
biāo běn
  • specimen;sample;representative;surface and root;muter
标本 [biāo běn]
  • (1) [specimen]∶专门挑选出来供学习、研究用的动物、植物或矿石样品

  • 昆虫标本

  • (2) [surface and root]∶枝节和根本

  • (3) [specimen;sample]∶指供医学分析用的组织切片、血液、粪便等

  • (4) [sample]∶在某一类事物中可以作为代表的事物

  • 我觉得苏州园林是我国各地园林的标本。--《苏州园林》

标本[biāo běn]
  1. 哎呀,你快来瞧瞧那个标本!

    Good gracious , look at that specimen will you ?

  2. 收藏家们会花5万到100万美元去购入一份稀有标本。

    Collectors will pay $ 50,000 to $ 1 million for a rare specimen .

  3. 宇航员从月球带回了岩石标本。

    Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon .

  4. 博物馆的玻璃柜里摆满了动物标本。

    The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases .

  5. 他们请人把他们的宠物狗制成了标本。

    They had had their pet dog stuffed .

  6. 有20万份菌类标本被保存在科马罗夫植物研究所。

    200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at the Komarov Botanical Institute .

  7. 标本通常需要经过干燥处理。

    Normally specimens have to be dehydrated .

  8. 他不是很喜欢墙上挂的那些动物头颅标本。

    He didn 't much care for the stuffed animal heads that hung on the walls .

  9. 一条1878年捕获的重29磅8盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。

    A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office

  10. 在过去几年里,他收集了几百种岩石标本。

    He has collected hundreds of rock specimens in the past few years .

  11. 这名科学家仔细观察标本。

    The scientist carefully observed the specimen .

  12. 那家博物馆里有一些蝴蝶标本。

    There are some butterfly specimens in the museum .

  13. 玻璃柜里陈列着各种矿物标本。

    Ore specimens are on display in showcases .

  14. 每个标本都被细心解剖。

    Each specimen is carefully dissected .

  15. 他们把两个标本列入同类。

    They classed two specimens together .

  16. 人类尸体椎体标本的体外生物力学研究

    Study Design . In vitro biomechanical investigation using human cadaveric vertebral bodies .

  17. 那位旅行者从山上带回了一些岩石标本

    The traveler brought back some specimens of the rocks from the mountains .

  18. 你能替我弄到一些标本吗?

    Can you procure some specimens for me ?

  19. 此时,可以用浸入温暖的消毒盐水的方法粉碎标本

    At this point , the specimen can be shattered by dousing it with sterilized warm saline .

  20. 玻璃柜里的动物标本

    stuffed animals in glass cases

  21. 今日小常识从1961年到1927年,美国的阿波罗计划从月球上取回了380多公斤的岩石标本。这些带回来的标本对研究月球的起源和构造有很大帮助。

    The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .

  22. 应用VISUALBASIC6.0开发木材标本管理系统

    A Management System for Wood Specimens Using Visual Basic 6.0

  23. 方法将人的股骨头软骨制成圆柱形标本,分A、B、C、D四组。

    Methods 40 cylinder specimens were divided into A B C D groups randomly .

  24. 新鲜肿瘤标本活细胞与固定细胞的DNA含量分析比较

    DNA Content Comparison Analysis between Living Cells and Fixed Cells in Fresh Tumor Samples

  25. 目的为了研究食管鳞状细胞癌DNA倍体异质性及其临床病理学意义,采用多点取材和流式细胞技术对80例食管鳞状细胞癌标本的DNA倍体进行了研究。

    Objective To investigate the intratumoral DNA ploid heterogeneity in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its clinical-pathological significance .

  26. 方法30例手术标本,经病理证实的肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤,术前均行CT和超声检查,MRI检查者5例。

    Methods The image findings of30 cases of angiomyolipoma confirmed by operation and pathological methods were studied .

  27. 方法应用CAS&200型图像细胞仪对22例非小细胞肺癌纤支镜活检标本和相应手术标本进行DNA含量分析和比较研究。

    Methods DNA content of bronchoscopic biopsy specimens and corresponding surgical specimens was measured by using CAS-200 image cytometry .

  28. 小鼠成纤维细胞早中期染色体标本制备及G带核型分析

    The Methods of Preparing Early Metaphase Chromosomes and the Study on Their G-banding Patterns in Mouse Fibroblasts

  29. 结果275例血清标本中,术前乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)、乙型肝炎核心抗体(抗-HBc)均为阳性;

    Results HBsAg 、 HBcAb was positive of 275 patients ;

  30. 结果显示,10份人脐血标本均可培养出形态典型、功能成熟的DC。

    The results showed that DCs with typical morphology and mature function were cultured from 10 human cord blood cell samples .