
  • 网络pearly;pearly luster;orient;luster
  1. 塞文地区洋葱的特性在于它的甜,多汁,以及美丽的珍珠光泽。

    The characteristic of this onion lies in its sweet , juicy taste and its beautiful pearly aspect .

  2. 有一个美丽的珍珠光泽中轻毁。

    The pearls have a beautiful medium luster with light blemishing .

  3. 珍珠光泽的圆形和每个类型的各种预算。

    Round and lustrous pearls of every type for every budget .

  4. 胆结石的珍珠光泽由胆固醇分子形成胆甾型晶体所致。

    The pearly gall-stones show sandwich of cholesterol crystal in structure .

  5. 珍珠光泽一种高品质珍珠所特有光泽

    The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality

  6. 珍珠光泽夺目,色泽温润,恒久魅力源于海洋蕴含着的神秘力量。

    Strong power of ocean mystery endues a lasting charm for all those shining pearls .

  7. 片沸石是最常见最知名的沸石之一。它有很好的珍珠光泽和可爱的颜色。

    Heulandite is one of the most common and one of the most well known members of the Zeolite Group .

  8. 微透明至半透明,极少数透明,呈珍珠光泽、凝脂光泽、玻璃光泽。

    Some assume sub-translucent , other semi-translucent , yet few are found transparent , each beaming a luster of crystalline pearl or watery cream or vitreous body .

  9. 雷纳·贝克是澳洲气象署的一位科学家。他在7.25日拍下了这张罕见的珍珠光泽的片。

    Renae Baker , a scientist with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology , snapped this picture of a rare nacreous cloud on July 25 at the country 's Antarctic Mawson station .

  10. 这些珍珠的光泽都很好。

    These pearls have a fine lustre .

  11. 男孩乐队OneDirection用1D牌牙刷和牙膏确保了粉丝们在微笑时总能露出一口散发着珍珠白光泽的牙齿。

    Boy band one direction found a way to make sure their fans always have the pearliest white smiles with their 1D toothbrush and toothpaste .

  12. 分析了珍珠的光泽与其表面结构的关系。

    The relationship between the luster and the surface structure of pearl are discussed .

  13. 珍珠的光泽映在她的脸上。

    The Orient shone on her face .

  14. 合成的几种胆甾型液晶样品均为显色示温混合液晶组成的有益成分,分别由其配制的混合液晶颜色鲜艳,并带有珍珠般的光泽。

    Several cholesteryl liquid crystal samples synthesized are an excellent component for thermochromatic liquid crystal mixtures .

  15. 不用吹灰之力,早上你家的马桶就会散发珍珠般白皙的光泽。

    In the morning your pan will be pearly white with no elbow grease invested .

  16. 采用扫描电子显微镜对中国浙江诸暨三角帆蚌养殖珍珠表面特别是无珍珠光泽的瓷质层的微形貌进行了研究,并采用X射线粉晶衍射对瓷质层进行了物相鉴定。

    The Scanning electron microscopy is used to study the morphological features of porcelaneous layers on surface of freshwater cultured pearls from Zhuji , Zhejiang Province , and the calcium carbonate polymorph of porcelaneous layers is identified by X-ray powder diffraction .

  17. 彩色的浮油;看起来像珍珠母一样光芒四射的云彩;乳白色的、像珍珠一样的光泽。

    An iridescent oil slick ; nacreous ( or pearlescent ) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl ; a milky opalescent ( or opaline ) luster .