

    Just as his masters in the ashen order had taught him so many years ago , he cleared his mind and began to meditate .