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  • bar chart
  1. 条形图显示为Web服务选择的每个端点的调用响应时间。

    The bar chart displays the invocation response time for each endpoint selected for a Web service .

  2. 接下来,我们将在Google条形图中显示这些数据。

    Next , we will display this data in a Google bar chart .

  3. 它与条形图具有相同的部分-两个标记的轴-并且可以以相同的方式读取。

    It has the Same parts as a bar graph – two labeled axes – and can be read the same way .

  4. 许多图形,包括条形图和折线图,有两个轴组成一个角,通常这些轴是图形的左侧和底部。

    Many graphs , including bar graphs and line graphs , have two axes that form a corner , usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph .

  5. 从2D条形图重建3D曲面模型

    Reconstruct 3D Surface Model from 2D Strip Profiles

  6. 拖动可将z轴标签添加到您的条形图中。

    Drag to add a Z-axis label to your bar chart .

  7. stroke指定您的条形图和柱形图的线条或边界的颜色和宽度。

    Stroke covers the color and width of your line or the border of your bar and column graphs .

  8. fill指定区域线形图中的线条下方的填充区域的颜色,以及条形图和柱形图的条填充颜色。

    Fill determines the color of the fill area under the line in area line graphs and determines the bar fill color for bar and column graphs .

  9. 为了在解释有关使用Xerces-C++的基本内容时能够有趣一些,我将用XML作为数据格式创建一个简单条形图。

    To keep things interesting as I explain the basics of using Xerces-C + + , I 'm going to create a simple bar graph using XML as the data format .

  10. KPI是混合使用条形图和HTML来显示的,以给出特定指标的状态。

    The KPIs are shown using a mixture of bar charts and HTML to show the status of any particular metric .

  11. 为了避开跨平台项目中的平台GUI特定障碍,我用ASCII艺术制作这个条形图。

    To dodge the cross-platform bullet of platform GUI specifics , I 'm doing the bar graph using ASCII art .

  12. 第三,编写一个GoogleGadget来从此电子数据表读取这些数据并利用GoogleChartAPI以条形图显示这些数据。

    Third , we write a Google Gadget that reads the stats from the spreadsheet and displays them as a bar chart using the Google Chart API .

  13. excel不包含内置的甘特图格式,不过您可以通过自定义堆积条形图类型在excel中创建甘特图。

    Excel does not contain a built-in Gantt chart format ; however , you can create a Gantt chart in excel by customizing the stacked bar chart type .

  14. WS-I遵从性结果可以饼图、条形图或表格的形式显示。

    WS-I compliance results can be displayed as a pie-chart , bar graph , or table .

  15. 一旦知道了绘制X-Y坐标图的技术,就应该能够绘制出其他图形,比如条形图和饼图。

    Once you understand the technique behind an X-Y plot , you should be able to chart out other plotters , like bar and pie .

  16. 有了对如折线图、柱状图、饼图、堆叠条形图的图表类型的支持,ExtJS图表在很多应用程序中有了用武之地。

    With support for chart types such as line , column , pie , and stacked bar , Ext JS charts can find a place in most applications .

  17. 使用这个方法可以把统计数据及其图表布局定义为XML文档,并利用XSLT程序将它们转换为能够表示饼图、条形图和折线图等统计图表的SVG图形文档。

    The definition of statistic data and its chart layout can be defined as XML files using this method . These XML files can be transformed into a SVG file which can describe statistic charts such as Pie , Bar and Plot .

  18. 展示最佳omdp的条形图

    Bar chart illustrating best omdp

  19. bvg意味着我们想要一个垂直方向的条形图,而且其中的柱形条是分组的(而非堆叠的)。

    Bvg means we want a bar chart that is vertically-oriented and the bars are grouped ( as opposed to stacked ) .

  20. 对甘特条形图样式和时间刻度的更改已被保存。

    Your Gantt bar style and timescale changes have been saved .

  21. 条形图里面的紫色部分显示不同语言测试的成绩。

    The purple bars show the scores on different tests for language .

  22. 使用条形图、指示器和图标可以产生强烈的视觉效果。

    Use bars , meters , and icons to give visual impact .

  23. 单击此处可取消重命名甘特条形图样式的操作。

    Click to cancel renaming the Gantt bar style .

  24. 将子任务的总计值显示在摘要任务的甘特条形图中。

    Displays the total values for subtasks on the summary task Gantt bar .

  25. 条形图显示各个项目之间的对比。

    A bar chart illustrates comparisons among individual items .

  26. 请键入甘特条形图样式的名称。

    Type a name for the Gantt bar style .

  27. 创建图表时同时使用折线与条形图系列。

    Creates chart with both line and bar series .

  28. 显示所有查询的响应时间分布的条形图。

    A bar graph showing the distribution of response times for all queries .

  29. 这张条形图表明了消费者意向。

    The first bar graph refers to consumer trends .

  30. 单击此处可保存对甘特图的条形图样式和时间刻度的修改。

    Click to save changes to the Gantt chart bar styles and timescale .