
hú xué
  • pothole
  1. 壶穴使车轴上的一只螺钉破碎。他把瓦壶摔到了地上,碎成了片。

    The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle . He let the jug fall on the floor , and it broke in pieces .

  2. 黄河下游壶穴的研究

    Study of Potholes in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River

  3. “壶穴”景观闻名天下。

    The Pot Hole Sight is famous worldwide .

  4. 内蒙、河北山区壶穴的成因探讨&兼论壶穴成因分类

    Origin of Pots in Inner Mongolia and Northern Hebei & Also about the Classification of Pots

  5. 这是一个壶穴,由泥浆和冰块侵蚀而成,实在没有值得夸奖之处。

    It is pot-holed , crumbling and made treacherous by mud and ice , certainly nothing to boast of .

  6. 南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是冰臼不是壶穴的正确结论。

    The discovery of a host of glacial drifts , stratified pebbles and deformation gravel in the moulin groups area in South China once again provides strong evidence for the conclusion that the moulins are not a pot holes .