
tiáo hén
  • streak
条痕 [tiáo hén]
  • (1) [weal;wale]∶皮肤上的条状痕,尤其是被鞭抽打的

  • (2) [streak]∶矿物在无釉的白磁板上划过时留下的痕迹。其颜色可用来鉴定矿物

  1. 不锈钢表面条痕色差缺陷的分析

    Analysis about streak chromatic difference on surface of stainless steel

  2. 你基本上要将颜色拉出条痕化在一起。

    Youre basically going to streak the colors together .

  3. 月球表面有这样一些黑色的条痕。

    There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon

  4. 雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。

    Rain had begun to streak the windowpanes

  5. 那小孩用玩具在门上刮了一条痕。

    The child made a scratch on the door with his toy .

  6. 冷轧板条痕缺陷的特征及形成原因探讨

    Discussion on characteristic and forming reason of FAINT-SLIVER defect in cold-rolled steel sheet

  7. 亮镍镀层组织中的条痕结构

    Streaky structure in the texture of bright nickel plating

  8. 有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。

    The striated and polished surfaces are called slicken-sides .

  9. 他使他儿子身上有条痕以处罚他偷窃。

    He waled his son to punish him stealing .

  10. 要是你先在瓷砖上刻条痕,把它断开就容易了。

    If you score the tile first , it will be easier to break .

  11. 条痕无色至浅棕色;

    Streak colorless to pale brown ;

  12. 用细沟或条痕作标记。

    Mark with striae or striations .

  13. 对冷轧板中发现的条痕缺陷特征进行了分析,探讨了该缺陷的形成原因。

    The characteristics and forming reason of faint-sliver defect found in cold-rolled steel sheet were discussed .

  14. 营口&宽甸含硼岩系条痕状角闪混合岩特征及其找矿意义

    The strip mixing amphibolite characteristic and finding mine meaning of series of ROCKE-BEARING boron in Yingkou Kuandian

  15. 将试金石与金币摩擦,金币会在试金石上留下一条有特殊颜色的条痕。

    When a gold coin is rubbed on a touchstone , it leaves a stripe of a particular color .

  16. 然后再拿一张干净的纸彻底擦亮器具,除掉所有条痕。

    Then take a clean sheet of kitchen roll and rub down and polish the whole appliance evenly to remove all streaks .

  17. 黑色,半金属光泽,条痕为黑褐色,(100)解理清楚,(010)解理不清楚。

    Color blackish , luster submetallic with blackish brown streak . Cleavages of ( 100 ) distinct , ( 010 ) indistinct .

  18. 本文在一个拖动的单缸实验机上,利用油点条痕法显示了活塞上燃烧室凹坑中挤流运动的流谱,研究了燃烧室形状和几何尺寸对挤流谱的影响。

    The squish patterns in engine piston bowls with different geometry are visualized by the method of oil streak in a motored single cylinder test engine .

  19. 这些矿物的物理性质包括颜色、条痕、光泽、硬度、晶形、比重、解理、断口等等。

    These mineral properties include the color , streak , luster , hardness , crystal form , specific gravity , cleavage , fracture and so on .

  20. 锌层脱落、厚边、气刀条痕、钢基划伤、锌层划伤、钝化斑点、白锈是带钢连续热镀锌几种常见的缺陷。

    Peeling thick edges , nozzle strip , scratchs of steel matrix and zinc layer , chromate spots and white rust are main defects in continuous hot dip galvanizing strip .

  21. 在复合加载条件下的疲劳断口上观察到疲劳条痕同Ⅰ型加载条件下的相同,其间距与裂纹扩展速率相等。

    Striations were observed on the fatigue fracture surface made under mixed mode loading , and their spacing was equal to the crack propagation rate , the same as mode ⅰ case .

  22. 南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是冰臼不是壶穴的正确结论。

    The discovery of a host of glacial drifts , stratified pebbles and deformation gravel in the moulin groups area in South China once again provides strong evidence for the conclusion that the moulins are not a pot holes .

  23. 本文从金相学角度,论述亮镍镀层中的条痕,可能是受电镀层内应力影响而形成的,从而把它与化学镀镍层区别开来。

    In the light of metallography , the streaky structure of bright nickel plating may be formed by the action of the inner stress of electroplated coating , thus distinguishing it from the cause for forming the streaky structure of electroless nickel plating .