
  • Pearl milk tea;Bubble tea;Bubble Milk Tea
  1. BobaGuys餐厅用有机牛奶和自制糖浆制作珍珠奶茶;

    the Boba Guys , who use organic milk and house-made syrup in their bubble tea ;

  2. 如果你住的地方珍珠奶茶还没有流行起来,那你更加要尝一下了。

    If you don 't live in a place where the bubble tea craze has hit yet , you should try it .

  3. 他们可能没注意到去年6月开张的台湾原创便当店(TaiwanBearHouse),它的标识是一个泰迪熊,让人觉得它可能又是一家生气盎然的珍珠奶茶店。

    They may not notice Taiwan Bear House , which opened last June , with its teddy-bear logo suggesting just another perky bubble-tea shop .

  4. 我可以要一杯中杯的珍珠奶茶吗?

    May I have a medium sized pearl milk tea ?

  5. 你每星期会愿意光顾我们的珍珠奶茶店多少次?

    How often would you visit our pearl milk tea shop during a week ?

  6. 我在煮珍珠奶茶!

    I 'm making pearl milk tea .

  7. 还有,我很爱珍珠奶茶!

    And I love pearl milk tea !

  8. 本店招牌:珍珠奶茶、绿豆沙、招牌冰桔茶。

    Our signboard products : pearl milk tea , green been slush , and ice orange tea .

  9. 本文通过实地研究、亲自品尝等方式,找出了香滑奶茶与珍珠奶茶的关系。

    This paper carried out the relationship between smooth milk tea and pearl milk tea through field study and tasting .

  10. 珍珠奶茶在给人们的味蕾带来甜美刺激的同时也给人的健康带来隐患。

    Bubble tea ( pearl milk tea ) brings alot of sweet excitement to our taste buds but it is also very harmful to health .

  11. 珍珠奶茶已经成了年轻女孩的最爱,不仅因为它所含有的独特成分&薯粉珍珠,也是由于它那引入注目的外表。

    The pearl milk tea has become the favorite of the young girls , not only for its unique ingredient & tapioca pearl , but also for its striking appearance .

  12. 大部分吃过木薯粉的人都知道木薯粉可以用来做布丁里有嚼头的小珍珠、或者是现已风靡全球的亚洲珍珠奶茶里的大珍珠。

    Most of us who 've ever had tapioca know it to be the chewy , small pearls found in a bowl of pudding . Or maybe the bigger , still chewy balls floating around in the now-globally-popular sweet Asian bubble teas .